package SAP::Rfc; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.95'; use SAP::Iface; use constant RFCIMPORT => 0; use constant RFCEXPORT => 1; use constant RFCTABLE => 2; use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR => 0; use constant RFCTYPE_DATE => 1; use constant RFCTYPE_BCD => 2; use constant RFCTYPE_TIME => 3; use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE => 4; use constant RFCTYPE_NUM => 6; use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7; use constant RFCTYPE_INT => 8; use constant RFCTYPE_INT2 => 9; ## Ensure that the temp directory exists before Inline is invoked #BEGIN { `mkdir -p /tmp/_Inline/saprfc` if ! -d '/tmp/_Inline/saprfc'; }; # Config for C compiler - the directories may need # altering - these directories follow the typical # installation path of the SAP RFCSDK under Linux use Inline ( C=> Config => # DIRECTORY => '/tmp/_Inline/saprfc', INC => '-I/usr/sap/rfcsdk/include', # LIBS => '-lm -ldl -lpthread -L/usr/sap/rfcsdk/lib -lrfc' ); LIBS => '-lm -ldl -lpthread -L/usr/sap/rfcsdk/lib -lrfccm' ); # This change will point to the new SAP threaded RFC library # Either should do, but librfccm is probably better on other UNIXs # Config for Inline::MakeMaker use Inline C=> 'DATA', NAME => 'SAP::Rfc', VERSION => '0.95'; # Globals my $loginfile = './testconn'; # sysinfo structure size my @SYSINFO = ( { NAME => 'RFCPROTO', LEN => 3 }, { NAME => 'RFCCHARTYP', LEN => 4 }, { NAME => 'RFCINTTYP', LEN => 3 }, { NAME => 'RFCFLOTYP', LEN => 3 }, { NAME => 'RFCDEST', LEN => 32 }, { NAME => 'RFCHOST', LEN => 8 }, { NAME => 'RFCSYSID', LEN => 8 }, { NAME => 'RFCDATABS', LEN => 8 }, { NAME => 'RFCDBHOST', LEN => 32 }, { NAME => 'RFCDBSYS', LEN => 10 }, { NAME => 'RFCSAPRL', LEN => 4 }, { NAME => 'RFCMACH', LEN => 5 }, { NAME => 'RFCOPSYS', LEN => 10 }, { NAME => 'RFCTZONE', LEN => 6 }, { NAME => 'RFCDAYST', LEN => 1 }, { NAME => 'RFCIPADDR', LEN => 15 }, { NAME => 'RFCKERNRL', LEN => 4 }, { NAME => 'RFCHOST2', LEN => 32 }, { NAME => 'RFCSI_RESV', LEN => 12 } ); # valid login parameters my $VALID = { CLIENT => 1, PASSWD => 1, LANG => 1, LCHECK => 1, USER => 1, ASHOST => 1, GWHOST => 1, GWSERV => 1, MSHOST => 1, GROUP => 1, R3NAME => 1, DEST => 1, SYSNR => 1, TPNAME => 1, TPHOST => 1, TRACE => 1, ABAP_DEBUG => 1, USE_SAPGUI => 1, TYPE => 1 }; # Global debug flag my $DEBUG = undef; # Tidy up open Connection when DESTROY Destructor Called sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; MyDisconnect( $self->{'handle'} ) if exists $self->{'handle'}; } # Construct a new SAP::Rfc Object. sub new { my @keys = (); my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my @rest = @_; if ( scalar @rest == 1 ){ $loginfile = $rest[0] if $rest[0]; if (-f $loginfile){ open (FIL,"<$loginfile") or die "$! : could not open login file $loginfile"; my @file = <FIL>; close FIL; map { push @keys, split "\t",$_ } @file; chomp @keys; } }; my $self = { INTERFACES => {}, CLIENT => "000", USER => "SAPCPIC", PASSWD => "ADMIN", LANG => "EN", LCHECK => "0", @keys, @rest }; # validate the login parameters map { delete $self->{$_} unless exists $VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self}; # create the connection string and login to SAP my $conn = MyConnect( login_string( $self ) ); die "Unable to connect to SAP" unless $conn =~ /^\d+$/; $self->{HANDLE} = $conn; # create the object and return it bless ($self, $class); return $self; } # return a formated connection string for login sub login_string { my $self = shift; my $connect = undef; $self->{USER} = uc( $self->{USER} ); $self->{PASSWD} = uc( $self->{PASSWD} ); # create the login string but only return valid parameters map { $connect.= $_ . "=" . $self->{$_} . " " } keys %{$self}; return $connect; } # method to return the current date in ABAP DATE format sub sapdate{ my @date = localtime; return pack("A4 A2 A2", ($date[5] + 1900, sprintf("%02d",$date[4] + 1), sprintf("%02d",$date[3]))); } # method to return the current time in ABAP TIME format sub saptime{ my @date = localtime; return pack("A2 A2 A2", (sprintf("%02d",$date[2]), sprintf("%02d",$date[1]), sprintf("%02d",$date[0]))); } # method to access aggregate functions SAP::Interface sub iface{ my $self = shift; die "No Interface supplied to RFC " if ! @_; my $iface = shift; return $self->{INTERFACES}->{$iface}; } # method to find the structure of an interface sub discover{ my $self = shift; die "No Interface supplied to RFC " if ! @_; my $iface = shift; die "RFC is NOT connected for interface discovery!" if ! is_connected( $self ); my $info = $self->sapinfo(); my $if = { 'FUNCNAME' => { 'TYPE' => RFCEXPORT, 'VALUE' => $iface, 'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_CHAR, 'LEN' => length($iface) }, 'PARAMS_P' => { 'TYPE' => RFCTABLE, 'VALUE' => [], 'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_BYTE, 'LEN' => 215 } }; my $ifc = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_GET_FUNCTION_INTERFACE_P", $if ); return undef if $ifc->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0; my $interface = new SAP::Iface(NAME => $iface); for my $row ( @{ $ifc->{'PARAMS_P'} } ){ my ($type, $name, $tabname, $field, $datatype, $pos, $off, $intlen, $decs, $default, $text ) = # record structure changes from release 3.x to 4.x unpack( ( $info->{RFCSAPRL} =~ /^[4-9]\d\w\s$/ ) ? "A A30 A30 A30 A A4 A6 A6 A6 A21 A79 A1" : "A A30 A10 A10 A A4 A6 A6 A6 A21 A79", $row ); $name =~ s/\s//g; $tabname =~ s/\s//g; $field =~ s/\s//g; $intlen = int($intlen); $decs = int($decs); # if the character value default is in quotes - remove quotes if ($default =~ /^\'(.*?)\'\s*$/){ $default = $1; # if the value is an SY- field - we have some of them in sapinfo } elsif ($default =~ /^SY\-(\w+)\W*$/) { $default = 'RFC'.$1; if ( exists $info->{$default} ) { $default = $info->{$default}; } else { $default = undef; }; }; my $structure = ""; if ($datatype eq "C"){ # Character $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR; $default = " " if $default =~ /^SPACE\s*$/; # print STDERR "SET $name TO $default \n"; } elsif ($datatype eq "X"){ # Integer $datatype = RFCTYPE_BYTE; $default = pack("H*", $default) if $default; } elsif ($datatype eq "I"){ # Integer $datatype = RFCTYPE_INT; $default = int($default) if $default; } elsif ($datatype eq "s"){ # Short Integer $datatype = RFCTYPE_INT2; $default = int($default) if $default; } elsif ($datatype eq "D"){ # Date $datatype = RFCTYPE_DATE; $default = '00000000'; $intlen = 8; } elsif ($datatype eq "T"){ # Time $datatype = RFCTYPE_TIME; $default = '000000'; $intlen = 6; } elsif ($datatype eq "P"){ # Binary Coded Decimal eg. CURR QUAN etc $datatype = RFCTYPE_BCD; #$default = 0; } elsif ($datatype eq "N"){ # Numchar $datatype = RFCTYPE_NUM; #$default = 0; $default = sprintf("%0".$intlen."d", $default) if $default == 0 || $default =~ /^[0-9]+$/; } elsif ($datatype eq "F"){ # Float $datatype = RFCTYPE_FLOAT; #$default = 0; } elsif ( ($datatype eq " " or ! $datatype ) and $type ne "X"){ # do a structure object $structure = structure( $self, $tabname ); $datatype = RFCTYPE_BYTE; } else { # Character $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR; $default = " " if $default =~ /^SPACE\s*$/; }; $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR if ! $datatype; if ($type eq "I"){ # Export Parameter - Reverse perspective $interface->addParm( TYPE => RFCEXPORT, INTYPE => $datatype, NAME => $name, STRUCTURE => $structure, DEFAULT => $default, VALUE => $default, DECIMALS => $decs, LEN => $intlen); } elsif ( $type eq "E"){ # Import Parameter - Reverse perspective $interface->addParm( TYPE => RFCIMPORT, INTYPE => $datatype, NAME => $name, STRUCTURE => $structure, VALUE => undef, DECIMALS => $decs, LEN => $intlen); } elsif ( $type eq "T"){ # Table $interface->addTab( # INTYPE => $datatype, INTYPE => RFCTYPE_BYTE, NAME => $name, STRUCTURE => $structure, LEN => $intlen); } else { # This is an exception definition $interface->addException( $name ); }; }; return $interface; } # method to return a structure object of SAP::Structure type sub structure{ my $self = shift; my $struct = shift; die "RFC is NOT connected for structure discovery!" if ! is_connected( $self ); # do RFC call to obtain structure if ($DEBUG){ print "RFC CALL for STRUCTURE: $struct \n"; }; my $info = $self->sapinfo(); my $iface = { 'TABNAME' => { 'TYPE' => RFCEXPORT, 'VALUE' => $struct, 'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_CHAR, 'LEN' => length($struct) }, 'FIELDS' => { 'TYPE' => RFCTABLE, 'VALUE' => [], 'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_BYTE, 'LEN' => 83 } }; my $str = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_GET_STRUCTURE_DEFINITION_P", $iface ); return undef if $str->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0; $struct = SAP::Struc->new( NAME => $struct ); map { my ($tabname, $field, $pos, $off, $intlen, $decs, $exid ) = # record structure changes from 3.x to 4.x unpack( ( $info->{RFCSAPRL} =~ /^[4-9]\d\w\s$/ ) ? "A30 A30 A4 A6 A6 A6 A" : "A10 A10 A4 A6 A6 A6 A", $_ ); $struct->addField( NAME => $field, LEN => $intlen, OFFSET => $off, DECIMALS => $decs, INTYPE => $exid ) } ( @{ $str->{'FIELDS'} } ); return $struct; } # get the handle sub handle{ my $self = shift; return $self->{HANDLE}; } # test the open connection status sub is_connected{ my $self = shift; my $ping = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_PING", {} ); return $ping->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} == 0 ? 1 : undef; } # Call The RFCSI_EXPORT Function module to # get the instance information of the connected system sub sapinfo { my $return = ""; my $output = ""; my $self = shift; if ( ! exists $self->{SYSINFO} ){ die "SAP Connection Not Open for SYSINFO " if ! is_connected( $self ); my $sysinfo = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_SYSTEM_INFO", { 'RFCSI_EXPORT' => { 'TYPE' => RFCIMPORT, 'VALUE' => '', 'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_CHAR, 'LEN' => 200 } } ); return undef if $sysinfo->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0; my $pos = 0; my $info = {}; map { $info->{$_->{NAME}} = substr($sysinfo->{'RFCSI_EXPORT'},$pos, $_->{LEN}); $pos += $_->{LEN} } @SYSINFO; $self->{RETURN} = $return; $self->{SYSINFO} = $info; } return $self->{SYSINFO}; } # Call The Function module sub callrfc { my $self = shift; my $iface = shift; my $ref = ref($iface); die "this is not an Interface Object!" unless $ref eq "SAP::Iface" and $ref; die "SAP Connection Not Open for RFC call " if ! is_connected( $self ); my $result = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, $iface->name, $iface->iface); if ($DEBUG){ use Data::Dumper; print "RFC CALL: ", $iface->name(), " RETURN IS: ".Dumper( $result )." \n"; }; if ( $result->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0 ){ die "RFC call falied: ".$result->{'__RETURN_CODE__'}; } else { map { $_->intvalue( intoext( $_, $result->{$_->name()} ) ) } ( $iface->parms() ); $iface->emptyTables(); map { my $tab = $_; map { $tab->addRow( $_ ) } ( @{$result->{$tab->name()}} ) } ( $iface->tabs() ); } } # convert internal data types to externals sub intoext{ my $parm = shift; my $value = shift; if ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT ){ return unpack("l", $value); } elsif ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_FLOAT ){ return unpack("d",$value); } elsif ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_BCD ){ # All types of BCD my @flds = split(//, unpack("H*",$value)); if ( $flds[$#flds] eq 'd' ){ splice( @flds,0,0,'-'); } else { splice( @flds,0,0,'+'); } pop( @flds ); splice(@flds,$#flds - ( $parm->decimals - 1 ),0,'.') if $parm->decimals > 0; return join('', @flds); } else { return $value; } } # Close the Current Open Handle sub close { my $self = shift; if ( exists $self->{HANDLE} ) { MyDisconnect( $self->{HANDLE} ); delete $self->{HANDLE}; delete $self->{SYSINFO}; return 1; } else { return undef; }; } =head1 NAME SAP::Rfc - Perl extension for performing RFC Function calls against an SAP R/3 System. Please refer to the README file found with this distribution. =head1 SYNOPSIS use SAP::Rfc; $rfc = new SAP::Rfc( ASHOST => 'myhost', USER => 'ME', PASSWD => 'secret', LANG => 'EN', CLIENT => '200', SYSNR => '00', TRACE => '1' ); my $it = $rfc->discover("RFC_READ_TABLE"); $it->QUERY_TABLE('TRDIR'); $it->ROWCOUNT( 2000 ); $it->OPTIONS( ["NAME LIKE 'RS%'"] ); $rfc->callrfc( $it ); print "NO. PROGS: ".$it->tab('DATA')->rowCount()." \n"; print join("\n",( $it->DATA )); $rfc->close(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The best way to discribe this package is to give a brief over view, and then launch into several examples. The SAP::Rfc package works in concert with several other packages that also come with same distribution, these are SAP::Iface, SAP::Parm, SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc. These come together to give you an object oriented programming interface to performing RFC function calls to SAP from a UNIX based platform with your favourite programming language - Perl. A SAP::Rfc object holds together one ( and only one ) connection to an SAP system at a time. The SAP::Rfc object can hold one or many SAP::Iface objects, each of which equate to the definition of an RFC Function in SAP ( trans SE37 ). Each SAP::Iface object holds one or many SAP::Parm, and/or SAP::Tab objects, corresponding to the RFC Interface definition in SAP ( SE37 ). For all SAP::Tab objects, and for complex SAP::Parm objects, a SAP::Struc object can be defined. This equates to a structure definition in the data dictionary ( SE11 ). Because the manual definition of interfaces and structures is a boring and tiresome exercise, there are specific methods provided to automatically discover, and add the appropriate interface definitions for an RFC Function module to the SAP::Rfc object ( see methods discover, and structure of SAP::Rfc ). =head1 METHODS: $rfc->PARM_NAME( 'a value ') The parameter or tables can be accessed through autoloaded method calls - this can be useful for setting or getting the parameter values. discover $iface = $rfc->discover('RFC_READ_REPORT'); Discover an RFC interface definition, and automaticlly add it to an SAP::Rfc object. This will also define all associated SAP::Parm, SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc objects. structure $str = $rfc->structure('QTAB'); Discover and return the definition of a valid data dictionary structure. This could be subsequently used with an SAP::Parm, or SAP::Tab object. is_connected if ($rfc->is_connected()) { } else { }; Test that the SAP::Rfc object is connected to the SAP system. sapinfo %info = $rfc->sapinfo(); map { print "key: $_ = ", $info{$_}, "\n" } sort keys %info; Return a hash of the values supplied by the RFC_SYSTEM_INFO function module. This function is only properly called once, and the data is cached until the RFC connection is closed - then it will be reset next call. callrfc $rfc->callrfc('RFC_READ_TABLE'); Do the actual RFC call - this installs all the Export, Import, and Table Parameters in the actual C library of the XS extension, does the RFC call, Retrieves the table contents, and import parameter contents, and then cleans the libraries storage space again. close $rfc->close(); Close the current open RFC connection to an SAP system, and then reset cached sapinfo data. =head1 AUTHOR Piers Harding, But Credit must go to all those that have helped. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), SAP::Iface(3). =cut 1; __DATA__ __C__ #include <saprfc.h> #include <sapitab.h> #define MAX_PARA 64 #define RFCIMPORT 0 #define RFCEXPORT 1 #define RFCTABLE 2 /* standard error call back handler - installed into connnection object */ static void DLL_CALL_BACK_FUNCTION rfc_error( char * operation ){ RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX error_info; fprintf( stderr, "RFC Call/Exception: %s\n", operation ); RfcLastErrorEx(&error_info); fprintf( stderr, "\nGroup Error group %d", ); fprintf( stderr, "\nKey %s", error_info.key ); fprintf( stderr, "\nMessage %s\n", error_info.message ); exit(0); } /* build a connection to an SAP system */ SV* MyConnect(char* connectstring){ RFC_ENV new_env; RFC_HANDLE handle; RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX error_info; new_env.allocate = NULL; new_env.errorhandler = rfc_error; RfcEnvironment( &new_env ); // fprintf(stderr, "CONNECT: %s\n", connectstring); handle = RfcOpenEx(connectstring, &error_info); if (handle == RFC_HANDLE_NULL){ RfcLastErrorEx(&error_info); fprintf(stderr, "GROUP \t %d \t KEY \t %s \t MESSAGE \t %s \0",, error_info.key, error_info.message ); exit(0); }; return newSViv( ( int ) handle ); } /* Disconnect from an SAP system */ int MyDisconnect(SV* sv_handle){ RFC_HANDLE handle = SvIV( sv_handle ); RfcClose( handle ); return 1; } /* copy the value of a parameter to a new pointer variable to be passed back onto the parameter pointer argument */ static void * MyValue( SV* type, SV* value, SV* length, int copy ){ char * ptr; int i_value; double d_value; int len = SvIV( length ); ptr = malloc( len + 1 ); if ( ptr == NULL ) return 0; memset(ptr, 0, len + 1); switch ( SvIV( type ) ){ // case RFCTYPE_INT: // case RFCTYPE_FLOAT: default: /* All the other SAP internal data types case RFCTYPE_CHAR: case RFCTYPE_BYTE: case RFCTYPE_NUM: case RFCTYPE_BCD: case RFCTYPE_DATE: case RFCTYPE_TIME: */ if ( copy == TRUE ){ Copy(SvPV( value, len ), ptr, len, char); }; break; }; return ptr; } /* build the RFC call interface, do the RFC call, and then build a complex hash structure of the results to pass back into perl */ SV* MyRfcCallReceive(SV* sv_handle, SV* sv_function, SV* iface){ RFC_PARAMETER myexports[MAX_PARA]; RFC_PARAMETER myimports[MAX_PARA]; RFC_TABLE mytables[MAX_PARA]; RFC_RC rc; RFC_HANDLE handle; char * function; char * exception; RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX error_info; int tab_cnt, imp_cnt, exp_cnt, irow, h_index, a_index, i, j; AV* array; HV* h_parms; HV* p_hash; HE* h_entry; SV* h_key; SV* sv_type; HV* hash = newHV(); tab_cnt = 0; exp_cnt = 0; imp_cnt = 0; handle = SvIV( sv_handle ); function = SvPV( sv_function, PL_na ); /* get the RFC interface definition hash and iterate */ h_parms = (HV*)SvRV( iface ); h_index = hv_iterinit( h_parms ); for (i = 0; i < h_index; i++) { /* grab each parameter hash */ h_entry = hv_iternext( h_parms ); h_key = hv_iterkeysv( h_entry ); p_hash = (HV*)SvRV( hv_iterval(h_parms, h_entry) ); sv_type = *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "TYPE", 4, FALSE ); /* determine the interface parameter type and build a definition */ switch ( SvIV(sv_type) ){ case RFCIMPORT: /* build an import parameter and allocate space for it to be returned into */ myimports[imp_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 ); if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name == NULL ) return 0; memset(myimports[imp_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1); Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), myimports[imp_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char); myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)); myimports[imp_cnt].addr = MyValue( *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE), *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE), *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE), FALSE ); myimports[imp_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) ); myimports[imp_cnt].type = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE ) ); ++imp_cnt; break; case RFCEXPORT: /* build an export parameter and pass the value onto the structure */ myexports[exp_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 ); if ( myexports[exp_cnt].name == NULL ) return 0; memset(myexports[exp_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1); Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), myexports[exp_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char); myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)); myexports[exp_cnt].addr = MyValue( *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE), *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE), *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE), TRUE ); myexports[exp_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) ); myexports[exp_cnt].type = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE ) ); ++exp_cnt; break; case RFCTABLE: /* construct a table parameter and copy the table rows on to the table handle */ mytables[tab_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 ); if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name == NULL ) return 0; memset(mytables[tab_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1); Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), mytables[tab_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char); mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)); mytables[tab_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) ); mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = ItCreate( mytables[tab_cnt].name, SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) ), 0 , 0 ); if ( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle == NULL ) return 0; array = (AV*) SvRV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE ) ); a_index = av_len( array ); for (j = 0; j <= a_index; j++) { Copy( SvPV( *av_fetch( array, j, FALSE ), PL_na ), ItAppLine( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle ), mytables[tab_cnt].leng, char ); }; tab_cnt++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, " I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS PARAMETER IS: %s \n", SvPV(h_key, PL_na)); exit(0); break; }; }; /* tack on a NULL value parameter to each type to signify that there are no more */ myexports[exp_cnt].name = NULL; myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = 0; myexports[exp_cnt].leng = 0; myexports[exp_cnt].addr = NULL; myexports[exp_cnt].type = 0; myimports[imp_cnt].name = NULL; myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = 0; myimports[imp_cnt].leng = 0; myimports[imp_cnt].addr = NULL; myimports[imp_cnt].type = 0; mytables[tab_cnt].name = NULL; mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = NULL; mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = 0; mytables[tab_cnt].leng = 0; mytables[tab_cnt].type = 0; /* do the actual RFC call to SAP */ rc = RfcCallReceive( handle, function, myexports, myimports, mytables, &exception ); /* check the return code - if necessary construct an error message */ if ( rc != RFC_OK ){ RfcLastErrorEx( &error_info ); if (( rc == RFC_EXCEPTION ) || ( rc == RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION )) { hv_store( hash, (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15, newSVpvf( "EXCEPT\t%s\tGROUP\t%d\tKEY\t%s\tMESSAGE\t%s", exception,, error_info.key, error_info.message ), 0 ); } else { hv_store( hash, (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15, newSVpvf( "EXCEPT\t%s\tGROUP\t%d\tKEY\t%s\tMESSAGE\t%s","RfcCallReceive",, error_info.key, error_info.message ), 0 ); }; } else { hv_store( hash, (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15, newSVpvf( "%d", RFC_OK ), 0 ); }; /* free up the used memory for export parameters */ for (exp_cnt = 0; exp_cnt < MAX_PARA; exp_cnt++){ if ( myexports[exp_cnt].name == NULL ){ break; } else { free(myexports[exp_cnt].name); }; myexports[exp_cnt].name = NULL; myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = 0; myexports[exp_cnt].leng = 0; myexports[exp_cnt].type = 0; if ( myexports[exp_cnt].addr != NULL ){ free(myexports[exp_cnt].addr); }; myexports[exp_cnt].addr = NULL; }; /* retrieve the values of the import parameters and free up the memory */ for (imp_cnt = 0; imp_cnt < MAX_PARA; imp_cnt++){ if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name == NULL ){ break; }; if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name != NULL ){ switch ( myimports[imp_cnt].type ){ // case RFCTYPE_INT: // case RFCTYPE_FLOAT: default: /* All the other SAP internal data types case RFCTYPE_CHAR: case RFCTYPE_BYTE: case RFCTYPE_NUM: case RFCTYPE_BCD: case RFCTYPE_DATE: case RFCTYPE_TIME: */ hv_store( hash, myimports[imp_cnt].name, myimports[imp_cnt].nlen, newSVpv( myimports[imp_cnt].addr, myimports[imp_cnt].leng ), 0 ); break; }; free(myimports[imp_cnt].name); }; myimports[imp_cnt].name = NULL; myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = 0; myimports[imp_cnt].leng = 0; myimports[imp_cnt].type = 0; if ( myimports[imp_cnt].addr != NULL ){ free(myimports[imp_cnt].addr); }; myimports[imp_cnt].addr = NULL; }; /* retrieve the values of the table parameters and free up the memory */ for (tab_cnt = 0; tab_cnt < MAX_PARA; tab_cnt++){ if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name == NULL ){ break; }; if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name != NULL ){ hv_store( hash, mytables[tab_cnt].name, mytables[tab_cnt].nlen, newRV_noinc( (SV*) array = newAV() ), 0); /* grab each table row and push onto an array */ for (irow = 1; irow <= ItFill(mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle); irow++){ av_push( array, newSVpv( ItGetLine( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle, irow ), mytables[tab_cnt].leng ) ); }; free(mytables[tab_cnt].name); }; mytables[tab_cnt].name = NULL; if ( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle != NULL ){ ItFree( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle ); }; mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = NULL; mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = 0; mytables[tab_cnt].leng = 0; mytables[tab_cnt].type = 0; }; return newRV_noinc( (SV*) hash); }