# Copyright (c) 2004-2019 Christian Jaeger, copying@christianjaeger.ch
# This is free software, offered under either the same terms as perl 5
# or the terms of the Artistic License version 2 or the terms of the
# MIT License (Expat version). See the file COPYING.md that came
# bundled with this file.

=head1 NAME

FP::Repl - read-eval-print loop


    use FP::Repl;

    # pass parameters (any fields of the FP::Repl::Repl class):
    repl (skip => 3, # skip 3 caller frames (when the repl call is nested
                    # within something you dont't want the user to see)
          tty => $fh, # otherwise repl tries to open /dev/tty, or if that fails,
                     # uses readline defaults (which is somewhat broken?)
          # also, any fields of the FP::Repl::Repl class are possible:
          maxHistLen => 100, maybe_prompt => "foo>", maybe_package => "Foo::Bar",
          maybe_historypath => ".foo_history", pager => "more"
          # etc.


For a simple parameterless start of `FP::Repl::Repl`.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<FP::Repl::Repl>: the class implementing this

=head1 NOTE

This is alpha software! Read the status section in the package README
or on the L<website|http://functional-perl.org/>.


package FP::Repl;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
use Exporter "import";

our @EXPORT      = qw(repl);
our @EXPORT_OK   = qw();
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]);

use FP::Repl::Repl;

sub repl {
    @_ % 2 and die "expecting even number of arguments";
    my %args       = @_;
    my $maybe_skip = delete $args{skip};
    my $maybe_tty  = delete $args{tty};

    my $r = new FP::Repl::Repl;

    if (exists $args{maybe_settingspath}) {
        $r->set_maybe_settingspath(delete $args{maybe_settingspath});


    for (keys %args) {
        my $m = "set_$_";

    #$r->run ($maybe_skip);
    my $m = $r->can("run");
    @_ = ($r, $maybe_skip);
    goto &$m

*FP::Repl = \&repl;