# Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Christian Jaeger, copying@christianjaeger.ch
# This is free software, offered under either the same terms as perl 5
# or the terms of the Artistic License version 2 or the terms of the
# MIT License (Expat version). See the file COPYING.md that came
# bundled with this file.

=head1 NAME




=head1 NOTE

This is alpha software! Read the status section in the package README
or on the L<website|http://functional-perl.org/>.


package Chj::IO::Tempdir;
@ISA = "Chj::IO::Dir";
require Chj::IO::Dir;

use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
use Carp;
use Errno qw(EEXIST EINTR);
use FP::Carp;
use overload
    '""' => \&stringify,
    '0+' => \&numify,

our $MAXTRIES          = 10;

# 0=no, 1=yes and warn if not present in DESTROY, 2=yes but don't warn.
# XX or just boolean?

my %meta;

sub numify {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self;
    bless $self,
        "Chj::IO::Tempdir::FOOOOOOO"; # this is even how overload::StrVal works.
    my $num = $self +0;
    bless $self, $class;

sub stringify {
    my $self = shift;

sub _Addslash {
    @_ == 1 or fp_croak_arity 1;
    my ($str) = @_;
    $str =~ m|/$|s ? $str : $str . "/"

sub xtmpdir {
    my $class = shift;
    @_ <= 2 or fp_croak_arity "<= 2";
    my ($opt_basepath, $opt_mask) = @_;
    my $basepath = (
        $opt_basepath // do {
                or $ENV{CHJ_TEMPDIR}
                ? _Addslash($ENV{CHJ_TEMPDIR})
                : "/tmp/"
    my $mask
        = defined($opt_mask)
        ? $opt_mask
        : 0700;    # 0777 would be the perl default
    my $item;
    my $n = $MAXTRIES;
TRY: {
        $item = int(rand(999) * 1000 + rand(999));
        my $path = "$basepath$item";
        if (mkdir $path, $mask) {
            my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
            $self->set(path => $path, autoclean => $DEFAULT_AUTOCLEAN);
            return $self;
        } elsif ($! == EEXIST or $! == EINTR) {
            if (--$n > 0) {
                redo TRY;
            } else {
                croak "xtmpdir: too many attempts to create a "
                    . "tempfile starting with path '$basepath'";
        } else {
            croak "xtmpdir: could not create dir '$path': $!";

sub set {
    my $self = shift;
    %{ $meta{ pack "I", $self } } = @_    # XX does this delete old keys?

sub path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $key  = pack "I", $self;
    if (@_) {
        ($meta{$key}{path}) = @_
    } else {

sub autoclean {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        ($meta{ pack "I", $self }{autoclean}) = @_;
    } else {
        $meta{ pack "I", $self }{autoclean}

sub xtmpfile {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($mode, $autoclean) = @_;
    defined(my $path = $self->path)
        or die "xtmpfile: can't create tmpfile inside undefined dir";
    require Chj::IO::Tempfile;
    my $ret = Chj::IO::Tempfile->xtmpfile($path . "/", $mode, $autoclean);
    $ret->attribute("parent_dir_obj", $self);

# useful for when other code creates files in it (not tmpfiles): "rm -rf"

sub rmrf {
    my $s = shift;
    require Chj::Shelllike::Rmrf;

    # to avoid warning, and since recreation later on should be
    # understood as independent process anyway, ok?:

sub push_on_destruction {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ == 1 or die;
    my $key = pack "I", $self;
    my ($handler) = @_;
    push @{ $meta{$key}{on_destruction} }, $handler

    my $self = shift;

    #warn "DESTROY $self";
    local ($@, $!, $?, $_);
    my $str = pack "I", $self;
    if (my $arr = $meta{$str}{on_destruction}) {
        &$_($self) for @$arr
    if (my $autoclean = $meta{$str}{autoclean}) {
        rmdir $meta{$str}{path} or do {
            warn "autoclean: could not remove dir '$meta{$str}{path}': $!"
                unless $autoclean
                and $autoclean == 2

                # XX how to do right order with cleaning contained tmpfiles?
    delete $meta{$str};

    #warn "/DESTROY $self";
