Revision history for Perl extension Bigtop.
0.27 Thu May 10 09:10:22 CDT 2007
- added skipinvalid flag to json converter. ( skips the orm row )
- added orm row to do_main data
- added gantry conf to generation when using kickstart file
- added permissions keyword controller hashref method type
- added support for controller_config
method controller_config is hashref {
literal `mykey => 'somevalue'`;
do_delete => ``;
permissions `crudcrud-r--` => admin;
- added support for Gantry's new row and table level permissions new
keywords in main listing methods:
header_option_perms `Special Add` => create;
row_option_perms `Exotic Edit` => update, `See Details` => retrieve;
- Change tentmaker so it uses bigtop keywords instead of labels for
easier movement between it an hand editing (and to consolidate book
chapters, eventually).
- tentmaker now allows you to enter import lists on all uses statements.
- added controller level plugins keyword (not for base controllers,
keep using bigtop config plugins keyword for them)
- fixed generated default page hit tests to use top level plugins keyword
- put a guard around t/bigtop/01_twotable.t so it won't be run if it
can't find the Gantry templates
- improved error message and reported line when a method block has no type
- moved from single quotes to q!! for legends on formsets, setting an
example for all users to not embed ' or " quotes in bigtop strings,
to reduce the risk of quote conflict with HTML quoting in tentmaker
- controller level configs now place any init and accessor methods in GEN
- taught tentmaker to think of the app level config blocks as
app body blocks (the App Config tab went away)
- taught tentmaker to handle controller level config blocks
- generated controller modules now use warnings
- fixed javascript so data statement values are properly URL escaped
by tentmaker (now you can include non-word chars in the values).
- switched default apps made with bigtop and tentmaker to new developer
navigation drop down menus
- tentmaker reports a better error when you forget the -n flag
- users can now supply their own default bigtop file as a TT template
called ./bigtopdef or ~/.bigtopdef for use with -n in bigtop
and tentmaker. To revert to orignal default set environment var
BIGTOP_REAL_DEF to a true value
- corrected some generated POD so POD tests can pass
0.26 Thu Mar 29 12:34:08 CDT 2007
- modified CRUD to call from in the GEN by default
- modified CRUD to execute standard add/edit/delete on db
- added "plugins" to config block. Plugins defined will transfer to the
app.server, app.cgi and httpd.conf
- All GEN base modules now have a namespace method. When you use the
new plugins keyword, you get a bonus -PluginNamespace in your full use.
- Added html_form_hint field keyword. Hints show up on below
labels usually in grey italics. (Thanks Tim.)
- Generated app.servers now use the Gantry Static plugin so they can
serve CSS and other static content. URI /static maps to ./html dir.
- Corrected ASCII art style so it wouldn't ignore solo tables.
Changed to calling ASCII art 'kickstart sytnax'.
- kickstart descriptions can now come from a file:
bigtop -n AppName
- There is a new table keyword refered_to_by which generates a has_many
call in the model class.
- Both bigtop and tentmaker now generate add refered_to_by statements
for all foreign keys.
- There are new kickstart operators *> and <*. Example invoice*>task,
reads "invoice has many tasks." These are currently synonyms for
<- and ->, but they may deviate in the future.
- Corrected various bugs with new kickstart features.
- limit_by now appends the parent row id to the end of all header
- Generated do_main's now call foreign_display only when the attribute
for the foreign key in the row object is true. This prevents fatal
errors when foreign keys are optional, but appear on main listings.
- main_listing methods now support order_by to control row ordering.
- app.server's now get show_dev_navigation set to 1.
- Corrected one test and removed another so changes to Gantry's no longer cause failures.
- CRUD forms are now generated into the GEN file, so they can be
regened as the model changes. Check out Gantry::Utils::FormMunger
for a convenient way to alter them in an overriden method.
- Initial Changes file now has the bigtop version number.
- vim syntax file is current again and their is now a script
to create the file, so it shouldn't get out of date
(unless I forget to run the script)
- There is a new doc generated from Bigtop::Keywords. It is called
Bigtop/Docs/AutoKeywords.pod. It superscedes most of
Bigtop::Docs::Syntax and all of Bigtop::Docs::Keywords.
- There is a new doc generated from the backends. It is called
Bigtop/Docs/AutoBackends.pod. It covers some of the same ground as
- There are new keywords: for fields: html_form_class, searchable
for main_listing methods: livesearch, json.
See Bigtop/Docs/AutoKeyword.pod.
- You can now have secondary config blocks. Each named block makes a
config file or Gantry::Conf instance. Named blocks get the unnamed
config info, unless they override it. Also works for controller
level config blocks. Remember that CGIs can only use controller
configs if they use the Conf Gantry backend.
- tentmaker now draws all Bigtop Config statements except app name
directly from Keywords.
Pointed out by Stas Bekman :
- Changed a test to use $^X instead of 'perl' to run perl. This
avoids problems when two perls are on a box.
- Corrected change_conf which failed on some 5.8.8 installs
(not including mine). Perl's $# was forcing scalar context on its arg
if that arg was an array expanded into a list.
- Changed app.cgi and app.server to use $^X instead of assuming
- Stop Server, Save As (and it's file name box) are no longer on the
first tentmaker tab. They are next to the title, so they are
always on the page (though scrolling up may still be required).
- Made other cosmetic changes to tentmaker to reduce scrolling.
- The bigtop source dump is now hidden by default. Click the link
to show (and/or hide) it.
- Bigtop's Build.PL now uses the most recent install location for
tentmaker templates as the default on re-install.
- tentmaker now asks again if you answer 'would you like to save changes?'
with up arrow.
- app.server, app.cgi will always include -Engine=CGI ignoring the
requested engine (this is the only engine they can run with).
- Repealed changes put in to work around a particular HTTP::Server::Simple
version bug that prematurely unescaped URL elements. This corrects
various problems like tentmaker failing when you try to remove
a constraint.
- Entering blank (or all whitespace) values for app level statements
no longer makes statements (so they can't be broken any more).
- Bad Things no longer happen when you save in tentmaker and try to keep
- The term kickstart is now integrated into Bigtop and its docs to
refer to command line (or file) descriptions of the data model.
- The backends tab in tentmaker looks a lot better.
Thanks to Stas for using tentmaker and bigtop enough to generate
requests for these and for sending in those requests.
0.25 Thu Feb 15 11:12:12 CST 2007
- added hints to the form field properties
- Increased Test::Files build requires version number to 0.13 in Build.PL.
Without that some tests fail for lack of file_filter_ok.
- Made the bigtop test's file test stripper more aggressive. It now
eats author lines since they are rarely the same. (Are you Phil Crow?)
- Updated lots of docs.
- Changed generated root path to html:html/templates to facilitate use
of Gantry's Static plugin with generated stand alone servers.
0.24 Wed Feb 14 12:50:24 CST 2007
- Taking advantage of Test::Files new (as of 0.13) file_filter_ok, I
removed that last year dependent test.
- Fixed Control and Model backends so they can handle new refers_to
values. This was fatal to any bigtop file with refers_to table => col.
0.23 Tue Feb 13 16:10:32 CST 2007
- Finally moved all Docs modules from .pm to .pod so the PAUSE indexer
will know they are docs and not code files.
- tentmaker now updates field names in the expanded edit box when they
are changed in the quick edit table.
- ASCII art now supports declaring a column optional in HTML forms and/or
giving it a default value: tbl(+optional_col,col_with_default=12).
These may be combined: tbl(+opt_w_def=value). Note: All defaults must
be strings or numbers and cannot contain spaces, colons, commas, equals,
- SQL backends now make genuine foreign keys from the new pair form of
refers_to: refers_to table_name => col_name.
- There are two new keywords for REFERENCES clauses: on_delete and
on_update. Using them will add ON DELETE and or ON UPDATE clause(s)
to the end of generated REFERENCES statements. These do not apply
to SQLite, since it doesn't honor them.
- Both bigtop and tentmaker now use SQL foreign keys for all script help
- Fixed bug which prevented tentmaker from displaying paired values
containing double quotes. Tried not to make things worse in the process.
0.22 Thu Feb 8 14:25:30 CST 2007
- Calling tentmaker with -a and a missing or unreadable file is now fatal.
- tentmaker now trims leading and trailing space from ASCII art before
using it.
- Extra fields in join tables now show up in the model, not just in SQL.
- ASCII art now supports field names and types, try:
bigtop -n Address 'child(name,birth_date:date)->family(names,email)'
works with -a and -n in bigtop and tentmaker.
- You can design your own ASCII art replacement. See
Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style for details. Use -s YourStyle to access it.
Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Pg8Live is an example.
- There is a -s style for postgres 8:
bigtop -n AppName -s Pg8Live 'dbi:Pg:dbname=adb' user pass [ schema ]
it supports column types, defaults, primary keys (including multi-col),
foreign keys (single col only). Schema defaults to public. All tables
must live in the same schema. No join_tables are ever made.
0.21 Mon Jan 22 09:56:44 CST 2007
- Added data statements and field blocks as legal join table constructs.
tentmaker does not know about them.
- bigtop --create now gives the same advice that bigtop --new does.
Both also try to build your SQLite database if that makes sense.
- Corrected default generated tests so their root path is html/templates.
- Init Std's Build.PL uses the new Gantry::Build (minimum Gantry: 3.46).
- Deparser works as cleanly for join tables as for regular tables.
- tentmaker now does some magic when fields are deleted. It removes
them from foreign_displays, fields or all_fields_but lists, and
main listing cols lists.
- Added model methods NAME_display for non-foreign key fields whose
values are selected from html_form_options.
- Taught generated do_mains to use NAME_display methods to show
the same labels users chose on forms for non-foreign select fields.
- Taught bigtop and tentmaker about Gantry Control's new
html_form_raw_html statement.
- There is a new main_listing method keyword: limit_by. It is the name
of a foreign key column. If a parameter is passed to do_main, only
rows associated with that foreign key value appear. No paramater
yields old behavior. See examples/kids.bigtop.
- tentmaker now allows data statement editing for regular tables
- Attempted to address HTTP::Server::Simple's new behavior of unencoding
slashes in URL elements. More work is needed here (leading slashes
in values are still lost, for some versions of HTTP::Server::Simple).
- Added keywords and generation for Gantry's new (mod_perl 2 only)
SOAP plugin.
0.20 Thu Dec 7 13:50:02 CST 2006
- Corrected bug in many-to-many generation for DBIx::Class.
- Corrected doubling of quotes on deparse when there are colons and
other unsafe characters (it worked if you only had colons).
- Corrected bug which prevented rel_location from showing for AutoCRUD
- Corrected conflict between where was generated and
where Build.PL expected it to be during install.
- Moved Billing-Finished example under Bigtop::Example:: namespace
so the CPAN indexer knows who it belongs to.
- tentmaker got a -h help message.
- tentmaker no longer looks under every rock for backends, making it
start much faster. It only looks under the path where lives.
- Corrected generated CRUD's do_edit so it doesn't expect you to be
using Class::DBI.
- tentmaker's Stop Server confirmation now respects Cancel.
0.19 Wed Nov 8 12:31:31 CST 2006
* table names can now have schema prefixes: sch.tbl
* t/10_run.t is now gen output (not a stub any more)
* tables can have 0, 1, or more primary key columns
* support for improved Gantry::Conf
* all init files except MANIFEST are now stubs
* main listings can now be paged (instead of showing all rows)
* one controller can be of type base controller to control
* tentmaker has a stop server button, use it an never be fooled by
javascript into thinking the server is up when its not
* Added support for table names with schema prefixes and schema blocks
(but only Postgres really has these).
- Removed Model Gantry backend. It (and the models themselves) are
not really maintained and it was starting to show.
* Changed Gantry Control backend so it updates t/10_run.t instead of
considering it a stub (it now agrees with various docs).
- Added skip_test controller statement, use it to opt out of t/10_run.t.
* Attempted to add support for tables with no primary key and
tables with multi-column primary keys. The SQL works, but I haven't
tried an app with these features.
* Converted to new Gantry::Conf style. Choose the Conf Gantry backend,
supply your instance there, then check Use Gantry::Conf in CGI Gantry
or HttpdConf Gantry.
- Added support for Gantry's new html_form_type display and its cousin
html_form_foreign. display fields are shown on the input form as
plain text (not in input elements).
- Cosmetic improvements to generated Changes and README files.
* All the plain files Init Std generates are now stubs except MANIFEST.
no_gens for each file are now unneeded except for MANIFEST.
- Added a stop server button to tentmaker. If you shut down that way,
the browser will prevent you from trying to use the deceased server.
- Stopped generating use_clean_dates for CRUD object constructors since
it is superceeded by default cleaning of params. (Use
turn_off_clean_params => 1 and use_clean_dates => 1 for the old way.)
- Suppressed javascript errors in tentmaker when changes could have
cascaded but didn't.
* Added paging to main listings upon request. Use rows or paged_conf
method statements to enable it.
* There is now a:
controller is base_controller { ... }
block so you can put methods into the base module. There are two
method types specially designed for it: base_links (a do_main with
nav links to other pages) and links (a site_links method other
controllers, or their templates, use to generate nav links).
But, you can use these for one table/one controller apps.
- tentmaker now only displays input boxes for controller and method
statements if the type of method or controller understands the
statement. TODO: Changing types requires a manual refresh.
- Corrected a critical and long standing bug with the urgency color
of tentmaker created join tables. Everyone will be happy to know
that both table boxes are now red.
- Added gen_uses and stub_uses statements for controllers. You can
still use uses to put the use statement in both. None of these
alter an existing stub.
0.18 Wed Oct 4 15:07:47 CDT 2006
- Corrected fatal bug in -a flag for scripts when the bigtop file had an
existing join table.
- Corrected test bug which depended on the load order of backends by
- Corrected fatal error with bigtop -n which created unparsable bigtop
code when foreign key targets had underscores.
Thanks to Paul Espinosa for noticing these bugs.
0.17 Mon Oct 2 09:50:12 CDT 2006
- There is a new Backend: Conf Gantry. It makes files ready for
immediate deployment to /etc/gantry.d when /etc/gantry.conf has an
include /etc/gantry.d/*.conf.
- Corrected tentmaker error which did not allow proper creation of new
config variables.
- Added html_form_default_value as a legal field statement. Gantry form
templates already understood it. It's now in tentmaker's quick edit.
- Several statements now pretty print (a little bit) on deparse.
- Improved maintainability of AJAX expected response test files.
- Corrected Postgres SQL backend's datetime type.
0.16 Mon Sep 25 09:57 CDT 2006
- Added a field set label to default form methods.
- Corrected tentmaker error which caused tentmaker to dump its Quick
Edit box when new fields were made.
- Converted many tentmaker tests to check the AJAX response rather
than just the deparsed tree, this would have caught the previous error.
0.15 Thu Sep 21 12:29:17 CDT 2006
many-to-many support for DBIx::Class
ASCII art for specifying table relationships try:
bigtop -n AppName 'pos->job job<->skill'
augment an existing bigtop file with bigtop and tentmaker flags
Gantry controllers now have (a few) generated page hit tests
has a new Field Quick Edit box for its most common edits
allows multiple fields to be made at once
has much more magic to save even more time
stand alone servers have flags to change database connection info
- Added support for three way joins (many to many) relationships
for dbix class models.
* Added ASCII art input to bigtop script, try this:
bigtop -n AppName 'pos->job job<->skill'
You get four tables: pos, job, skill, and job_skill with a reference
column in pos storing a job id and a many-to-many between job and skill.
* Added --add flag (aka -a) to bigtop script:
bigtop -a docs/yourapp.bigtop 'app->pos resume<->app'
adds app and resume tables and controllers plus a resume_app joining
* Applied --new and --add flags to tentmaker in exactly the way
they apply to bigtop (they even share the implementation code which is
factored out into Bigtop::ScriptHelp).
- Comments are preserved on deparse, meaning they will survive a
trip through tentmaker. This also facilitates the --add flag.
One caveat: if you have blank lines or split long statements across
lines, comments below that point will be shifted down in the output,
but at least they won't be summarily deleted.
- Corrected the error message when app level block names are omitted.
* Expanded generated stand alone servers so you can change database
DBDs, names, user names, and/or passwords with command line flags.
Editing the generated app.server makes it easy to change the defaults
(then you should turn probably off generation of it).
- Sequences are no longer generated by default.
- Navigation links are now generated in the site_links method of the
base module.
- Defaults now always call the database app.db.
- Base modules now come in stub and GEN pieces so their nav links
can be regenerated.
- DBIx::Class schema modules are now split into stub and GEN pieces
so the GEN piece can be regened when new tables are added to the
data model.
* When you change the name of table in tentmaker, the controller now
updates its controls_table statement (but not its own name). Foreign
keys pointing to the table have their refers_to statements updated
(but not their own names).
* When you change the name of a field in tentmaker, it now walks the
parse tree updating that name wherever it occurs (including: the
label of the field, the cols of the controller's main_listing,
the controller's form method, and the foreign_display).
* The Gantry Control backend now makes more tests. There are pod
and pod coverage tests (which require have Test::Pod and
Test::Pod::Coverage). There is also a file of run tests which use
Gantry::Server to test front page hits of each generated controller.
* tentmaker now has a quick edit box with a row for each field allowing
one small place to modify a lot of important data. Any field keyword
will show in the box, if it's Bigtop::Keywords entry has a quick_label.
* tentmaker now allows multiple fields to be constructed at once, simply
separate them with spaces in the Name(s) box.
* When a field's SQL type becomes date or it has date_select_text
set on it in tentmaker, everything is done to make the Gantry
easy date scheme work.
- Gantry stub controllers finally inherit from their gen modules. This
allows overriding gen methods without hastle and easier use of plugins
provided by the framework (which are themselves mixins).
- Killing the tentmaker now prompts to ask if you want to save changes.
- Corrected long standing (but unnoticed) bug which would build in
the wrong directory when base_dir is used without app_dir.
- Added controller level config block support to deparser so they
can pass undisturbed (save whitespace normalization) through tentmaker.
- Simplified the abstract syntax tree and standardized the naming of
various elements in it.
0.14 Wed Aug 16 16:20 CDT 2006
1. Quicker app generation in two ways.
Way 1 (if you have sqlite installed):
bigtop --new App table1 table2
cd App
# create database
# populate database from docs/schema.yourdb
Way 2:
on app body tab create table1 and table2
save as file.bigtop
bigtop --create file.bigtop
cd Sample
sqlite app.db < docs/schema.sqlite
2. DBIx::Class support
3. All around better defaults
- Changed the full use default, moving it from true for Gantry controllers
to being true for Gantry HttpdConf.
- Converted to DBIx::Class (was Class::DBI::Sweet) for tentmaker default.
- Corrected error that left Gantry AutoCRUD forms for DBIx::Class
failing to pass the schema object to get_form_selections.
- Added instance keyword to HttpdConf Gantry backend, which works
like the same keyword in the CGI Gantry backend. Both of them allow
you to get the proper GantryConfInstance definition for use with
- Added conffile keyword to HttpdConf Gantry and CGI Gantry backends.
Use it with instance to specify a replacement for /etc/gantry.conf.
- Continued deprecation of methods called _form by adding a warning
when you use that name for a CRUD or AutoCRUD form in your bigtop file.
- Added gen_root keyword for CGI Gantry, HttpdConf Gantry, and
Conf General backends to take advantage of Gantry's new Init module,
which keeps track of root paths for us. Only the app root path is
needed adding gen_root inserts one with relative path html.
- SiteLook GantryDefault now has a default gantry_wrapper formed
from Gantry::Init::base_root . '/'
- Fixed bug in mysql and sqlite backends. They no longer generate
create sequence statements.
- Added optional tables to bigtop --new. If you supply them you get
a running app immediately after generation (but remember to make
the database before trying to run it).
- Silenced warnings from MySQL and SQLite SQL backends when the input
has sequence blocks, which they ignore.
- Started using the getpwuid approach of h2xs when no author info is
- Base modules now have do_mains showing links to all the pages which
have page_link_labels. All controllers generated by bigtop --new
have those labels, so out of the box apps have good do_mains.
- Greatly improved defaults in tentmaker, among the changes:
author is omitted so it can be generated in the manner of h2xs
SiteLook GantryDefault backend no longer has a gantry_wrapper path
making a table now automatically makes a corresponding controller
auto-made controllers have:
statements: controls_table, rel_location, text_description,
methods: do_main, form
making a sequence now automatically makes a table and a controller
auto-made tables have sequence statements
All this means that by starting tentmaker and creating only a table
on the app_body tab, you can save and get a running app in 3 steps.
- Removed Class::DBI specific generated code from Control Gantry backend
(it was a set of skeletons to use with Gantry::Plugins::CRUD).
Now you get comments telling you what to do, you do it for your ORM.
- Added site_links methods to base modules.
- Corrected TentMaker module to be less unix specific.
- Dropped blib/lib from use lib statements in app.server.
- Removed CDBI specific code from crud methods, now you just get comments
suggesting what you need to do.
- Added advice message to bigtop when you create a default app.
It tells you how to start the app.
0.13 Fri Jun 9 08:08:16 CDT 2006
- Made it possible for compatible backends of the same type to all
generate. For instance, this allows you to generate all types of SQL
schema at once. Note that most backends still can't work together
since they want to write the same file (like models and controllers).
- Converted authors app level keyword to allow name =>
- Since the above change left the app level keyword email unused,
I changed it to contact_us which now makes a CONTACT US POD section
in the base module with whatever you want to appear there.
- Added docs to Bigtop::Keywords explaining how to add your own keywords.
- Tried to hide the AST package statements from the PAUSE indexer
without hiding them during vim folding.
- Added pair_required to Bigtop::Keywords keys so we can support things
like Gantry main listing header_options.
- Added config level model_base_class keyword to each Model backend.
This allows you to control it once for all tables, but still lets
individual tables override it with their own table level model_base_class.
- Corrected the javascript error that was preventing screen updates for
App Body block deletions. There is a remaining problem: the visible
whitespace gap sometimes grows with each deletion (this affects only
the on screen appearance, so it is completely consmetic).
- Added POD to generated model modules. It should be enough to silence
POD tests.
0.12 Tue May 23 10:58:22 CDT 2006
- Added create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough', to Build.PL so users relying
on make (aka CPAN shell users) can install without so much hastle.
- Corrected images links in the tentmaker tutorial (thanks Krassi).
- Added support for DBIx::Class.
- Updated MANIFEST and made it agree with what is checked into svn.
0.11 Wed May 17 12:48:11 CDT 2006
- Added skips so gantry controller tests won't fail when
Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD is not installed.
- Added Bigtop::Docs::TentTut a screen shot laden tour of app building
with tentmaker.
- Added a backend to make SQL for MySQL.
0.10 Fri May 12 14:50 CDT 2006
- Added Test::Files to build_requires list.
- Added a backend to make SQL for SQLite.
- Added a --help message to bigtop script.
0.09 Wed May 10 10:41:49 CDT 2006
- Improved Build.PL so it won't try to install tentmaker templates
without Gantry.
0.08 Wed May 10 07:47:23 CDT 2006
- Improved the usability of tentmaker (I hope) by putting former tooltips
into boxes which are always visible and expanding and clarifying the
text in those tips.
- Changed the name of the generated default wrapper to
so that users of bigtop never again see the which ships
with gantry.
- Added support for app level literals to tentmaker.
0.07 Fri May 5 15:39:16 CDT 2006
- Added server_port statement to CGI Gantry backend so you can
decide on a test server port in advance.
- Removed two unitialized value warnings from GantryDefault Sitelook
- Factored backend loading out of gen_from_string so other Bigtop::Parser
routines can share it (think parse_string).
- Corrected syntax errors in generated CRUD helper methods.
- Added TentMaker.
- Implemented deparser (first draft) to support TentMaker.
- Moved all backends into the Backend namespace.
- Added documentation methods to all backends, so TentMaker can describe
what they do for its users.
- Factored out grammar from Bigtop::Parser and had Parse::RecDescent
precompile it. This results in almost a four fold speed savings
in the test suite. It should give a similar savings to invocations
of bigtop and tentmaker.
- Made generated stand alone server accept its port from the command line.
- Added blib/lib and lib to the stand alone server's path.
- Made table_element_blocks and field_statements optional.
0.06 Thu Mar 23 08:26:46 CST 2006
- Added use_clean_dates to the options generated for crud constructor
calls when a controller's type is CRUD.
- Corrected CRUD do_add, do_edit, and do_delete so they call CRUD
methods through the correct object.
- Made CGI backend respect literal PerlTop statement, so you can put
use libs into the top of the generated CGI script just as you do
in the top of the <Perl> block of httpd.conf for mod_perl.
- Added explicit import list option to uses statements in controller
blocks generated by Gantry Control backend.
- Improved error messages when block names or keywords in the
grammar (like literal) are misspelled.
- Made literal types into bonifide keywords of app_literal and
controller_literal type, so better error messages result when
the keywords are misspelled and better docs exist about who
defined which literal type.
- Changed set_vars block keyword to config to make it more independent
of mod_perl. set_vars is retained as a synoym for legacy bigtop
files, but is no longer documented for use (expect a mention
in the Syntax doc, where it is marked deprecated).
- Added html_form_constraint as a field statement which Control
backends should use to supply Data::FormValidator constraints.
- Made the Gantry Control backend respect html_form_constraint.
- Made vim folding optional in the bigtop.syntax file. To get it,
let bigtop_fold=1
in your .vimrc file.
- Added skip_config statement to Bigtop::HttpdConf::Gantry backend,
so you can still get httpd.conf locations, but have your conf
in some other place (like a Gantry::Conf Config::General flat file).
If you still need a PerlSetVar like GantryConfInstance, use a
literal statement.
- Added Bigtop::Conf::General to write Config::General style conf files.
- Gantry base modules now have their init commented out if it would
only defer to via SUPER.
- Added with_server statement to Bigtop::CGI::Gantry which makes
a Gantry::Server based stand alone server for the app.
Using it saves configuring apache.
- Added new lines after literals which don't end in whitespace.
- Added support for Gantry::Conf to the CGI Gantry backend (use
the instance keyword).
0.05 Wed Feb 1 14:15:33 CST 2006
- Added support for new Gantry::Utils::Model
- Removed no_accessor set vars from init methods at the app level.
- Removed no_accessor set vars from init methods at the controller level.
- Removed int as a shorthand for int4 in postgres backends.
- Added model_base_class keyword at the table level and made
Bigtop::Model::GantryCDBI pay attention to it.
- Made Bigtop::Model::Gantry pay attention to model_base_class.
- Corrected models made by Bigtop::Model::Gantry to conform to the
current (experimental) Gantry::Utils::Model.
- Fixed CRUD_form method type in Gantry control generation so it
include the row (fished out of $data)
- Filled in get_quoted_columns method in B::M::G.
- Added PerlTop literal block so use libs can appear in <Perl>
blocks before the first use statement.
- Fixed B::M::Gantry to use fully qualified foreign table names when
fetching foreign objects.
- Made bigtop script delete _Inline (if its in the current directory)
by default and added a flag (--keep_inline or -k) for keeping it.
- Greatly expanded the amount of code generated for Gantry::Plugins::CRUD.
Users get this extra code by setting the controller type with is CRUD.
- Changed from mixin to inheritence scheme for cdbi models.
0.04 Tue Jan 3 16:04:56 CST 2006
- Made extra_args behave as Bigtop::Control::Gantry's docs say it should.
- Cleaned handling and error messages surrounding base_dir and app_dir
config statements.
- Documented --create's treatement of base_dir and app_dir.
- Added -c as an abbreviation for --create.
- Added not_for keyword for table fields, made the cdbi model pay
attention to it, so we can have a non-key id fields in the database,
but leave it out of the model (which would choke on it).
- Added not_for keyword for tables, made cdbi model pay attention to it,
so we can support users who like to edit GEN modules.
- Made postgres SQL backend respect not_for keyword on tables, allowing
models to be made for tables that will be created with something other
than the generated schema.sql.
- Added generation of CRUD_forms for the recently added
- Added --new as an option to bigtop script. It makes the directory
structure for a new app from scratch.
- Made Bigtop::Control::Gantry respect method level no_gen.
- Added literal statement at app level and made Postgres backend
honor it.
- Made Gantry::HttpdConf honor literal statement at app level.
- Added literal statement at controller level and made Gantry::HttpdConf
honor it.
- Renamed app level url to location.
- Renamed controller level url to rel_location and introduced the new
controller level location. The former are relative to the app location
while the latter are absolute.
- Added controller level set_vars block. Made B::HttpdConf::Gantry
and B::Control::Gantry backends honor it.
- Added col_labels to Gantry main_listing methods in B::C::Gantry.
0.03 Tue Dec 13 08:59:34 CST 2005
- Made corrections pointed out by using bigtop to make a second,
more complex app.
- Changed the name of the generation script to simply bigtop.
- Added vim syntax highlighting file to distribution.
- Made the gantry control generator quieter (it no longer tells
you about every file it decides not to overwrite).
- Made the cdbi model generator quieter (it no longer tells
you about every file it decides not to overwrite).
- Made it legal to define a controller with an empty block.
- Discarded GENed controllers that have nothing in them and kept all
references to them out of the corresponding stub.
- Added --create flag to bigtop script and now ignore (with a warning)
base_dir and app_dir in bigtop files when the new flag is not used.
0.02 Fri Oct 28 07:37:37 CDT 2005
- Made all the corrections pointed out by using bigtop to
make a production app.
- Expanded (or wrote) documentation of the modules.
0.01 Thu Sep 15 09:05:07 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
- manually converted to use Module::Build