Revision history for Tickit-Widget-Menu

0.10    2016/08/08 14:01:40
         * Updated for Tickit 0.57:
            + Use $win->bind_event instead of $win->set_on_*

0.09    2014/12/01 01:35:24
         * Document ->highlight_idx() method and ensure it works to pre-light
           an item before the menu is actually displayed

0.08    2014/04/12 14:37:24
         * Avoid $rb->flush_to_window in unit tests; perform testing directly
           to mockterm

0.07    2014/04/01 22:49:12
         * Remember to flush_tickit after ->dismiss in unit tests
         * Depend on Tickit >= 0.43 for new rendering order
         * Declare $VERSION in

0.06    2014/01/13 00:09:59
         * Updated for Tickit 0.42:
            + Use new Window expose with_rb event

0.05    CHANGES:
         * Allow a separator in MenuBar to right-justify remaining items
         * Added key event handling logic - F10 to popup menu bar, arrows to
           navigate, Enter to select, Escape to dismiss
         * Use Tickit::Style information for keypress events
         * Neater use of RenderBuffer to allow more flexibility in future

0.04    CHANGES:
         * Updated to use Tickit::RenderBuffer and ->render_to_rb
         * Second click on MenuBar should dismiss the menu
         * Load T:W:Menu::Item automatically

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Use Tickit::Style for pen configuration
         * Updated to Tickit::RenderContext 0.07

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Rewrite rendering logic to use Tickit::RenderContext
         * Use real linedrawing

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.