Revision history for Tickit-Widget-FloatBox
0.08 2020-06-13
* Update to Object::Pad 0.27
+ BUILD block syntax
+ package+class declaration to keep metadata parsers happy
0.07 2020-04-30
* Removed stray `my $self` line that got left behind (RT132458)
0.06 2020-04-10
* Fix sub signature for T:W:FloatBox::Float::BUILD method (RT132313)
0.05 2020-04-02
* Discourage `base_child` as a constructor argument
* Make `->set_base_child` a chaining mutator
0.04 2020-03-28
* Use Object::Pad
0.03 2015/04/08 16:30:39
* Added $float->is_visible
* Set WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE to quiet Tickit 0.51 deprecation warning
0.02 2014/08/05 19:57:59
* Allow floats to be made hidden
* Use the ContainerWidget ->add/->remove API properly, ensuring the
->parent is properly set on child widgets
0.01 2014/08/04 23:57:31
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.