#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
#  or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
#  (C) Paul Evans, 2016-2017 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk

package Syntax::Keyword::Try;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.06';

use Carp;

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, $VERSION );

=head1 NAME

C<Syntax::Keyword::Try> - a C<try/catch/finally> syntax for perl


 use Syntax::Keyword::Try;

 sub foo
    try {
       return "success";
    catch {
       warn "It failed - $@";
       return "failure";


This module provides a syntax plugin that implements exception-handling
semantics in a form familiar to users of other languages, being built on a
block labeled with the C<try> keyword, followed by at least one of a C<catch>
or C<finally> block.

As well as providing a handy syntax for this useful behaviour, this module
also serves to contain a number of code examples for how to implement parser
plugins and manipulate optrees to provide new syntax and behaviours for perl



=head2 try

   try {

A C<try> statement provides the main body of code that will be invoked, and
must be followed by either a C<catch> statement, a C<finally> statement, or

Execution of the C<try> statement itself begins from the block given to the
statement and continues until either it throws an exception, or completes
successfully by reaching the end of the block. What will happen next depends
on the presence of a C<catch> or C<finally> statement immediately following

The body of a C<try {}> block may contain a C<return> expression. If executed,
such an expression will cause the entire containing function to return with
the value provided. This is different from a plain C<eval {}> block, in which
circumstance only the C<eval> itself would return, not the entire function.

The body of a C<try {}> block may contain loop control expressions (C<redo>,
C<next>, C<last>) which will have their usual effect on any loops that the
C<try {}> block is contained by.

The parsing rules for the set of statements (the C<try> block and its
associated C<catch> and C<finally>) are such that they are parsed as a self-
contained statement. Because of this, there is no need to end with a
terminating semicolon.

Note (especially to users of L<Try::Tiny> and similar) that the C<try {}>
block itself does not necessarily stop exceptions thrown inside it from
propagating outside. It is the presence of a later C<catch {}> block which
causes this to happen. A C<try> with only a C<finally> and no C<catch> will
still propagate exceptions up to callers as normal.

=head2 catch

   catch {

A C<catch> statement provides a block of code to the preceeding C<try>
statement that will be invoked in the case that the main block of code throws
an exception. The C<catch> block can inspect the raised exception by looking
in C<$@> in the usual way.

Presence of this C<catch> statement causes any exception thrown by the
preceeding C<try> block to be non-fatal to the surrounding code. If the
C<catch> block wishes to optionally handle some exceptions but not others, it
can re-raise it (or another exception) by calling C<die> in the usual manner.

As with C<try>, the body of a C<catch {}> block may also contain a C<return>
expression, which as before, has its usual meaning, causing the entire
containing function to return with the given value. The body may also contain
loop control expressions (C<redo>, C<next> or C<last>) which also have their
usual effect.

If a C<catch> statement is not given, then any exceptions raised by the C<try>
block are raised to the caller in the usual way.

=head2 finally

   finally {

A C<finally> statement provides a block of code to the preceeding C<try>
statement (or C<try/catch> pair) which is executed afterwards, both in the
case of a normal execution or a thrown exception. This code block may be used
to provide whatever clean-up operations might be required by preceeding code.

Because it is executed during a stack cleanup operation, a C<finally {}> block
may not cause the containing function to return, or to alter the return value
of it. It also cannot see the containing function's C<@_> arguments array
(though as it is block scoped within the function, it will continue to share
any normal lexical variables declared up until that point). It is protected
from disturbing the value of C<$@>. If the C<finally {}> block code throws an
exception, this will be printed as a warning and discarded, leaving C<$@>
containing the original exception, if one existed.


=head1 TODO

=over 2

=item *

Value semantics. It would be nice if a C<do {}>-wrapped C<try> set could yield
a value, in the way other similar constructs can. For example

 my $x = do {
    try { attempt(); "success" }
    catch { "failure" }

A workaround for this current lack is to wrap the C<try{} catch{}> pair in an
anonymous function which is then immediately executed:

 my $x = sub {
    try { attempt(); return "success" }
    catch { return "failure" }

See also L<https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=121267>.




There are already quite a number of modules on CPAN that provide a
C<try/catch>-like syntax for Perl.

=over 2

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



They are compared here, by feature:

=head2 True syntax plugin

Like L<Try> and L<Syntax::Feature::Try>, this module is implemented as a true
syntax plugin, allowing it to provide new parsing rules not available to
simple functions. Most notably here it means that the resulting combination
does not need to end in a semicolon.

In comparison, L<Try::Tiny> is plain perl and provides its functionality using
regular perl functions; as such its syntax requires the trailing semicolon.

L<TryCatch> is a hybrid that uses L<Devel::Declare> to parse the syntax tree.

=head2 C<@_> in a try or catch block

Because the C<try> and C<catch> block code is contained in a true block rather
than an entire anonymous subroutine, invoking it does not interfere with the
C<@_> arguments array. Code inside these blocks can interact with the
containing function's array as before.

This feature is unique among these modules; none of the others listed have
this ability.

=head2 C<return> in a try or catch block

Like L<TryCatch> and L<Syntax::Feature::Try>, the C<return> statement has its
usual effect within a subroutine containing syntax provided by this module.
Namely, it causes the containing C<sub> itself to return.

In comparison, using L<Try> or L<Try::Tiny> mean that a C<return> statement
will only exit from the C<try> block.

=head2 C<next>/C<last>/C<redo> in a try or catch block

The loop control keywords of C<next>, C<last> and C<redo> have their usual
effect on dynamically contained loops.

L<Syntax::Feature::Try> documents that these do not work there. The other
modules make no statement either way.

=head2 Value Semantics

Like L<Try> and L<Syntax::Feature::Try>, the syntax provided by this module
only works as a syntax-level statement and not an expression; you cannot
assign from the result of a C<try> block. Additionally, final-expression value
semantics do not work, so it cannot be contained by a C<do> block to yield
this value. See above for a workaround involving an anonymous sub however.

In comparison, the behaviour implemented by L<Try::Tiny> can be used as a
valued expression, such as assigned to a variable or returned to the caller of
its containing function.

=head2 C<try> without C<catch>

Like L<Syntax::Feature::Try>, the syntax provided by this module allows a
C<try> block to be followed by only a C<finally> block, with no C<catch>. In
this case, exceptions thrown by code contained by the C<try> are not
suppressed, instead they propagate as normal to callers. This matches the
behaviour familiar to Java or C++ programmers.

In comparison, the code provided by L<Try> and L<Try::Tiny> always suppress
exception propagation even without an actual C<catch> block.

The L<TryCatch> module does not allow a C<try> block not followed by C<catch>.

=head2 Typed C<catch>

Like L<Try> and L<Try::Tiny>, this module makes no attempt to perform any kind
of typed dispatch to distinguish kinds of exception caught by C<catch> blocks.

L<TryCatch> and L<Syntax::Feature::Try> both attempt to provide a kind of
typed dispatch where different classes of exception are caught by different
blocks of code, or propagated up entirely to callers.

The author considers the lack of such ability in this module to be a feature.
That kind of dispatch on type matching of a controlling expression is too
useful a behaviour to be constrained to exception catching. If the language is
to provide such a facility, it should be more universally applicable as a
stand-alone independent ability.


sub import
   my $class = shift;
   my $caller = caller;

   $class->import_into( $caller, @_ );

sub import_into
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $caller, @syms ) = @_;

   @syms or @syms = qw( try );

   my %syms = map { $_ => 1 } @syms;
   $^H{"Syntax::Keyword::Try/try"}++ if delete $syms{try};

   croak "Unrecognised import symbols @{[ keys %syms ]}" if keys %syms;

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

