Revision history for Tickit-Widget-Tabbed

0.011     2013-11-06 17:21:12 UTC
           * Support horizontal ribbons taller than 1 line (RT88081)
           * Updated demos to use Tickit::RenderBuffer

           * Remember to pass constructor arguments to SUPER::new (RT89104)
           * Updated demos to use new Tickit::Style-based API (RT90082)
           * Need to use 'read_handle' for IO::Async::FileStream, not just

0.010     2013-07-15 03:11:21 Europe/London
Use Tickit::Style for configuration
Updated to use Tickit 0.36's ->render_to_rb

0.009     2013-03-15 21:48:11 Europe/London
Make sure to ->close windows of removed tabs

0.008     2012-12-16 18:33:39 Europe/London
Allow Tab on_{de,}activated to be a method name or a coderef
Set minimal perl version correctly in Makefile.PL (RT81862)

0.007     2012-11-11 14:33:26 Europe/London
Disable the deprecated CLEAR_BEFORE_RENDER behaviour
Don't create two sets of child windows for widgets
Use Tickit 0.23's make_hidden_sub Window method

0.006     2012-11-09 19:02:50 Europe/London
Have ->activate_index croak on out-of-bounds tab indexes.

0.005     2012-09-11 06:00:23 Europe/London
New ribbon model - allow custom subclasses
Indicate selected tab with [] brackets
Allow mouse click on tab labels
Scroll tab ribbon if there's too many labels for the window width
Various small bugfixes relating to tab move and removal

0.004     2012-06-12 09:50:32 Europe/London
Use Tickit 0.17's hidden windows to give every child a window with all but one
  hidden, rather than only one child having a window.

0.003     2011-12-31 01:34:18 Europe/London
Added ability to build subclasses of tab objects

0.002     2011-11-26 13:48:42 Europe/London
Bugfix: remember to activate the initial tab immediately if we already have a

0.001     2011-10-21 22:03:32 Europe/London
Initial CPAN release