=head1 NAME

makeppinfo -- What makepp knows about files

=for vc $Id: makeppinfo.pod,v 1.12 2011/11/20 18:17:49 pfeiffer Exp $


=for genindex '[-$][-?\w]+' makeppinfo.pod


B<makeppinfo> I<option> file ...

B<mppi> I<option> file ...

Makepp writes detailed information about the files it built and about their
dependencies.  This information is stored in the F<.makepp> subdirectory along
the file it pertains to.  It has the form of key-value pairs.  In some cases
the value will again be a list of associated pairs, typically the signature
and the file.

If both C<ENV_DEPS> and C<ENV_VALS> get displayed, they are merged into a
two column table.

If both C<DEP_SIGS> and C<SORTED_DEPS> get displayed, they are merged into a
two column table (in this order which gives a better layout).  Each dependency
has a C<SIGNATURE> which is only C<timestamp,size>, used only to check if the
file must be rescanned.  The interesting information is stored in some other
key, for the built in signatures as follows:


=item *

C<C_MD5_SUM> for C<C> or C<c_compilation_md5>

=item *

C<MD5_SUM> for C<md5>

=item *

C<SHARED_OBJECT> for C<shared_object>

=item *

C<V_MD5_SUM> for C<verilog_synthesis_md5>

=item *

C<XML_MD5_SUM> for C<xml>

=item *

C<XML_SPACE_MD5_SUM> for C<xml_space>


These signature lists are the most frequent reason for rebuilding a file, so
you might like to check, whether the signature stored for a dependency matches
the current build_signature of that file.  If the signatures and everything
else matches, that is the basis for getting a file from (one of) your
L<repositories|makepp_repositories> or L<build cache|makepp_build_cache> if it
is found there.  The details depend on the applicable L<build check

You will encounter two kinds of signatures: simple ones consist of two comma
separated numbers, which are the timestamp in file system format (seconds
since 1970) and the size.  For some files makepp will additionally have the
relevant smart signature which is a base64 encoded (letters, digits, slash and
plus) MD5 sum of the plain or digested file contents.

This command is partially a makepp debug tool.  The list of keys varies
depending on which scanner, build check and signature was used.  To fully
understand the output, you may need to look at the source code.  That said,
there is also some generally interesting information to be gotten.

Valid options are:


=item -A I<filename>

=item --args-file=I<filename>

=item --arguments-file=I<filename>

Read the file and parse it as possibly quoted whitespace- and/or newline-separated options.

=item -d

=item --dates

=item --decode-dates

In the simple signatures prepend the 1st number, the raw date-time, with its
human readable form in parentheses.

=item -f

=item --force

Display info even when it is invalid because of inexistent or modified file.
In this case the key C<SIGNATURE> is replaced by C<invalidated_SIGNATURE> and
the value indicates in parentheses that the file was deleted or what signature
the file now has.

=item -?

=item -h

=item --help

Print out a brief summary of the options.

=item -k I<list>

=item --keys=I<list>

=item --keylist=I<list>

The I<list> specifies one or more space separated Shell style patterns (with
[xyz], ?, *, {a,bc,def}).  Remember to protect these from your Shell by
quoting.  These are matched against the keys.  Each pattern may be preceded
with an exclamtion mark (C<!>) or a caret (C<^>) to exclude the matched keys
from those selected before instead of adding them to the selection.  If the
first pattern starts with an exclamtion mark, it operates on all keys.

    --keys='COMMAND CWD'	# How was this built and where (relative to file).

If you want only filenames (useful with C<-t|--traverse>) select an inexistant
key like "none".

=item -q

=item --quiet

Don't list file and key names.  Repeat to also omit warnings.

=item -t

=item --traverse

Also output the same information for each file in SORTED_DEPS (recursively if

=item -V

=item --version

Print out the version number.



=head2 General

Each L<build check method|makepp_build_check> documents how to see what they
base their decision on.  Finding the paths of the dependencies is the same in
all cases, so it is shown here.  If you build to a different directory,
finding the path of the inputs requires a translation relative to CWD.
E.g. either short or long form:

    makeppinfo --keys='CWD SORTED_DEPS' obj/b.o
    mppi -k'CWD SORTED_DEPS' obj/b.o

CWD is the directory relative to file, from where it was built.  That
directory is the one from where all relative paths in SORTED_DEPS start.  This
means that under the same directory we have inputs F<src/b.c> and
F<src/inc/b.h> and an output F<obj/b.o>.  From the viewpoint of F<b.o>, the
inputs are F<../src/b.c> and F<../src/inc/b.h>.  It does not matter that we
gave a relative path for F<b.o>, the information shown would be the same, had
we first changed to F<obj>.

=head2 The reason for a rebuild

In some cases makepp may be repeatedly rebuilding a seemingly up to date file.
If C<makepplog> does not help here, this command gives you the exact state of

    makeppinfo --traverse somefile
    mppi -t somefile

When this reproducibly happens, issue this command before and after, and
compare the outputs.  The things that differ are the reason of the rebuild.

=head2 Proving Consistency

Sometimes you will change your Makefiles and wonder if they still do the same
thing.  Here's a command that tells you exactly how makepp built F<somefile>:

    makeppinfo --traverse --traverse --keys='CWD COMMAND' somefile
    mppi -ttk'CWD SORTED_DEPS' somefile

This will recursively traverse over all dependencies of F<somefile> and tell
you in which directory it issued which command.  By running this after the old
and after the new build and comparing the outputs, you can see what changed.

The same works for testing a new version of makepp, though some older versions
would handle whitespace in command continuation lines differently, and there
was a bug in sort order, which can make the files come out in a different
order.  If this is the case for you, let the Shell assemble the sorted

    makeppinfo --keys='CWD COMMAND' `makeppinfo --traverse --traverse --keys=none somefile|tr -d :|sort`
    mppi -k'CWD SORTED_DEPS' `mppi -ttknone somefile|tr -d :|sort`


Makeppinfo looks at the following environment variable:

=over 4


Any flags in this environment variable are interpreted as command line options
before any explicit options.  Quotes are interpreted like in makefiles.


=head1 AUTHOR

Daniel Pfeiffer (occitan@esperanto.org)