package UV::Async; our $VERSION = '1.912'; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'UV::Handle'; use Carp (); 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME UV::Async - Async notification handles in libuv =head1 SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use UV; # A new handle will be initialized against the default loop my $async = UV::Async->new(); # Use a different loop my $loop = UV::Loop->new(); # non-default loop my $async = UV::Async->new( loop => $loop, on_close => sub {say "close!"}, on_async => sub {say "async!"}, ); # setup the async callback: $async->on(async => sub {say "We're IDLING!!!"}); # trigger the async callback $async->send(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides an interface to L<libuv's async|> handle. Async handles store a callback to be invoked when requested by some possibly-asynchronous activity, such as in a signal handler or OS-level thread. They are generally not that useful from Perl code, but are included for completeness in case a situation arises for them. =head1 EVENTS L<UV::Async> inherits all events from L<UV::Handle> and also makes the following extra events available. =head2 async $handle->on(async => sub { my $invocant = shift; say "We were invoked!"}); my $count = 0; $handle->on("async", sub { my $invocant = shift; # the handle instance this event fired on if (++$count > 2) { say "We were invoked twice. stopping!"; $invocant->stop(); } }); When the event loop runs and the async is invoked, this event will be fired. =head1 METHODS L<UV::Async> inherits all methods from L<UV::Handle> and also makes the following extra methods available. =head2 new my $async = UV::Async->new(); # Or tell it what loop to initialize against my $async = UV::Async->new( loop => $loop, on_close => sub {say "close!"}, on_async => sub {say "async!"}, ); This constructor method creates a new L<UV::Async> object and L<initializes|> the handle with the given L<UV::Loop>. If no L<UV::Loop> is provided, then the L<UV::Loop/"default_loop"> is assumed. =head2 send $async->send(); The L<send|> method schedules the event loop to wake up and invoke the async callback. =head1 AUTHOR Paul Evans <> =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut