# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License # or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself) # # (C) Paul Evans, 2010-2021 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk package Tangence::Object 0.29; use v5.26; use warnings; use experimental 'signatures'; use Carp; use Syntax::Keyword::Match; use Tangence::Constants; use Tangence::Types; use Tangence::Class; Tangence::Class->declare( __PACKAGE__, events => { destroy => { args => [], }, }, ); =head1 NAME C<Tangence::Object> - base class for accessible objects in a C<Tangence> server =head1 DESCRIPTION This class acts as a base class for the accessible objects in a L<Tangence> server. All the objects actually created and made accessible to clients will be subclasses of this one, including internally-created objects such as L<Tangence::Registry>. These objects are not directly constructed by calling the C<new> class method; instead the C<Tangence::Registry> should be used to construct one. =cut sub new ( $class, %args ) { defined( my $id = delete $args{id} ) or croak "Need a id"; my $registry = delete $args{registry} or croak "Need a registry"; my $self = bless { id => $id, registry => $registry, meta => $args{meta} || Tangence::Class->for_perlname( $class ), event_subs => {}, # {$event} => [ @cbs ] properties => {}, # {$prop} => T:P::Instance struct }, $class; my $properties = $self->class->properties; foreach my $prop ( keys %$properties ) { my $meth = "new_prop_$prop"; $self->$meth(); } return $self; } =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 destroy $obj->destroy Requests that the object destroy itself, informing all clients that are aware of it. Once they all report that they have dropped the object, the object is deconstructed for real. Not to be confused with Perl's own C<DESTROY> method. =cut sub destroy ( $self, %args ) { $self->{destroying} = 1; my $outstanding = 1; my $on_destroyed = $args{on_destroyed}; my $incsub = sub { $outstanding++ }; my $decsub = sub { --$outstanding and return; $self->_destroy_really; $on_destroyed->() if $on_destroyed; }; foreach my $cb ( @{ $self->{event_subs}->{destroy} } ) { $cb->( $self, $incsub, $decsub ); } $decsub->(); } sub _destroy_really { my $self = shift; $self->registry->destroy_object( $self ); undef %$self; # Now I am dead $self->{destroyed} = 1; } =head2 id $id = $obj->id Returns the object's C<Tangence> ID number =cut sub id { my $self = shift; return $self->{id}; } =head2 describe $description = $obj->describe Returns a textual description of the object, for internal debugging purposes. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method to return something more descriptive within their domain of interest =cut sub describe { my $self = shift; return ref $self; } =head2 registry $registry = $obj->registry Returns the L<Tangence::Registry> that constructed this object. =cut sub registry { my $self = shift; return $self->{registry}; } sub smash ( $self, $smashkeys ) { return undef unless $smashkeys and @$smashkeys; my @keys; if( ref $smashkeys eq "HASH" ) { @keys = keys %$smashkeys; } else { @keys = @$smashkeys; } return { map { my $m = "get_prop_$_"; $_ => $self->$m() } @keys }; } =head2 class $class = $obj->class Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Class> object representing the class of this object. =cut sub class { my $self = shift; return ref $self ? $self->{meta} : Tangence::Class->for_perlname( $self ); } =head2 can_method $method = $obj->can_method( $name ) Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Method> object representing the named method, or C<undef> if no such method exists. =cut sub can_method { my $self = shift; return $self->class->method( @_ ); } =head2 can_event $event = $obj->can_event( $name ) Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Event> object representing the named event, or C<undef> if no such event exists. =cut sub can_event { my $self = shift; return $self->class->event( @_ ); } =head2 can_property $property = $obj->can_property( $name ) Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Property> object representing the named property, or C<undef> if no such property exists. =cut sub can_property { my $self = shift; return $self->class->property( @_ ); } sub smashkeys { my $self = shift; return $self->class->smashkeys; } =head2 fire_event $obj->fire_event( $event, @args ) Fires the named event on the object. Each event subscription function will be invoked with the given arguments. =cut sub fire_event ( $self, $event, @args ) { $event eq "destroy" and croak "$self cannot fire destroy event directly"; $self->can_event( $event ) or croak "$self has no event $event"; my $sublist = $self->{event_subs}->{$event} or return; foreach my $cb ( @$sublist ) { $cb->( $self, @args ); } } =head2 subscribe_event $id = $obj->subscribe_event( $event, $callback ) Subscribes an event-handling callback CODE ref to the named event. When the event is fired by C<fire_event> this callback will be invoked, being passed the object reference and the event's arguments. $callback->( $obj, @args ) Returns an opaque ID value that can be used to remove this subscription by calling C<unsubscribe_event>. =cut sub subscribe_event ( $self, $event, $callback ) { $self->can_event( $event ) or croak "$self has no event $event"; my $sublist = ( $self->{event_subs}->{$event} ||= [] ); push @$sublist, $callback; my $ref = \@{$sublist}[$#$sublist]; # reference to last element return $ref + 0; # force numeric context } =head2 unsubscribe_event $obj->unsubscribe_event( $event, $id ) Removes an event-handling callback previously registered with C<subscribe_event>. =cut sub unsubscribe_event ( $self, $event, $id ) { my $sublist = $self->{event_subs}->{$event} or return; my $index; for( $index = 0; $index < @$sublist; $index++ ) { last if \@{$sublist}[$index] + 0 == $id; } splice @$sublist, $index, 1, (); } =head2 watch_property $id = $obj->watch_property( $prop, %callbacks ) Watches a named property for changes, registering a set of callback functions to be invoked when the property changes in certain ways. The set of callbacks required depends on the dimension of the property being watched. For all property types: $on_set->( $obj, $value ) For hash properties: $on_add->( $obj, $key, $value ) $on_del->( $obj, $key ) For queue properties: $on_push->( $obj, @values ) $on_shift->( $obj, $count ) For array properties: $on_push->( $obj, @values ) $on_shift->( $obj, $count ) $on_splice->( $obj, $index, $count, @values ) $on_move->( $obj, $index, $delta ) For objset properties: $on_add->( $obj, $added_object ) $on_del->( $obj, $deleted_object_id ) Alternatively, a single callback may be installed that is invoked after any change of the property, being passed the new value entirely: $on_updated->( $obj, $value ) Returns an opaque ID value that can be used to remove this watch by calling C<unwatch_property>. =cut sub watch_property ( $self, $prop, %callbacks ) { my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or croak "$self has no property $prop"; my $callbacks = {}; my $on_updated; if( $callbacks{on_updated} ) { $on_updated = delete $callbacks{on_updated}; ref $on_updated eq "CODE" or croak "Expected 'on_updated' to be a CODE ref"; keys %callbacks and croak "Expected no key other than 'on_updated'"; $callbacks->{on_updated} = $on_updated; } else { foreach my $name ( @{ CHANGETYPES->{$pdef->dimension} } ) { ref( $callbacks->{$name} = delete $callbacks{$name} ) eq "CODE" or croak "Expected '$name' as a CODE ref"; } } my $watchlist = $self->{properties}->{$prop}->callbacks; push @$watchlist, $callbacks; $on_updated->( $self, $self->{properties}->{$prop}->value ) if $on_updated; my $ref = \@{$watchlist}[$#$watchlist]; # reference to last element return $ref + 0; # force numeric context } =head2 unwatch_property $obj->unwatch_property( $prop, $id ) Removes the set of callback functions previously registered with C<watch_property>. =cut sub unwatch_property ( $self, $prop, $id ) { my $watchlist = $self->{properties}->{$prop}->callbacks or return; my $index; for( $index = 0; $index < @$watchlist; $index++ ) { last if \@{$watchlist}[$index] + 0 == $id; } splice @$watchlist, $index, 1, (); } ### Message handling sub handle_request_CALL ( $self, $ctx, $message ) { my $method = $message->unpack_str(); my $mdef = $self->can_method( $method ) or die "Object cannot respond to method $method\n"; my $m = "method_$method"; $self->can( $m ) or die "Object cannot run method $method\n"; my @args = map { $_->unpack_value( $message ) } $mdef->argtypes; my $result = $self->$m( $ctx, @args ); my $response = Tangence::Message->new( $ctx->stream, MSG_RESULT ); $mdef->ret->pack_value( $response, $result ) if $mdef->ret; return $response; } sub generate_message_EVENT ( $self, $conn, $event, @args ) { my $edef = $self->can_event( $event ) or die "Object cannot respond to event $event"; my $response = Tangence::Message->new( $conn, MSG_EVENT ) ->pack_int( $self->id ) ->pack_str( $event ); my @argtypes = $edef->argtypes; $argtypes[$_]->pack_value( $response, $args[$_] ) for 0..$#argtypes; return $response; } sub handle_request_GETPROP ( $self, $ctx, $message ) { my $prop = $message->unpack_str(); my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or die "Object does not have property $prop"; my $m = "get_prop_$prop"; $self->can( $m ) or die "Object cannot get property $prop\n"; my $result = $self->$m(); my $response = Tangence::Message->new( $ctx->stream, MSG_RESULT ); $pdef->overall_type->pack_value( $response, $result ); return $response; } sub handle_request_GETPROPELEM ( $self, $ctx, $message ) { my $prop = $message->unpack_str(); my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or die "Object does not have property $prop"; my $dim = $pdef->dimension; my $m = "get_prop_$prop"; $self->can( $m ) or die "Object cannot get property $prop\n"; my $result; match( $dim : == ) { case( DIM_QUEUE ), case( DIM_ARRAY ) { my $idx = $message->unpack_int(); $result = $self->$m()->[$idx]; } case( DIM_HASH ) { my $key = $message->unpack_str(); $result = $self->$m()->{$key}; } default { die "Property $prop cannot fetch elements"; } } my $response = Tangence::Message->new( $ctx->stream, MSG_RESULT ); $pdef->type->pack_value( $response, $result ); return $response; } sub handle_request_SETPROP ( $self, $ctx, $message ) { my $prop = $message->unpack_str(); my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or die "Object does not have property $prop\n"; my $value = $pdef->overall_type->unpack_value( $message ); my $m = "set_prop_$prop"; $self->can( $m ) or die "Object cannot set property $prop\n"; $self->$m( $value ); return Tangence::Message->new( $self, MSG_OK ); } sub generate_message_UPDATE ( $self, $conn, $prop, $how, @args ) { my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or die "Object does not have property $prop\n"; my $dim = $pdef->dimension; my $message = Tangence::Message->new( $conn, MSG_UPDATE ) ->pack_int( $self->id ) ->pack_str( $prop ); TYPE_U8->pack_value( $message, $how ); my $dimname = DIMNAMES->[$dim]; if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) { my ( $value ) = @args; $pdef->overall_type->pack_value( $message, $value ); } elsif( my $code = $self->can( "_generate_message_UPDATE_$dimname" ) ) { $code->( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ); } else { croak "Unrecognised property dimension $dim for $prop"; } return $message; } sub _generate_message_UPDATE_scalar ( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ) { croak "Change type $how is not valid for a scalar property"; } sub _generate_message_UPDATE_hash ( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ) { match( $how : == ) { case( CHANGE_ADD ) { my ( $key, $value ) = @args; $message->pack_str( $key ); $pdef->type->pack_value( $message, $value ); } case( CHANGE_DEL ) { my ( $key ) = @args; $message->pack_str( $key ); } default { croak "Change type $how is not valid for a hash property"; } } } sub _generate_message_UPDATE_queue ( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ) { match( $how : == ) { case( CHANGE_PUSH ) { $message->pack_all_sametype( $pdef->type, @args ); } case( CHANGE_SHIFT ) { my ( $count ) = @args; $message->pack_int( $count ); } default { croak "Change type $how is not valid for a queue property"; } } } sub _generate_message_UPDATE_array ( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ) { match( $how : == ) { case( CHANGE_PUSH ) { $message->pack_all_sametype( $pdef->type, @args ); } case( CHANGE_SHIFT ) { my ( $count ) = @args; $message->pack_int( $count ); } case( CHANGE_SPLICE ) { my ( $start, $count, @values ) = @args; $message->pack_int( $start ); $message->pack_int( $count ); $message->pack_all_sametype( $pdef->type, @values ); } case( CHANGE_MOVE ) { my ( $index, $delta ) = @args; $message->pack_int( $index ); $message->pack_int( $delta ); } default { croak "Change type $how is not valid for an array property"; } } } sub _generate_message_UPDATE_objset ( $self, $message, $how, $pdef, @args ) { match( $how : == ) { case( CHANGE_ADD ) { my ( $value ) = @args; $pdef->type->pack_value( $message, $value ); } case( CHANGE_DEL ) { my ( $id ) = @args; $message->pack_int( $id ); } default { croak "Change type $how is not valid for an objset property"; } } } =head1 AUTHOR Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk> =cut 0x55AA;