package UV::Loop;

our $VERSION = '1.908_002';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp ();
use Exporter qw(import);
use Scalar::Util ();
use UV ();

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{PERL_UV_DEBUG};

our @EXPORT_OK = (@UV::Loop::EXPORT_XS,);
my $default_loop;

# simple function to ensure we've been given a UV::Loop
# this is useful in new Handle construction
sub _is_a_loop {
    my $loop = shift;
    return undef unless $loop;
    return undef unless ref($loop) && Scalar::Util::blessed($loop);
    return undef unless $loop->isa('UV::Loop');
    return 1;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    print STDERR "UV::Loop->new() called\n" if DEBUG;
    my $args = UV::_parse_args(@_);

    my $self = $class->_new($args->{_default} // 0);

    print STDERR "UV::Loop->new() done\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self;

# Return the singleton uv_default_loop
sub default {
    print STDERR "loop default() singleton called\n" if DEBUG;
    my $class = shift;
    if (defined($default_loop)) {
        print STDERR "loop default() returning already stored default loop\n" if DEBUG;
        return $default_loop;
    print STDERR "loop default() We don't have a default. Let's create one!\n" if DEBUG;
    $default_loop = $class->new(@_, _default => 1);
    print STDERR "loop default() returning newly created and stored default loop\n" if DEBUG;
    return $default_loop;

sub default_loop { return shift->default(); }

sub walk {
    Carp::croak "TODO: UV::Loop->walk";

sub getaddrinfo {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($args, $cb) = @_;

    $self->_getaddrinfo(@{$args}{qw( node service flags family socktype protocol )}, $cb);



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

UV::Loop - Looping with libuv


  #!/usr/bin/env perl
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use UV::Loop ();

  # A new, non-default loop
  my $loop = UV::Loop->new();

  # A new default loop instance (Singleton)
  $loop = UV::Loop->default_loop(); # singleton constructor
  $loop = UV::Loop->default(); # singleton constructor

  # run a loop with one of three options:
  $loop->run(); # runs with UV_RUN_DEFAULT
  $loop->run(UV::Loop::UV_RUN_DEFAULT); # explicitly state UV_RUN_DEFAULT


This module provides an interface to
L<libuv's loop|>. We will try to
document things here as best as we can, but we also suggest you look at the
L<libuv docs|> directly for more details on how things

Event loops that work properly on all platforms. YAY!





=head3 UV_RUN_ONCE


=head3 SIGPROF


=head1 METHODS

L<UV::Loop> makes the following methods available.

=head2 new

    my $loop = UV::Loop->new();
    my $default_loop = UV::Loop->default_loop();
    my $default_loop = UV::Loop->default();

This constructor either returns the default loop (singleton object), or creates
a new event loop and
L<initializes|> it.

Please look at the L<documentation|>
from libuv.

=head2 alive

    my $int = $loop->alive();

The L<alive|> method
returns a non-zero value if there are active handles or requests in the loop.

=head2 backend_fd

    my $int = $loop->backend_fd();

The L<backend_fd|>
method returns the backend file descriptor. Only C<kqueue>, C<epoll> and
C<event ports> are supported.

This can be used in conjunction with L<UV::Loop/"run"> and C<UV_RUN_NOWAIT> to
poll in one thread and run the event loop's callbacks in another.

B<* Note:> Embedding a C<kqueue fd> in another C<kqueue pollset> doesn't work
on all platforms. It's not an error to add the C<fd> but it never generates

=head2 backend_timeout

    my $int = $loop->backend_timeout();

The L<backend_timeout|>
method returns the poll timeout. The return value is in milliseconds, or C<-1>
for no timeout.

=head2 configure

    my $int = $loop->configure();

The L<configure|>
method sets additional loop options. You should normally call this before the
first call to L<UV::Loop/"run"> unless mentioned otherwise.

Supported options:



C<UV_LOOP_BLOCK_SIGNAL>: Block a signal when polling for new events. The second
argument to C<< $loop->configure >> is the signal number.

This operation is currently only implemented for C<SIGPROF> signals, to
suppress unnecessary wakeups when using a sampling profiler. Requesting other
signals will fail with C<UV::UV_EINVAL>.


=head2 default

    # this is a singleton constructor. you'll get the same instance each time
    my $default_loop = UV::Loop->default();

A singleton method to get the default loop instance.

=head2 default_loop

    # this is a singleton constructor. you'll get the same instance each time
    my $default_loop = UV::Loop->default_loop();

A singleton method to get the default loop instance.

=head2 is_default

    # lets us know if this loop is the default loop for this context
    my $bool = $loop->is_default();

A read-only method to let us know if we're dealing with the default loop.

=head2 now

    my $uint64_t = $loop->now();

The L<now|> method returns the
current timestamp in milliseconds. The timestamp is cached at the start of the
event loop tick, see L<UV::Loop/"update_loop"> for details and rationale.

The timestamp increases monotonically from some arbitrary point in time. Don't
make assumptions about the starting point, you will only get disappointed.

B<* Note:> Use L<UV/"hrtime"> if you need sub-millisecond granularity.

=head2 run

    # use UV_RUN_DEFAULT by default
    my $int = $loop->run();
    # or, explicitly use it:
    my $int = $loop->run(UV::Loop::UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
    # run in UV_RUN_NOWAIT mode
    my $int = $loop->run(UV::Loop::UV_RUN_NOWAIT);
    # run in UV_RUN_ONCE mode
    my $int = $loop->run(UV::Loop::UV_RUN_ONCE);

The L<run|> method runs the
event loop. It will act differently depending on the specified mode:

=over 4


C<UV_RUN_DEFAULT> Runs the event loop until there are no more active and
referenced handles or requests. Returns non-zero if L<UV::Loop/"stop"> was
called and there are still active handles or requests. Returns zero in all other


C<UV_RUN_NOWAIT> Poll for i/o once but don't block if there are no pending
callbacks. Returns zero if done (no active handles or requests left), or
non-zero if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the event loop
again sometime in the future).


C<UV_RUN_ONCE> Poll for i/o once. Note that this function blocks if there are
no pending callbacks. Returns zero when done (no active handles or requests
left), or non-zero if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the
event loop again sometime in the future).


=head2 stop


The L<stop|> method stops the
event loop, causing L<UV::Loop/"run"> to end as soon as possible. This will
happen not sooner than the next loop iteration. If this function was called
before blocking for i/o, the loop won't block for i/o on this iteration.

=head2 update_time


The L<update_time|>
method updates the event loop's concept of L<UV::Loop/"now">. Libuv caches the
current time at the start of the event loop tick in order to reduce the number
of time-related system calls.

You won't normally need to call this method unless you have callbacks that
block the event loop for longer periods of time, where "longer" is somewhat
subjective but probably on the order of a millisecond or more.

=head2 walk

The L<walk|> method is
currently not implemented. See also


=head2 getaddrinfo

    $req = $loop->getaddrinfo($args, $callback);

        $callback->($status, @results)

The L<getaddrinfo|>
method performs an asynchronous name lookup, turning a hostname and/or service
name into a set of socket addresses suitable for C<connect()> or C<bind()>.

The arguments passed by hash reference must include at least one of C<node>
and C<service>, giving names of the entity to be looked up. Optional numerical
parameters C<flags>, C<family>, C<socktype> and C<protocol> will be passed as
hints if given.

The method returns a L<UV::Req> instance representing the pending request. The
caller does not need to hold a reference to it, but it may be used to cancel
the request if so.

When complete, the callback will be invoked with a status code indicating
success or failure, and a list of result objects. Each value in the result
list will have methods C<family>, C<socktype> and C<protocol> returning
integers, and C<addr> and C<canonname> returning a string.


The C<canonname> field will only be set on the first result, and only if the
C<AI_CANONNAME> flag was included in the request.

=head2 getnameinfo

    $req = $loop->getnameinfo($addr, $flags)

        $callback->($status, $hostname, $service)

The L<getnameinfo|>
method performs an asynchronous reverse name lookup, turning a socket address
into a human-readable host and service name.

The method returns a L<UV::Req> instance representing the pending request. The
caller does not need to hold a reference to it, but it may be used to cancel
the request if so.

When complete, the callback will be invoked with a status code indicating
success or failure, and the resolved host and service names.

=head1 AUTHOR

Chase Whitener <F<>>


Daisuke Murase <F<>>


Copyright 2012, Daisuke Murase.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
