Revision history for Circle

0.04    CHANGES:
         * Initial attempt at real unit tests
         * Send application-level warnings to root object as 'warning' events
         * Install circle.tan into sharedir
         * Allow setting a local host name to bind for IRC connections

         * Add NaIRC to Loop at construct time
         * Make stdin/stdout connect scheme actually work
         * Remove kickee on IRC KICK, not kicker

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Updated for Tangence 0.06
         * Persistance of sessions in config

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Updated for Tangence 0.03
         * Added '/kick' command
         * Persistance of IRC channels in config

         * 'use strict; use warnings;' in all files
         * Declare dependency on String::Tagged

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.