Revision history for Socket-GetAddrInfo

0.08_1  CHANGES:
         * Complete rewrite to XS+PP emulation system. No longer uses Socket6
           on account of API and error reporting issues.
         * Provided two styles of API at import time (:newapi and :Socket6api)
           to allow caller to choose between RFC2553-like or Socket6 styles

0.07    BUGFIXES:
         * Ensure that emulated getaddrinfo() copes with family=AF_UNSPEC (0)

0.06    BUGFIXES:
         * Avoid (harmless) "Constant subroutine .. redefined" warnings if
           'use'd multiple times, when Socket6 is not available.

0.05    CHANGES:
         * Reworded DESCRIPTION section of documentation
         * Fixed some bugs in the SYNOPSIS example

0.04    BUGFIXES:
         * Declare dependency on Test::Exception
         * Fixed skip count in test in 01getaddrinfo-socket6.t

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Changed getnameinfo() to avoid needing sockaddr_family(), which
           avoids a version check, which means it works on perl 5.6.1

0.02    BUGFIXES:
         * Declare required version of sufficient to have

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.