package Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL; use strict; use warnings; use Bigtop::Backend::SQL; use Inline; sub what_do_you_make { return [ [ 'docs/schema.sqlite' => 'MySQL database schema' ], ]; } sub backend_block_keywords { return [ { keyword => 'no_gen', label => 'No Gen', descr => 'Skip everything for this backend', type => 'boolean' }, { keyword => 'template', label => 'Alternate Template', descr => 'A custom TT template.', type => 'text' }, ]; } sub gen_SQL { shift; my $base_dir = shift; my $tree = shift; # walk tree generating sql my $lookup = $tree->{application}{lookup}; my $sql = $tree->walk_postorder( 'output_sql_mysql', $lookup ); my $sql_output = join '', @{ $sql }; # write the schema.postgres my $docs_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $base_dir, 'docs' ); mkdir $docs_dir; my $sql_file = File::Spec->catfile( $docs_dir, 'schema.mysql' ); open my $SQL, '>', $sql_file or die "Couldn't write $sql_file: $!\n"; print $SQL $sql_output; close $SQL or die "Couldn't close $sql_file: $!\n"; } our $template_is_setup = 0; our $default_template_text = <<'EO_TT_blocks'; [% BLOCK sql_block %] CREATE [% keyword %] [% name %][% child_output %] [% END %] [% BLOCK table_body %] ( [% FOREACH child_element IN child_output %] [% child_element +%][% UNLESS loop.last %],[% END %] [% END %] ); [% END %] [% BLOCK pk_text %] PRIMARY KEY( [% FOREACH pk IN pks %][% pk %][% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %][% END %] ) [%- END -%] [% BLOCK table_element_block %] [% name %] [% child_output %][% END %] [% BLOCK field_statement %] [% keywords.join( ' ' ) %] [% END %] [% BLOCK insert_statement %] INSERT INTO [% table %] ( [% columns.join( ', ' ) %] ) VALUES ( [% values.join( ', ' ) %] ); [% END %] [% BLOCK three_way %] CREATE TABLE [% table_name %] ( id MEDIUMINT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, [% FOREACH foreign_key IN foreign_keys %] [% foreign_key %] MEDIUMINT[% IF ! loop.last || other_fields.0 %],[% END +%] [% END %] [%- FOREACH other_field IN other_fields %] [% other_field %][% IF ! loop.last %],[% END +%] [% END -%] ); [% END %] EO_TT_blocks sub setup_template { my $class = shift; my $template_text = shift || $default_template_text; return if ( $template_is_setup ); Inline->bind( TT => $template_text, POST_CHOMP => 1, TRIM_LEADING_SPACE => 0, TRIM_TRAILING_SPACE => 0, ); $template_is_setup = 1; } package # table_block table_block; use strict; use warnings; sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; my $child_output = shift; my $lookup = shift; return if ( $self->_skip_this_block ); my %output; foreach my $statement ( @{ $child_output } ) { my ( $type, $output ) = @{ $statement }; push @{ $output{ $type } }, $output; } my $pks = $self->find_primary_key( $self->{__NAME__}, $lookup ); if ( ref( $pks ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { # multi-column primary key my $pk_text = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::pk_text( { pks => $pks, } ); push @{ $output{ table_body } }, $pk_text; } my $child_out_str = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::table_body( { child_output => $output{table_body} } ); if ( defined $output{insert_statements} ) { $child_out_str .= "\n" . join "\n", @{ $output{insert_statements} }; } my $output = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::sql_block( { keyword => $self->get_create_keyword(), child_output => $child_out_str, name => $self->get_name(), } ); return [ $output ]; } package # table_element_block table_element_block; use strict; use warnings; sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; my $child_output = shift; if ( defined $child_output) { my $child_out_str = join "\n", @{ $child_output }; my $output = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::table_element_block( { name => $self->get_name(), child_output => $child_out_str } ); return [ [ table_body => $output ] ]; } else { return unless ( $self->{__TYPE__} eq 'data' ); my @columns; my @values; foreach my $insertion ( @{ $self->{__ARGS__} } ) { my ( $column, $value ) = %{ $insertion }; $value = "'$value'" unless $value =~ /^\d+$/; push @columns, $column; push @values, $value; } my $output = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::insert_statement( { table => $self->get_table_name, columns => \@columns, values => \@values, } ); return [ [ insert_statements => $output ] ]; } } package # field_statement field_statement; use strict; use warnings; my %expansion_for = ( int4 => 'MEDIUMINT', assign_by_sequence => 'AUTO_INCREMENT', auto => 'AUTO_INCREMENT', varchar => 'VARCHAR(100)', ); sub mysql_pk_text { my $self = shift; my $lookup = shift; my $table = $self->get_table_name(); my $pks = table_block->find_primary_key( $table, $lookup ); return ( ref( $pks ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? '' : 'PRIMARY KEY'; } sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; shift; # there is no child output my $lookup = shift; return unless $self->get_name() eq 'is'; my @keywords; foreach my $arg ( @{ $self->{__DEF__}{__ARGS__} } ) { my $expanded_form = $expansion_for{$arg}; if ( $arg eq 'primary_key' ) { my $pk_text = $self->mysql_pk_text( $lookup ); push @keywords, $pk_text if $pk_text; } elsif ( defined $expanded_form ) { push @keywords, $expanded_form; } else { push @keywords, $arg; } } my $output = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::field_statement( { keywords => \@keywords } ); return [ $output ]; } package # literal_block literal_block; use strict; use warnings; sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; return $self->make_output( 'SQL' ); } package # join_table join_table; use strict; use warnings; sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; my $child_output = shift; my @foreign_keys; my @other_fields; my @inserts; foreach my $child_bit ( @{ $child_output } ) { if ( ref $child_bit eq 'ARRAY' ) { my ( $type, $new_item ) = @{ $child_bit }; if ( $type eq 'table_body' ) { push @other_fields, $new_item; } elsif ( $type eq 'insert_statements' ) { push @inserts, $new_item; } } else { push @foreign_keys, $child_bit; } } my $three_way = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::three_way( { table_name => $self->{__NAME__}, foreign_keys => \@foreign_keys, other_fields => \@other_fields, } ); $three_way .= "\n" . join( "\n", @inserts ) . "\n" if @inserts; return [ $three_way ]; } package # join_table_statement join_table_statement; use strict; use warnings; sub output_sql_mysql { my $self = shift; my $child_output = shift; if ( $self->{__KEYWORD__} eq 'joins' ) { my @tables = %{ $self->{__DEF__}->get_first_arg() }; return \@tables; } elsif ( $self->{__KEYWORD__} eq 'data' ) { my @columns; my @values; foreach my $insertion ( @{ $self->{__DEF__} } ) { my ( $column, $value ) = %{ $insertion }; $value = "'$value'" unless $value =~ /^\d+$/; push @columns, $column; push @values, $value; } my $output = Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL::insert_statement( { table => $self->get_join_table_name, columns => \@columns, values => \@values, } ); return [ [ insert_statements => $output ] ]; } else { return; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bigtop::Backend::SQL::MySQL - backend to generate sql for MySQL database creation =head1 SYNOPSIS If your bigtop file looks like this: config { SQL MySQL {} } app App::Name { } and there are table and/or sequence blocks in the app block, this module will make docs/schema.postgres (relative to the build_dir) when you type: bigtop app.bigtop SQL or bigtop app.bigtop all You can feed that file directly to psql, once you have created a database. That is type: mysql -u user -p > create database dbnmae; > quit mysql -u user -p dbname < docs/schema.mysql =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Bigtop backend which generates SQL MySQL can understand. =head1 KEYWORDS This module defines no keywords. Look in Bigtop::SQL for a list of the keywords you can use in table and sequence blocks. Note that MySQL does not support sequences. Trying to use them with this backend will be fatal. =head1 SHORTHAND for is arguments This module does provide a couple of bits of shorthand (some aren't so short) for the arguments of the is field statement. field id { is int4, primary_key, auto; } This translates into: id MEDIUMINT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT You can also type 'assign_by_sequence' instead of 'auto'. That might aid understanding, if you can type it correctly. Note that using 'primary_key' instead of the literal 'PRIMARY KEY' is important. It tells the SQL and the Model back ends that this is the primary key. =head1 METHODS To keep podcoverage tests happy. =over 4 =item backend_block_keywords Tells tentmaker that I understand these config section backend block keywords: no_gen template =item what_do_you_make Tells tentmaker what this module makes. Summary: docs/schema.sqlite. =item gen_SQL Called by Bigtop::Parser to get me to do my thing. =item setup_template Called by Bigtop::Parser so the user can substitute an alternate template for the hard coded one here. =back =head1 AUTHOR Phil Crow <> =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 by Phil Crow This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut