Revision history for Net-Async-HTTP-Server
0.11 2020-04-28
* Use Metrics::Any instead of the hacky devel-only Net::Prometheus
registration API
0.10 2019-11-28 00:54:47
* Experimental Net::Prometheus integration by automatic metrics
* Regenerate in-dist testing SSL certs (RT131030)
0.09 2015/09/09 15:53:42
* Added ->query_form, ->query_param_names, ->query_param
* New barename documentation style for methods
* Check definedness rather than truth of body chunks (RT101503)
* Gracefully close connections for received byte streams that don't
appear to be HTTP (RT105470, RT101146)
* Don't override a caller-specified request_class
0.08 2015/07/08 19:03:43
* More intelligent parsing of --listen arguments to plackup, allowing
for host:port:SSL as well
* Weaken references held to request objects, so that DESTROY can
detect dropped unhandled ones
* Allow subclasses/instances to construct different classes of
request objects
* Print a more helpful warning if PSGI body contains undef (RT98985)
* Must not write zero-byte chunks in chunked-encoding mode
0.07 2014/03/26 18:25:23
* Updated for IO::Async 0.61 - avoid IO::Async::Protocol::Stream
* Support ->listen on SSL extension
* Support listening on SSL from the Plack handler and commandline
* Ensure that closed client connections get removed properly
Bugfix sponsored by NET-A-PORTER (
0.06 2013/12/30 01:40:55
* Set Content-Length header in SYNOPSIS so the response actually
works in real HTTP clients (happens to fix RT91647)
* Added some actual documentation for Plack::Handler::NaHTTP:Server
* Configurable listen() queuesize (RT91470)
* Pass a hash of parameters to the Plack server_ready callback
* Set and psgix.input.buffered in PSGI environment
* Don't crash on attempts to write to requests on connections that
are already closed
* Set PATH_INFO correctly in PSGI environment
* More unit testing - test crosslink with NaHTTP
* Provide access to all the HTTP headers via ->headers method
* Set HTTP headers in PSGI environment
* Remember not to write content using chunked transfer encoding when
that mode isn't actually set
* Implement PSGI container subclass and Plack::Handler:: module
* Added more accessors for request fields
* Reworked chunked response streaming API
* Don't force a Content-Length header in normal operation
* Changed request/response API - new NaHTTP::Server::Request objects
* Added response streaming with HTTP/1.1 chunked encoding
0.01 First version, released on an unsuspecting world.