Revision history for Parser-MGC

0.10    CHANGES:
         * Added ->maybe_expect, for higher performance parsers

0.09    CHANGES:
         * Added ->pos accessor and ->fail_from to throw failures from other
         * Added ->token_number as a convenience for int or float

0.08    CHANGES:
         * Give ->list_of and ->sequence_of proper failure-handling semantics
         * Added ->generic_token
         * Defer conversion of pos into line/col/text until string-formatting
           a failure exception - improves performance of backtracking
         * Make token_float tuneable

0.07    CHANGES:
         * Allow ->expect to return subgroup captures in list context
         * Documentation improvements
         * Use Data::Dumper rather than Data::Dump in examples, as the latter
           is not core; no point pulling in non-core deps simply for examples

0.06    CHANGES:
         * Renamed ->one_of to ->any_of
         * Added ->substring_before
         * Allow ->scope_of to not take a start pattern
         * Recognise the usual set of character escapes in ->token_string
         * Added more example scripts to demonstrate:
            + the use ->substring_before to parse POD-like notation
            + accumulator variables instead of structural return
         * Unit-test the example scripts

0.05    CHANGES:
         * Added ->scope_level
         * Added ->from_reader as a new potential source of string input

0.04    CHANGES:
         * Added ->token_float
         * Optionally parse 0o... ad octal integers

         * Match strings non-greedily
         * Correct exception printing when line indent includes tabs (thanks
           to Khisanth/#perl)

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Expanded documentation, more examples
         * Regexp quoting fix for perl >= 5.13.6
         * Declare dependency on File::Slurp

0.02    CHANGES:
         * ->expect now returns the consumed string
         * ->token_int recognises negative integers
         * ->token_* raises a failure at end-of-scope, rather than returning

         * 'use overload fallback' to keep Test::More 0.96 happy

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.