Revision history for Syntax-Keyword-Dynamically

0.10    2022-03-16
         * Updates for Devel::MAT::Dumper v0.44
         * Updates to hax/ files

         * `-async` mode needs SKD version 0.02 for shared unit test

0.09    2021-08-26
         * Updated to XS::Parse::Keyword 0.13

0.08    2021-05-01
         * Rewrite parsing logic to use XS::Parse::Keyword

0.07    2021-02-02
         * Use the proper future_asyncawait_on_loaded() mechanism to enable
           async mode
         * Update to latest hax/ files
         * Added some more unit tests for multiple nested scopes

0.06    2020-11-01
         * When restoring an HELEM we should sv_setsv() on it rather than
           hv_store() so as not to create a new SV
         * Ensure that `dynamically HELEM` preserves the svref identity of
           existing elements (RT132545)
         * Avoid upsetting -DDEBUGGING perls with complaints about SVs_PADTMP

0.05    2020-07-06
         * Added explicit use VERSION declarations to every perl file

         * Fixes to keep perl built with -DDEBUGGING happy

0.04    2020-02-25 18:00:37
         * Support various operators assigning into pad lexicals which the
           peephole optimiser turns into OPpTARGET_MY-using ops instead of

0.03    2020-02-17 15:21:44
         * Remember to add hax/* files to MANIFEST

0.02    2020-02-17 14:15:18
         * Perform dynamic (and repeatable) suspend & resume around
           async/await from Future::AsyncAwait
         * Handle hash keys specially, deleting them again as required

0.01    2018-08-18 17:34:28
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.