Revision history for Term-VTerm

0.06    2020-11-25
         * Fixes for libvterm release 0.1:
            + VTermStringFragment API shape
         * Parser OSC and DCS callbacks now pass command and string arguments

         * Remember to PUSHMARK() before invoking all callback SVs

0.05    2019-08-16 21:28:11
         * Add helpers for Devel::MAT::Dumper

0.04    2019-02-20 22:11:54
         * Switch build system to Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig

0.03    2018-12-23 18:59:17
         * Support symbolic keys
         * Wrap the new VTermColor structure that provides index as well as
         * Added an example to demonstrate building a Tickit widget

         * ->input_write takes raw UTF-8 bytes, not Unicode strings

0.02    2015/06/18 22:44:12
         * Wrap VTermScreen as Term::VTerm::Screen
         * Give public constructors to Pos, Rect and Color structs
         * Provide $state->set_default_colors()

0.01    2015/03/10 21:44:47
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.