Revision history for Tickit-Widget-SegmentDisplay

0.08    2021-11-20
         * Updates for Object::Pad 0.57
            + Use :isa instead of legacy `extends`
            + Use ADJUSTPARAMS instead of BUILD
            + Use :param

0.07    2020-06-13
         * Update to Object::Pad 0.27
            + BUILD block syntax
            + package+class declaration to keep metadata parsers happy

0.06    2020-04-15
         * Use Object::Pad

0.05    2018-12-23 21:32:55
         * Support rendering using Unicode line-drawing characters

0.04    2015/10/26 01:04:18
         * Support rendering using Unicode block-drawing characters
         * Allow rendering at half-line resolution
         * Controllable line thickness
         * Added more symbols - F H s G n p

         * Fix geometry of 'm' symbol

0.03    2014/10/19 18:36:52
         * Allow seven segments with decimal point
         * Added support for displaying some 'symbol' markers; useful
           electronics units

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Updated for Tickit 0.36 - use RenderBuffer and ->render_to_rb

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.