Revision history for Perl extension Jabber::JAX::Component.
0.01 Mon Sep 3 16:25:11 BST 2001
- original version; created by Piers Harding
0.02 Sat Dec 30 18:32:00 BST 2001
- Added in the Jabber::JAX::Client module for writing high speed clients
- removed the need Jabber::JAX::MyRouterConnection - this will speed up compile time ( one less module ), and reduce the size of the distribution.
- added a method to Jabber::JAX::Component called stop, so that the component can gracefully shut itself down
0.10 Fri Apr 12 15:30:00 BST 2002
- upgraded the component to the new version of JECL using the ComponentLoader class
- added two callbacks inithandler and stophandler for on component connection and
when shutting down, respectively
- created a comprehensive example for a publish & subscribe component that requires
MySQL as the database ( includes setup script etc. )