package SAP::Rfc;

use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.95';

use SAP::Iface;

use constant RFCIMPORT     => 0;
use constant RFCEXPORT     => 1;
use constant RFCTABLE      => 2;

use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR  => 0;
use constant RFCTYPE_DATE  => 1;
use constant RFCTYPE_BCD   => 2;
use constant RFCTYPE_TIME  => 3;
use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE  => 4;
use constant RFCTYPE_NUM   => 6;
use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT   => 8;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT2  => 9;

## Ensure that the temp directory exists before Inline is invoked
#BEGIN { `mkdir -p /tmp/_Inline/saprfc` if ! -d '/tmp/_Inline/saprfc'; };

# Config for C compiler - the directories may need 
#   altering - these directories follow the typical 
#   installation path of the SAP RFCSDK under Linux
use Inline ( C=> Config =>
#                DIRECTORY => '/tmp/_Inline/saprfc',
                INC => '-I/usr/sap/rfcsdk/include',
#                LIBS => '-lm -ldl -lpthread -L/usr/sap/rfcsdk/lib -lrfc' );
                LIBS => '-lm -ldl -lpthread -L/usr/sap/rfcsdk/lib -lrfccm' );
#  This change will point to the new SAP threaded RFC library
#    Either should do, but librfccm is probably better on other UNIXs

# Config for Inline::MakeMaker
use Inline C=> 'DATA',
                NAME => 'SAP::Rfc',
                VERSION => '0.95';

# Globals
my $loginfile = './testconn';

# sysinfo structure size
my @SYSINFO = (
    { NAME => 'RFCPROTO',   LEN  => 3 },
    { NAME => 'RFCCHARTYP', LEN  => 4 },
    { NAME => 'RFCINTTYP',  LEN  => 3 },
    { NAME => 'RFCFLOTYP',  LEN  => 3 },
    { NAME => 'RFCDEST',    LEN  => 32 },
    { NAME => 'RFCHOST',    LEN  => 8 },
    { NAME => 'RFCSYSID',   LEN  => 8 },
    { NAME => 'RFCDATABS',  LEN  => 8 },
    { NAME => 'RFCDBHOST',  LEN  => 32 },
    { NAME => 'RFCDBSYS',   LEN  => 10 },
    { NAME => 'RFCSAPRL',   LEN  => 4 },
    { NAME => 'RFCMACH',    LEN  => 5 },
    { NAME => 'RFCOPSYS',   LEN  => 10 },
    { NAME => 'RFCTZONE',   LEN  => 6 },
    { NAME => 'RFCDAYST',   LEN  => 1 },
    { NAME => 'RFCIPADDR',  LEN  => 15 },
    { NAME => 'RFCKERNRL',  LEN  => 4 },
    { NAME => 'RFCHOST2',   LEN  => 32 },
    { NAME => 'RFCSI_RESV', LEN  => 12 }

#  valid login parameters
my $VALID =  {
    CLIENT => 1,
    PASSWD => 1,
    LANG => 1,
    LCHECK => 1,
    USER => 1,
    ASHOST => 1,
    GWHOST => 1,
    GWSERV => 1,
    MSHOST => 1,
    GROUP => 1,
    R3NAME => 1,
    DEST => 1,
    SYSNR => 1,
    TPNAME => 1,
    TPHOST => 1,
    TRACE => 1,
    ABAP_DEBUG => 1,
    USE_SAPGUI => 1,
    TYPE => 1

# Global debug flag
my $DEBUG = undef;

# Tidy up open Connection when DESTROY Destructor Called
    my $self = shift;
    MyDisconnect( $self->{'handle'} )
          if exists $self->{'handle'};

# Construct a new SAP::Rfc Object.
sub new {

    my @keys = ();
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my @rest = @_;
    if ( scalar @rest == 1 ){
	$loginfile = $rest[0] if $rest[0];
	if (-f $loginfile){
	    open (FIL,"<$loginfile")
		or die "$! : could not open login file $loginfile";
	    my @file = <FIL>;
	    close FIL;
	    map { push @keys, split "\t",$_ } @file;
	    chomp @keys;
    my $self = {
	CLIENT => "000",
	LANG   => "EN",
	LCHECK   => "0",

# validate the login parameters
    map { delete $self->{$_} unless exists $VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self};

# create the connection string and login to SAP
    my $conn = MyConnect( login_string( $self ) );

    die "Unable to connect to SAP" unless $conn =~ /^\d+$/;
    $self->{HANDLE} = $conn;

# create the object and return it
    bless ($self, $class);
    return $self;

# return a formated connection string for login
sub login_string {

  my $self = shift;
  my $connect = undef;
  $self->{USER} = uc( $self->{USER} );
  $self->{PASSWD} = uc( $self->{PASSWD} );

# create the login string but only return valid parameters
  map { $connect.= $_ . "=" . $self->{$_} . " " } keys %{$self};

  return $connect;

# method to return the current date in ABAP DATE format
sub sapdate{

  my @date = localtime;
  return pack("A4 A2 A2", ($date[5] + 1900,
      sprintf("%02d",$date[4] + 1), sprintf("%02d",$date[3])));


# method to return the current time in ABAP TIME format
sub saptime{

  my @date = localtime;
  return pack("A2 A2 A2", (sprintf("%02d",$date[2]),


# method to access aggregate functions SAP::Interface
sub iface{

  my $self = shift;
  die "No Interface supplied to RFC " if ! @_;
  my $iface = shift;
  return $self->{INTERFACES}->{$iface};


# method to find the structure of an interface
sub discover{
  my $self = shift;
  die "No Interface supplied to RFC " if ! @_;
  my $iface = shift;
  die "RFC is NOT connected for interface discovery!"
     if ! is_connected( $self );
  my $info = $self->sapinfo();

  my $if = {
      'FUNCNAME' => { 'TYPE' => RFCEXPORT,
		      'VALUE' => $iface,
		      'LEN' => length($iface) }, 
      'PARAMS_P'    => { 'TYPE' => RFCTABLE,
			 'VALUE' => [],
			 'LEN' => 215 } 

  my $ifc = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE},
			      $if );
  return  undef if $ifc->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0;

  my $interface = new SAP::Iface(NAME => $iface);
  for my $row ( @{ $ifc->{'PARAMS_P'} } ){
      my ($type, $name, $tabname, $field, $datatype,
          $pos, $off, $intlen, $decs, $default, $text ) =
# record structure changes from release 3.x to 4.x 
	      unpack( ( $info->{RFCSAPRL} =~ /^[4-9]\d\w\s$/ ) ?
		      "A A30 A30 A30 A A4 A6 A6 A6 A21 A79 A1" :
		      "A A30 A10 A10 A A4 A6 A6 A6 A21 A79", $row );
      $name =~ s/\s//g;
      $tabname =~ s/\s//g;
      $field =~ s/\s//g;
      $intlen = int($intlen);
      $decs = int($decs);
      # if the character value default is in quotes - remove quotes
      if ($default =~ /^\'(.*?)\'\s*$/){
	  $default = $1;
	  # if the value is an SY- field - we have some of them in sapinfo
      } elsif ($default =~ /^SY\-(\w+)\W*$/) {
	  $default = 'RFC'.$1;
	  if ( exists $info->{$default} ) {
	      $default = $info->{$default};
	  } else {
	      $default = undef;
      my $structure = "";
      if ($datatype eq "C"){
	  # Character
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR;
	  $default = " " if $default =~ /^SPACE\s*$/;
#	  print STDERR "SET $name TO $default \n";
      } elsif ($datatype eq "X"){
	  # Integer
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_BYTE;
	  $default = pack("H*", $default) if $default;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "I"){
	  # Integer
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_INT;
	  $default = int($default) if $default;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "s"){
	  # Short Integer
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_INT2;
	  $default = int($default) if $default;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "D"){
	  # Date
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_DATE;
	  $default = '00000000';
	  $intlen = 8;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "T"){
	  # Time
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_TIME;
	  $default = '000000';
	  $intlen = 6;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "P"){
	  # Binary Coded Decimal eg. CURR QUAN etc
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_BCD;
	  #$default = 0;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "N"){
	  #  Numchar
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_NUM;
	  #$default = 0;
	  $default = sprintf("%0".$intlen."d", $default) 
	      if $default == 0 || $default =~ /^[0-9]+$/;
      } elsif ($datatype eq "F"){
	  #  Float
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_FLOAT;
	  #$default = 0;
      } elsif ( ($datatype eq " " or ! $datatype ) and $type ne "X"){
	  # do a structure object
	  $structure = structure( $self, $tabname );
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_BYTE;
      } else {
	  # Character
	  $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR;
	  $default = " " if $default =~ /^SPACE\s*$/;
      $datatype = RFCTYPE_CHAR if ! $datatype;
      if ($type eq "I"){
	  #  Export Parameter - Reverse perspective
			       TYPE => RFCEXPORT,
			       INTYPE => $datatype, 
			       NAME => $name, 
			       STRUCTURE => $structure, 
			       DEFAULT => $default,
			       VALUE => $default,
			       DECIMALS => $decs,
			       LEN => $intlen);
      } elsif ( $type eq "E"){
	  #  Import Parameter - Reverse perspective
			       TYPE => RFCIMPORT,
			       INTYPE => $datatype, 
			       NAME => $name, 
			       STRUCTURE => $structure, 
			       VALUE => undef,
			       DECIMALS => $decs,
			       LEN => $intlen);
      } elsif ( $type eq "T"){
	  #  Table
			     # INTYPE => $datatype, 
			     NAME => $name,
			     STRUCTURE => $structure, 
			     LEN => $intlen);
      } else {
	  # This is an exception definition
	  $interface->addException( $name );
  return $interface;


# method to return a structure object of SAP::Structure type
sub structure{

  my $self = shift;
  my $struct = shift;
  die "RFC is NOT connected for structure discovery!"
     if ! is_connected( $self );
  # do RFC call to obtain structure 
  if ($DEBUG){
    print "RFC CALL for STRUCTURE: $struct \n";
  my $info = $self->sapinfo();

  my $iface = {
      'TABNAME' => { 'TYPE' => RFCEXPORT,
		     'VALUE' => $struct,
		     'LEN' => length($struct) }, 
      'FIELDS'    => { 'TYPE' => RFCTABLE,
		       'VALUE' => [],
		       'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_BYTE,
		       'LEN' => 83 } 

  my $str = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE},
			      $iface );
  return  undef if $str->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0;
  $struct = SAP::Struc->new( NAME => $struct );
  map {
      my ($tabname, $field, $pos, $off, $intlen, $decs, $exid ) =
# record structure changes from 3.x to 4.x
	  unpack( ( $info->{RFCSAPRL} =~ /^[4-9]\d\w\s$/ ) ?
		  "A30 A30 A4 A6 A6 A6 A" : "A10 A10 A4 A6 A6 A6 A", $_ );
			 NAME     => $field,
			 LEN      => $intlen,
			 OFFSET   => $off,
			 DECIMALS => $decs,
			 INTYPE   => $exid
      }  ( @{ $str->{'FIELDS'} } );
  return $struct;


#  get the handle
sub handle{

  my $self = shift;
  return  $self->{HANDLE};

#  test the open connection status
sub is_connected{

  my $self = shift;
  my $ping = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_PING", {} );
  return  $ping->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} == 0 ? 1 : undef;

# Call The RFCSI_EXPORT Function module to
#  get the instance information of the connected system
sub sapinfo {
  my $return = "";
  my $output = "";

  my $self = shift;

  if ( ! exists $self->{SYSINFO} ){
    die "SAP Connection Not Open for SYSINFO "
      if ! is_connected( $self );

  my $sysinfo = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, "RFC_SYSTEM_INFO",
				  {   'RFCSI_EXPORT' => {
				      'TYPE' => RFCIMPORT,
				      'VALUE' => '',
				      'INTYPE' => RFCTYPE_CHAR,
				      'LEN' => 200 }
    return  undef if $sysinfo->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0;

    my $pos = 0;
    my $info = {};
    map {
	$info->{$_->{NAME}} = 
	    substr($sysinfo->{'RFCSI_EXPORT'},$pos, $_->{LEN});
	$pos += $_->{LEN}
    } @SYSINFO;

    $self->{RETURN} = $return;
    $self->{SYSINFO} = $info;

  return  $self->{SYSINFO};


# Call The Function module
sub callrfc {
  my $self = shift;
  my $iface = shift;
  my $ref = ref($iface);
  die "this is not an Interface Object!" 
     unless $ref eq "SAP::Iface" and $ref;

  die "SAP Connection Not Open for RFC call "
     if ! is_connected( $self );

  my $result = MyRfcCallReceive( $self->{HANDLE}, $iface->name, $iface->iface);

  if ($DEBUG){
      use  Data::Dumper;
      print "RFC CALL: ", $iface->name(), " RETURN IS: ".Dumper( $result )." \n";
  if ( $result->{'__RETURN_CODE__'} != 0 ){
      die "RFC call falied: ".$result->{'__RETURN_CODE__'};
  } else {
      map {
	  $_->intvalue( intoext( $_, $result->{$_->name()} ) )
	  } ( $iface->parms() );
      map { my $tab = $_;
	    map { $tab->addRow( $_ ) }
	        ( @{$result->{$tab->name()}} )
	} ( $iface->tabs() );

# convert internal data types to externals
sub intoext{
    my $parm = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    if ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT ){
	return unpack("l", $value);
    } elsif ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_FLOAT ){
	return unpack("d",$value);
    } elsif ( $parm->intype() == RFCTYPE_BCD ){
	#  All types of BCD
	my @flds = split(//, unpack("H*",$value));
	if ( $flds[$#flds] eq 'd' ){
	    splice( @flds,0,0,'-');
	} else {
	    splice( @flds,0,0,'+');
	pop( @flds );
	splice(@flds,$#flds - ( $parm->decimals - 1 ),0,'.')
	    if $parm->decimals > 0;
	return join('', @flds);
    } else {
	return $value;


# Close the Current Open Handle
sub close {
  my $self = shift;
  if ( exists $self->{HANDLE} ) {
      MyDisconnect( $self->{HANDLE} );
      delete $self->{HANDLE};
      delete $self->{SYSINFO};
      return 1;
  } else {
      return undef;

=head1 NAME

SAP::Rfc - Perl extension for performing RFC Function calls against an SAP R/3
System.  Please refer to the README file found with this distribution.


  use SAP::Rfc;
  $rfc = new SAP::Rfc(
		      ASHOST   => 'myhost',
		      USER     => 'ME',
		      PASSWD   => 'secret',
		      LANG     => 'EN',
		      CLIENT   => '200',
		      SYSNR    => '00',
		      TRACE    => '1' );

my $it = $rfc->discover("RFC_READ_TABLE");

$it->ROWCOUNT( 2000 );
$it->OPTIONS( ["NAME LIKE 'RS%'"] );

$rfc->callrfc( $it );

print "NO. PROGS: ".$it->tab('DATA')->rowCount()." \n";
print join("\n",( $it->DATA ));



  The best way to discribe this package is to give a brief over view, and
  then launch into several examples.
  The SAP::Rfc package works in concert with several other packages that
  also come with same distribution, these are SAP::Iface, SAP::Parm,
  SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc.  These come
  together to give you an object oriented programming interface to
  performing RFC function calls to SAP from a UNIX based platform with
  your favourite programming language - Perl.
  A SAP::Rfc object holds together one ( and only one ) connection to an
  SAP system at a time.  The SAP::Rfc object can hold one or many SAP::Iface
  objects, each of which equate to the definition of an RFC Function in
  SAP ( trans SE37 ). Each SAP::Iface object holds one or many
  SAP::Parm, and/or SAP::Tab objects, corresponding to
  the RFC Interface definition in SAP ( SE37 ).
  For all SAP::Tab objects, and for complex SAP::Parm objects,
   a SAP::Struc object can be defined.  This equates to a
  structure definition in the data dictionary ( SE11 ).
  Because the manual definition of interfaces and structures is a boring
  and tiresome exercise, there are specific methods provided to 
  automatically discover, and add the appropriate interface definitions
  for an RFC Function module to the SAP::Rfc object ( see methods
  discover, and structure of SAP::Rfc ).

=head1 METHODS:

$rfc->PARM_NAME( 'a value ')
  The parameter or tables can be accessed through autoloaded method calls - this can be useful for setting or getting the parameter values.

  $iface = $rfc->discover('RFC_READ_REPORT');
  Discover an RFC interface definition, and automaticlly add it to an SAP::Rfc object.  This will also define all associated SAP::Parm, SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc objects.

  $str = $rfc->structure('QTAB');
  Discover and return the definition of a valid data dictionary structure.  This could be subsequently used with an SAP::Parm, or SAP::Tab object.

  if ($rfc->is_connected()) {
  } else {
  Test that the SAP::Rfc object is connected to the SAP system.

  %info = $rfc->sapinfo();
  map { print "key: $_ = ", $info{$_}, "\n" }
        sort keys %info;
  Return a hash of the values supplied by the RFC_SYSTEM_INFO function module.  This function is only properly called once, and the data is cached until the RFC connection is closed - then it will be reset next call.

  Do the actual RFC call - this installs all the Export, Import, and Table Parameters in the actual C library of the XS extension, does the RFC call, Retrieves the table contents, and import parameter contents, and then cleans the libraries storage space again.

  Close the current open RFC connection to an SAP system, and then reset cached sapinfo data.

=head1 AUTHOR

Piers Harding,

But Credit must go to all those that have helped.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), SAP::Iface(3).





#include <saprfc.h>
#include <sapitab.h>

#define MAX_PARA 64

#define RFCIMPORT     0
#define RFCEXPORT     1
#define RFCTABLE      2

/* standard error call back handler - installed into connnection object */
static void  DLL_CALL_BACK_FUNCTION  rfc_error( char * operation ){

  RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX  error_info;
  fprintf( stderr, "RFC Call/Exception: %s\n", operation );
  fprintf( stderr, "\nGroup       Error group %d", );
  fprintf( stderr, "\nKey         %s", error_info.key );
  fprintf( stderr, "\nMessage     %s\n", error_info.message );


/* build a connection to an SAP system */
SV*  MyConnect(char* connectstring){

    RFC_ENV            new_env;
    RFC_HANDLE         handle;
    RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX  error_info;
    new_env.allocate = NULL;
    new_env.errorhandler = rfc_error;
    RfcEnvironment( &new_env );
    // fprintf(stderr, "CONNECT: %s\n", connectstring);
    handle = RfcOpenEx(connectstring,

    if (handle == RFC_HANDLE_NULL){
	fprintf(stderr, "GROUP \t %d \t KEY \t %s \t MESSAGE \t %s \0",, error_info.key, error_info.message );
    return newSViv( ( int ) handle );

/* Disconnect from an SAP system */
int  MyDisconnect(SV* sv_handle){

    RFC_HANDLE         handle = SvIV( sv_handle );
    RfcClose( handle ); 
    return 1;


/* copy the value of a parameter to a new pointer variable to be passed back onto the 
   parameter pointer argument */
static void * MyValue( SV* type, SV* value, SV* length, int copy ){

    char * ptr;
    int i_value;
    double d_value;

    int len = SvIV( length );
    ptr = malloc( len + 1 );
    if ( ptr == NULL )
	return 0;
    memset(ptr, 0, len + 1);
    switch ( SvIV( type ) ){
//      case RFCTYPE_INT:
//      case RFCTYPE_FLOAT:
/*  All the other SAP internal data types
        case RFCTYPE_CHAR:
        case RFCTYPE_BYTE:
        case RFCTYPE_NUM:
        case RFCTYPE_BCD:
        case RFCTYPE_DATE:
        case RFCTYPE_TIME: */
        if ( copy == TRUE ){
          Copy(SvPV( value, len ), ptr, len, char);
    return ptr;


/* build the RFC call interface, do the RFC call, and then build a complex
  hash structure of the results to pass back into perl */
SV* MyRfcCallReceive(SV* sv_handle, SV* sv_function, SV* iface){

   RFC_PARAMETER      myexports[MAX_PARA];
   RFC_PARAMETER      myimports[MAX_PARA];
   RFC_TABLE          mytables[MAX_PARA];
   RFC_RC             rc;
   RFC_HANDLE         handle;
   char *             function;
   char *             exception;
   RFC_ERROR_INFO_EX  error_info;

   int                tab_cnt, 

   AV*                array;
   HV*                h_parms;
   HV*                p_hash;
   HE*                h_entry;
   SV*                h_key;
   SV*                sv_type;

   HV*                hash = newHV();

   tab_cnt = 0;
   exp_cnt = 0;
   imp_cnt = 0;

   handle = SvIV( sv_handle );
   function = SvPV( sv_function, PL_na );

   /* get the RFC interface definition hash  and iterate   */
   h_parms =  (HV*)SvRV( iface );
   h_index = hv_iterinit( h_parms );
   for (i = 0; i < h_index; i++) {

     /* grab each parameter hash */
       h_entry = hv_iternext( h_parms );
       h_key = hv_iterkeysv( h_entry );
       p_hash = (HV*)SvRV( hv_iterval(h_parms, h_entry) );
       sv_type = *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "TYPE", 4, FALSE );

       /* determine the interface parameter type and build a definition */
       switch ( SvIV(sv_type) ){
	   case RFCIMPORT:
	     /* build an import parameter and allocate space for it to be returned into */
	   myimports[imp_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 );
	   if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name == NULL )
	       return 0;
	   memset(myimports[imp_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1);
	   Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), myimports[imp_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char);
	   myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na));
	   myimports[imp_cnt].addr = MyValue(  *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE),
					       *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE),
					       *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE), FALSE );
	   myimports[imp_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) );
	   myimports[imp_cnt].type = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE ) );

	   case RFCEXPORT:
	     /* build an export parameter and pass the value onto the structure */
	   myexports[exp_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 );
	   if ( myexports[exp_cnt].name == NULL )
	       return 0;
	   memset(myexports[exp_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1);
	   Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), myexports[exp_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char);
	   myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na));
	   myexports[exp_cnt].addr = MyValue(  *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE),
					       *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE),
					       *hv_fetch(p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE), TRUE );
	   myexports[exp_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) );
	   myexports[exp_cnt].type = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "INTYPE", 6, FALSE ) );


	   case RFCTABLE:
	     /* construct a table parameter and copy the table rows on to the table handle */
	   mytables[tab_cnt].name = malloc( strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1 );
	   if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name == NULL )
	       return 0;
	   memset(mytables[tab_cnt].name, 0, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)) + 1);
	   Copy( SvPV(h_key, PL_na), mytables[tab_cnt].name, strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na)), char);
	   mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = strlen( SvPV(h_key, PL_na));
	   mytables[tab_cnt].leng = SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) );
	   mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = 
	       ItCreate( mytables[tab_cnt].name,
			 SvIV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "LEN", 3, FALSE ) ), 0 , 0 );
	   if ( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle == NULL )
	       return 0; 

	   array = (AV*) SvRV( *hv_fetch( p_hash, (char *) "VALUE", 5, FALSE ) );
	   a_index = av_len( array );
	   for (j = 0; j <= a_index; j++) {
	       Copy(  SvPV( *av_fetch( array, j, FALSE ), PL_na ),
		      ItAppLine( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle ),
		      char );


	   fprintf(stderr, "    I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS PARAMETER IS: %s \n", SvPV(h_key, PL_na));


   /* tack on a NULL value parameter to each type to signify that there are no more */
   myexports[exp_cnt].name = NULL;
   myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = 0;
   myexports[exp_cnt].leng = 0;
   myexports[exp_cnt].addr = NULL;
   myexports[exp_cnt].type = 0;

   myimports[imp_cnt].name = NULL;
   myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = 0;
   myimports[imp_cnt].leng = 0;
   myimports[imp_cnt].addr = NULL;
   myimports[imp_cnt].type = 0;

   mytables[tab_cnt].name = NULL;
   mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = NULL;
   mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = 0;
   mytables[tab_cnt].leng = 0;
   mytables[tab_cnt].type = 0;

   /* do the actual RFC call to SAP */
   rc =  RfcCallReceive( handle, function,
				    &exception );

   /* check the return code - if necessary construct an error message */
   if ( rc != RFC_OK ){
       RfcLastErrorEx( &error_info );
     if (( rc == RFC_EXCEPTION ) ||
         ( rc == RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION )) {
       hv_store(  hash, (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15,
		  newSVpvf( "EXCEPT\t%s\tGROUP\t%d\tKEY\t%s\tMESSAGE\t%s", exception,, error_info.key, error_info.message ),
		  0 );
     } else {
       hv_store(  hash, (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15,
		  newSVpvf( "EXCEPT\t%s\tGROUP\t%d\tKEY\t%s\tMESSAGE\t%s","RfcCallReceive",, error_info.key, error_info.message ),
		  0 );
   } else {
       hv_store(  hash,  (char *) "__RETURN_CODE__", 15, newSVpvf( "%d", RFC_OK ), 0 );

   /* free up the used memory for export parameters */
   for (exp_cnt = 0; exp_cnt < MAX_PARA; exp_cnt++){
       if ( myexports[exp_cnt].name == NULL ){
       } else {
       myexports[exp_cnt].name = NULL;
       myexports[exp_cnt].nlen = 0;
       myexports[exp_cnt].leng = 0;
       myexports[exp_cnt].type = 0;
       if ( myexports[exp_cnt].addr != NULL ){
       myexports[exp_cnt].addr = NULL;

   /* retrieve the values of the import parameters and free up the memory */
   for (imp_cnt = 0; imp_cnt < MAX_PARA; imp_cnt++){
       if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name == NULL ){
       if ( myimports[imp_cnt].name != NULL ){
         switch ( myimports[imp_cnt].type ){
//	 case RFCTYPE_INT:
	   /*  All the other SAP internal data types
	       case RFCTYPE_CHAR:
	       case RFCTYPE_BYTE:
	       case RFCTYPE_NUM:
	       case RFCTYPE_BCD:
	       case RFCTYPE_DATE:
	       case RFCTYPE_TIME: */
	   hv_store(  hash, myimports[imp_cnt].name, myimports[imp_cnt].nlen, newSVpv( myimports[imp_cnt].addr, myimports[imp_cnt].leng ), 0 );
       myimports[imp_cnt].name = NULL;
       myimports[imp_cnt].nlen = 0;
       myimports[imp_cnt].leng = 0;
       myimports[imp_cnt].type = 0;
       if ( myimports[imp_cnt].addr != NULL ){
       myimports[imp_cnt].addr = NULL;

   /* retrieve the values of the table parameters and free up the memory */
   for (tab_cnt = 0; tab_cnt < MAX_PARA; tab_cnt++){
       if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name == NULL ){
       if ( mytables[tab_cnt].name != NULL ){
	   hv_store(  hash, mytables[tab_cnt].name, mytables[tab_cnt].nlen, newRV_noinc( (SV*) array = newAV() ), 0);
	   /*  grab each table row and push onto an array */
	   for (irow = 1; irow <=  ItFill(mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle); irow++){
	       av_push( array, newSVpv( ItGetLine( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle, irow ), mytables[tab_cnt].leng ) );
       mytables[tab_cnt].name = NULL;
       if ( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle != NULL ){
	   ItFree( mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle );
       mytables[tab_cnt].ithandle = NULL;
       mytables[tab_cnt].nlen = 0;
       mytables[tab_cnt].leng = 0;
       mytables[tab_cnt].type = 0;

   return newRV_noinc( (SV*) hash);
