package SAP::Iface;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD);

use constant RFCIMPORT     => 0;
use constant RFCEXPORT     => 1;
use constant RFCTABLE      => 2;

use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR  => 0;
use constant RFCTYPE_DATE  => 1;
use constant RFCTYPE_BCD   => 2;
use constant RFCTYPE_TIME  => 3;
use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE  => 4;
use constant RFCTYPE_NUM   => 6;
use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT   => 8;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT2  => 9;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT1  => 10;

# Globals

# Valid parameters
   NAME => 1,
   TABLES => 1,

$VERSION = '1.04';

# empty destroy method to stop capture by autoload


  my $self = shift;
  my @parms = @_;
  my $type = ref($self)
          or die "$self is not an Object in autoload of Iface";
  my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
  $name =~ s/.*://;

# Autoload constants

 if ( uc($name) eq 'RFCEXPORT' ) {
      return RFCEXPORT;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCIMPORT' ) {
      return RFCIMPORT;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTABLE' ) {
      return RFCTABLE;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_CHAR' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_CHAR;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_BYTE' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_BYTE;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_DATE' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_DATE;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_TIME' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_TIME;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_BCD' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_BCD;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_NUM' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_NUM;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_FLOAT' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_FLOAT;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_INT' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_INT;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_INT2' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_INT2;
  } elsif ( uc($name) eq 'RFCTYPE_INT1' ) {
      return RFCTYPE_INT1;
# Autoload parameters and tables
  } elsif ( exists $self->{PARAMETERS}->{uc($name)} ) {
      &parm($self, $name)->value( @_ );
  } elsif ( exists $self->{TABLES}->{uc($name)} ) {
      &tab($self, $name)->rows( @_ );
  } else {
      die "Parameter $name does not exist in Interface - no autoload";

# Construct a new SAP::Iface object
sub new {

  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = {
  	PARAMETERS => {},
  	TABLES => {},
  	EXCEPTIONS => {},

    die "No RFC Name supplied to Interface !" if ! exists $self->{NAME};

# Validate parameters
  map { delete $self->{$_} if ! exists $IFACE_VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self};
  $self->{NAME} = $self->{NAME};

# create the object and return it
  bless ($self, $class);
  return $self;

# get the name
sub name {

  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{NAME};


# Add an export parameter Object
sub addParm {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No parameter supplied to Interface !" if ! @_;
  my $parm;
  if (my $ref = ref($_[0])){
      die "This is not an Parameter for the Interface - $ref ! "
	  if $ref ne "SAP::Parms";
      $parm = $_[0];
  } else {
      $parm = SAP::Parms->new( @_ );

  return $self->{PARAMETERS}->{$parm->name()} = $parm;


# Access the export parameters
sub parm {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No parameter name supplied for interface" if ! @_;
  my $parm = uc(shift);
  die "Parameter $parm Does not exist in interface !"
           if ! exists $self->{PARAMETERS}->{$parm};
  return $self->{PARAMETERS}->{$parm};


# Return the parameter list
sub parms {

  my $self = shift;
  return sort { $a->name() cmp $b->name() } values %{$self->{PARAMETERS}};


# Return the parameter list excluding empty export parameters
sub parms_noempty {

  my $self = shift;
  return sort { $a->name() cmp $b->name() } grep { ! ($_->type() == RFCEXPORT && ! $_->changed()) }values %{$self->{PARAMETERS}};


# Add an Table Object
sub addTab {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No Table supplied for interface !" if ! @_;
  my $table;
  if ( my $ref = ref($_[0]) ){
      die "This is not a Table for interface: $ref ! "
	  if $ref ne "SAP::Tab";
      $table = $_[0];
  } else {
      $table = SAP::Tab->new( @_ );
  return $self->{TABLES}->{$table->name()} = $table;


# Is this a Table parameter
sub isTab {

  my $self = shift;
  my $table = uc(shift);
     return exists $self->{TABLES}->{ $table } ? 1 : undef;


# Access the Tables
sub tab {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No Table name supplied for interface" if ! @_;
  my $table = uc(shift);
  die "Table $table Does not exist in interface  !"
     if ! exists $self->{TABLES}->{ $table };
  return $self->{TABLES}->{ $table };


# Return the Table list
sub tabs {

  my $self = shift;
  return sort { $a->name() cmp $b->name() } values %{$self->{TABLES}};


# Empty The contents of all tables in an interface
sub emptyTables {

  my $self = shift;
  map {
  } ( $self->tabs() );
  return 1;


# Add an Exception code
sub addException {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No exception parameter supplied to Interface !" if ! @_;
  my $exception = uc(shift);
  return $self->{EXCEPTIONS}->{$exception} = $exception;


# Check Exception Exists
sub exception {

  my $self = shift;
  die "No Exception parameter name supplied for interface" if ! @_;
  my $exception = uc(shift);
  return ( ! exists $self->{EXCEPTIONS}->{ $exception } ) ? $exception : undef;


# Return the Exception parameter list
sub exceptions {

  my $self = shift;
  return sort keys %{$self->{EXCEPTIONS}};


# Reset the entire interface
sub reset {

  my $self = shift;
  #  Reset all the tables
  emptyTables( $self );
  # Reset all parameters
  map {
        $_->value( $_->default );
        } ( parms() );

  return 1;


#Generate the Interface hash
sub iface{

    my $self = shift;

    my $iface = {};
    map { $iface->{$_->name()} = { 'TYPE' => $_->type(),
	                          'INTYPE' => $_->intype(),
#				  'VALUE' => $_->intvalue(),
                                  'VALUE' => ((($_->intype() == RFCTYPE_BYTE) && $_->type() == RFCEXPORT ) ? pack("A".$_->leng(), $_->intvalue()) : $_->intvalue()),
#				  'LEN' => ($_->intype() == RFCTYPE_CHAR ? length($_->intvalue()) : $_->leng()) }
                                  'LEN' => ((($_->intype() == RFCTYPE_CHAR) && $_->type() != RFCIMPORT ) ? length($_->intvalue()) : $_->leng()) }

      } ( $self->parms_noempty() );

    map { $iface->{$_->name()} = { 'TYPE' => RFCTABLE,
	                          'INTYPE' => $_->intype(),
				  'VALUE' => [ ($_->rows()) ],
				   'LEN' => $_->leng() };
      } ( $self->tabs() );

#    use Data::Dumper;
#    warn "This is the IFACE: ".Dumper($iface)."\n";

    return $iface;


=head1 NAME

SAP::Iface - Perl extension for parsing and creating an Interface Object.  The interface object would then be passed to the SAP::Rfc object to carry out the actual call, and return of values.


  use SAP::Iface;
  $iface = new SAP::Iface( NAME =>"RFCNAME" );
  NAME is mandatory.

or more commonly:

  use SAP::Rfc;
  $rfc = new SAP::Rfc( ASHOST => ... );
  $iface = $rfc->discover('RFC_READ_REPORT');


This class is used to construct a valid interface object ( ).
The constructor requires the parameter value pairs to be passed as 
hash key values ( see SYNOPSIS ). 
Generally you would not create one of these manually as it is far easier to use the "discovery" functionality of the SAP::Rfc->discover("RFCNAME") method.  This returns a fully formed interface object.  This is achieved by using standard RFCs supplied by SAP to look up the definition of an RFC interface and any associated structures.

  use SAP::Iface;
  $iface = new SAP::Iface( NAME =>"RFC_READ_TABLE" );
Create a new Interface object.

$iface->PARM_NAME(' new value ')
  Parameters and tables are autoloaded methods - than can be accessed like this to set and get their values.

  Autoloaded methods are provided for all the constant definitions relating to SAP parameter types.

  Return the name of an interface.

                 TYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCEXPORT,
                 INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_CHAR,
                 NAME => 'A_NAME', 
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 DEFAULT => 'the default value',
                 VALUE => 'the current value',
                 DECIMALS => 0,
                 LEN => 20 );
Add an RFC interface parameter to the SAP::Iface definition - see SAP::Parm.

  Return a reference to a named parameter object.

  Return a list of parameter objects for an interface.

                INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_BYTE, 
                 NAME => 'NAME_OF_TABLE',
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 LEN => 35 );
  Add an RFC interface table definition to the SAP::Iface object - see SAP::Tab.

  Returns true if the named parameter is a table.

  Return a reference to the named table object - see SAP::Tab.

  Return a list of table objects for the SAPP::Iface object.

  Empty the contents of all the tables on a SAP::Iface object.

  Add an exception name to the interface.

  Return the named exception name - basically I dont do anything with exceptions yet except keep a list of names that could be checked against an RFC failure return code.

  Return a list of exception names associated with a SAP::Iface object.

  Empty all the tables and reset paramters to their default values - useful when you are doing multiple calls.

  An internal method that generates the internal structure passed into the C routines.


package SAP::Tab;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

# Globals

use constant RFCIMPORT     => 0;
use constant RFCEXPORT     => 1;
use constant RFCTABLE      => 2;

use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR  => 0;
use constant RFCTYPE_DATE  => 1;
use constant RFCTYPE_BCD   => 2;
use constant RFCTYPE_TIME  => 3;
use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE  => 4;
use constant RFCTYPE_NUM   => 6;
use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT   => 8;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT2  => 9;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT1  => 10;

# Valid parameters
my $TAB_VALID = {
   VALUE => 1,
   NAME => 1,
   INTYPE => 1,
   LEN => 1,

# Valid data types

# Construct a new SAP::Table object.
sub new {

  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = {
     VALUE => [],

  die "Table Name not supplied !" if ! exists $self->{NAME};
  die "Table $self->{NAME} Length not supplied !" if ! exists $self->{LEN};

# Validate parameters
  map { delete $self->{$_} if ! exists $TAB_VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self};
  $self->{NAME} = uc($self->{NAME});

# create the object and return it
  bless ($self, $class);
  return $self;


# Set/get the table rows - pass a reference to a anon array
sub rows {

  my $self = shift;
  if (@_){
    $self->{'VALUE'} = shift;
    my @rows = ();
    my $str = $self->structure();
    foreach my $row ( @{$self->{'VALUE'}} ){
      if (ref($row) eq 'HASH'){
        map { $str->$_($row->{$_}) } keys %{$row};
	$row = $str->value;
      push(@rows, $row);
    $self->{'VALUE'} = \@rows;
  return  map{ pack("A".$self->leng(),$_) } (@{$self->{VALUE}});


# retrieve the rows in hashes based on the field names
sub hashRows {

  my $self = shift;
  my @rows = ();
  foreach ( map{ pack("A".$self->leng(),$_) } (@{$self->{VALUE}}) ){
    $self->structure->value( $_ );
    push ( @rows, { map { $_ => $self->structure->$_() } ( $self->structure->fields ) } );
  return @rows;

# Return the next available row from a table
sub nextRow {

  my $self = shift;
  my $row = shift  @{$self->{VALUE}};
  if ( $row ) {
    $self->structure->value( $row );
    return  { map {$_ => $self->structure->$_() } ( $self->structure->fields ) };
  } else {
    return undef;


# Set/get the structure parameter
sub structure {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{STRUCTURE} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{STRUCTURE};


# add a row
sub addRow {

  my $self = shift;
  if (@_){
    my $row = shift;
    my $str = $self->structure();
    if (ref($row) eq 'HASH'){
      map { $str->$_($row->{$_}) } keys %{$row};
      $row = $str->value;
    push(@{$self->{VALUE}}, $row);


# Delete all rows in the table
sub empty {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->rows( [ ] );
  return 1;


# Get the table name
sub name {

  my $self = shift;
  return  $self->{NAME};


# Set/get the value of type
sub intype {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{INTYPE} = shift if @_;
  die "Table Type not valid $self->{INTYPE} !"
     if ! exists $TAB_VALTYPE->{$self->{INTYPE}};
  return $self->{INTYPE};


# Set/get the table length
sub leng {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{LEN} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{LEN};


# Get the number of rows
sub rowCount {

  my $self = shift;
#  return  $#{$self->{VALUE}} + 1;
  return scalar @{$self->{VALUE}};


# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.

=head1 NAME

SAP::Tab - Perl extension for parsing and creating Tables to be added to an RFC Iface.


  use SAP::Tab;
  $tab1 = new SAP::Tab( 
                INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_BYTE, 
                 NAME => 'NAME_OF_TABLE',
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 LEN => 35 );


This class is used to construct a valid Table object to be add to an interface
object ( ).
The constructor requires the parameter value pairs to be passed as 
hash key values ( see SYNOPSIS ).

  use SAP::Tab;
  $tab1 = new SAP::Tab(
                INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_BYTE, 
                 NAME => 'NAME_OF_TABLE',
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 LEN => 35 );

  @r = $tab1->rows( [ row1, row2, row3 .... ] );
  optionally set and Give the current rows of a table.

  $tab1->rows( [ { TEXT => "NAME LIKE 'SAPL\%RFC\%'", .... } ] );
  pass in a list of hash refs where each hash ref is the key value pairs of the 
  table structures fields ( as per the DDIC ).

  Add a row to the table contents.

  @r = $tab1->hashRows;
  This returns an array of hashes representing each row of a table.  
  The hashes are fieldname/value pairs of the row structure.

  shift the first row off the table contents, and return a hash ref of the field values as per the table structure.

  $c = $tab1->rowCount();
  return the current number of rows in a table object.

  empty the row out of the table.

  get the name of the table object.

  Set or get the internal table type.

  Set or get the table row length.

  Set or get the structure object of the table - see SAP::Struct.


package SAP::Parms;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

# Globals

use constant RFCIMPORT     => 0;
use constant RFCEXPORT     => 1;
use constant RFCTABLE      => 2;

use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR  => 0;
use constant RFCTYPE_DATE  => 1;
use constant RFCTYPE_BCD   => 2;
use constant RFCTYPE_TIME  => 3;
use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE  => 4;
use constant RFCTYPE_NUM   => 6;
use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT   => 8;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT2  => 9;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT1  => 10;

# Valid parameters
   NAME => 1,
   INTYPE => 1,
   LEN => 1,
   STRUCTURE => 1,
   DECIMALS => 1,
   TYPE => 1,
   DEFAULT => 1,
   VALUE => 1,
   CHANGED => 1

# Valid data types
my $PARMTYPE = {

# Valid data types

# Construct a new SAP::Parms parameter object.
sub new {

  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = {
     DEFAULT => undef,
     CHANGED => 0,
     VALUE => undef,

  die "Parameter TYPE not supplied !" if ! exists $self->{TYPE};

  die "Parameter Type not valid $self->{TYPE} !" 
     if ! exists $PARMTYPE->{$self->{TYPE}};

  die "Parameter Internal Type not valid $self->{INTYPE} !" 
     if ! exists $PARMS_VALTYPE->{$self->{INTYPE}};

# Validate parameters
  map { delete $self->{$_} if ! exists $PARMS_VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self};
  $self->{NAME} = uc($self->{NAME});

# create the object and return it
  bless ($self, $class);
  return $self;

# Set/get the value of type
sub type {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{TYPE} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{TYPE};


# get the changed flag
sub changed {

  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'CHANGED'};


# Set/get the value of decimals
sub decimals {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{DECIMALS} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{DECIMALS};


# Set/get the value ofinternal type
sub intype {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{INTYPE} = shift if @_;
  die "Parameter INTYPE not valid $self->{INTYPE} !"
     if ! exists $PARMS_VALTYPE->{$self->{INTYPE}};
  return $self->{INTYPE};


# Set/get the parameter value
sub value {

  my $self = shift;
#  print STDERR "setting value: ".$self->name()." to ", @_,"\n";
  if (@_){
    $self->{'VALUE'} = shift;
    if (ref($self->{'VALUE'}) eq 'HASH'){
      my $str = $self->structure();
      map { $str->$_($self->{'VALUE'}->{$_}) } keys %{$self->{'VALUE'}};
      $self->{'VALUE'} = $str->value;
    } else {
      $self->{'CHANGED'} = $self->{'VALUE'} eq $self->{'DEFAULT'} ? 0 : 1;
#  print STDERR " value for: ".$self->name()." is ", $self->{'VALUE'},"\n";
  if (my $s = $self->structure ){
    $s->value( $self->{'VALUE'} ); 
    my $flds = {};
    map {  $flds->{$_} = $s->$_() } ( $s->fields );
    return $flds;
  } else {
    return $self->{'VALUE'};


# get the parameter internal value
sub intvalue {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{VALUE} = shift if @_;

#  print STDERR "PARM: ".$self->name() ." type ".$self->intype()." is: ".$self->{'VALUE'}."\n";
# Sort out theinternal format
#  if ( $self->{VALUE}){
  if ( $self->{VALUE} ne ''){
      if ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_BCD){
	  return pack("H*", $self->{VALUE});
      } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_FLOAT){
	  return pack("d", $self->{VALUE});
      } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT){
#	  return pack("I4", int($self->{VALUE}));
	  return pack("l", int($self->{VALUE}));
      } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT2){
	  return pack("S", int($self->{VALUE}));
      } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT1){
      # get the last byte of the integer
	  return (unpack("A A A A", int($self->{VALUE})))[-1];
      } else {
#          print STDERR " length is: ".$self->leng()." value is: ".$self->{'VALUE'}."\n";
	  return pack("A".$self->leng(),$self->{VALUE});
  } else {
      if ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_CHAR ){
#        $self->leng( 1 );
        return " ";
      } else {
#        $self->leng( 0 );
        return "";


# Set/get the parameter default
sub default {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{DEFAULT} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{DEFAULT};


# Set/get the parameter structure
sub structure {

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{STRUCTURE} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{STRUCTURE};


# Set/get the parameter length
sub leng {

  my $self = shift;
  if ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_FLOAT){
      $self->{LEN} = 8;
  } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT){
      $self->{LEN} = 4;
  } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT2){
      $self->{LEN} = 2;
  } elsif ( $self->intype() == RFCTYPE_INT1){
      $self->{LEN} = 1;
  } else {
      $self->{LEN} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{LEN};


# get the name
sub name {

  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{NAME};


# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

SAP::Parms - Perl extension for parsing and creating an SAP parameter to be added to an RFC Interface.


  use SAP::Parms;
  $imp1 = new SAP::Parms(
                 TYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCEXPORT,
                 INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_CHAR,
                 NAME => 'A_NAME', 
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 DEFAULT => 'the default value',
                 VALUE => 'the current value',
                 DECIMALS => 0,
                 LEN => 20 );


This class is used to construct a valid parameter to add to an interface
object ( ).
The constructor requires the parameter value pairs to be passed as 
hash key values ( see SYNOPSIS ).

  use SAP::Parms;
  $imp1 = new SAP::Parms(
                 TYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCEXPORT,
                 INTYPE => SAP::Iface->RFCTYPE_CHAR,
                 NAME => 'A_NAME', 
                 STRUCTURE =>
                 DEFAULT => 'the default value',
                 VALUE => 'the current value',
                 DECIMALS => 0,
                 LEN => 20 );

  $v = $imp1->value( [ val ] );
  optionally set and Give the current value.

  or - pass in a hash ref where the hash ref contains  key/value pairs
  for the fields in the complex parameters structure ( as per the DDIC ).

  $t = $imp1->type( [ type ] );
  optionally set and Give the current value of type - this denotes whether this is an export or import parameter.

  Set or get the decimals place of the parameter.

  Set or get the internal type ( as required by librfc ).

  An internal method for translating the value of a parameter into the required native C format.

    Set or get the place holder for the default value of a paramter - in order to reset the value of a parameter to the default you need to $p->value( $p->default );
  This is really an internal method that $iface->reset calls on each parameter.

  Set or get the structure object for a parameter - not all parameters will have an associated structures - only complex ones.  See SAP::Struc.

  Set or get the length attribute of a parameter.

  Get the name of a parameter object.


package SAP::Struc;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD);

#  require AutoLoader;

# Globals

use constant RFCTYPE_CHAR  => 0;
use constant RFCTYPE_DATE  => 1;
use constant RFCTYPE_BCD   => 2;
use constant RFCTYPE_TIME  => 3;
use constant RFCTYPE_BYTE  => 4;
use constant RFCTYPE_NUM   => 6;
use constant RFCTYPE_FLOAT => 7;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT   => 8;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT2  => 9;
use constant RFCTYPE_INT1  => 10;

# Valid parameters
my $VALID = {
   NAME => 1,
   FIELDS => 1

# Valid Field parameters
   NAME => 1,
   INTYPE => 1,
   DECIMALS => 1,
   LEN => 1,
   OFFSET => 1,
   POSITION => 1,
   VALUE => 1

# Valid data types for fields
   B => RFCTYPE_INT1,  # This is a place holder for a 1 byte int <=255+

# Valid data types
my $VALTYPE = {

# empty destroy method to stop capture by autoload


  my $self = shift;
  my @parms = @_;
  my $type = ref($self)
          or die "$self is not an Object in autoload of Structure";
  my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
  $name =~ s/.*://;
  unless ( exists $self->{FIELDS}->{uc($name)} ) {
      die "Field $name does not exist in structure - no autoload";

# Construct a new SAP::export parameter object.
sub new {

  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = {
     FIELDS => {},

  die "Structure Name not supplied !" if ! exists $self->{NAME};
  $self->{NAME} = uc($self->{NAME});

# Validate parameters
  map { delete $self->{$_} if ! exists $VALID->{$_} } keys %{$self};

# create the object and return it
  bless ($self, $class);
  return $self;


# Set/get structure field
sub addField {

  my $self = shift;

  my %field = @_;
  map { delete $field{$_} if ! exists $FIELDVALID->{$_} } keys %field;
  die "Structure NAME not supplied!" if ! exists $field{NAME};
  $field{NAME} = uc($field{NAME});
  $field{NAME} =~ s/\s//g;
  die "Structure NAME allready exists - $field{NAME}!" 
     if exists $self->{FIELDS}->{$field{NAME}};
  $field{INTYPE} =~ s/\s//g;
  $field{INTYPE} = uc( $field{INTYPE} );

  die "Structure INTYPE not supplied!" if ! exists $field{INTYPE};
  if ( $field{INTYPE} =~ /[A-Z]/ ){
      die "Structure Type not valid $field{INTYPE} !" 
	  if ! exists $VALCHARTYPE->{$field{INTYPE}};
      $field{INTYPE} = $VALCHARTYPE->{$field{INTYPE}};
  } else {
      die "Structure Type not valid $field{INTYPE} in $self->{NAME} - $field{NAME} - length $field{LEN} !" 
	  if ! exists $VALTYPE->{$field{INTYPE}};
  $field{POSITION} = ( scalar keys %{$self->{FIELDS}} ) + 1;

  return $self->{FIELDS}->{$field{NAME}} = 
                    { map { $_ => $field{$_} } keys %field };


# Delete a field from the structure
sub deleteField {

  my $self = shift;
  my $field = shift;
  die "Structure field does not exist: $field "
     if ! exists $self->{FIELDS}->{uc($field)};
  delete $self->{FIELDS}->{uc($field)};
  return $field;


# Set/get the field value and update the overall structure value
sub fieldValue {

  my $self = shift;
  my $field = shift;
  $field = ($self->fields)[$field] if $field =~ /^\d+$/;
  die "Structure field does not exist: $field "
     if ! exists $self->{FIELDS}->{uc($field)};
  $field = $self->{FIELDS}->{uc($field)};
  if (scalar @_ > 0){
    $field->{VALUE} = shift @_;
    delete $self->{PACKED} if exists $self->{PACKED};

  return $field->{VALUE};


# get the field name by position
sub fieldName {

  my $self = shift;
  my $field = shift;
#  print "Number: $field \n";
  die "Structure field does not exist by array position: $field "
     if ! ($self->fields)[$field - 1];
  return ($self->fields)[$field - 1 ];


# get the name
sub name {

  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{NAME};


# return the current set of field names
sub fields {

  my $self = shift;
  return  sort { $self->{FIELDS}->{$a}->{POSITION} <=>
		  $self->{FIELDS}->{$b}->{POSITION} }
		  keys %{$self->{FIELDS}};


# Set/get the parameter value
sub value {

  my $self = shift;
  # an empty value maybe passed
  if ( scalar @_ > 0 ){
    $self->{VALUE} = shift @_ ;
    _unpack_structure( $self );
  } else {
    _pack_structure( $self ) if ! exists $self->{PACKED};
  return $self->{VALUE};


# internal routine to pack individual field values back into structure
sub _pack_structure {

  my $self = shift;
  my @fields = fields($self);
  my $offset = 0;
  my @flds = undef;
  map {
        my $fld = $self->{FIELDS}->{$fields[$_]};
        $fld->{OFFSET} = $offset if ! $fld->{OFFSET} > 0;
        $offset += int($fld->{LEN});
	#  Transform various packed dta types
        if ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT ){
	# Long INT4
#          $fld->{VALUE} = pack("I4",$fld->{VALUE});
	  $fld->{VALUE} ||= 0;
          $fld->{VALUE} = pack("l",$fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT2 ){
	# Short INT2
	  $fld->{VALUE} ||= 0;
          $fld->{VALUE} = pack("S",$fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT1 ){
	# Short INT1
          $fld->{VALUE} = chr( int( $fld->{VALUE} ) );
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_NUM ){
#          $fld->{VALUE} = int($fld->{VALUE});
# what if it is num char ?
          $fld->{VALUE} = "0" unless exists $fld->{VALUE};
	  if ( $fld->{VALUE} == 0 || $fld->{VALUE} =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ){
	    $fld->{VALUE} = 
	      sprintf("%0".$fld->{LEN}."d", int($fld->{VALUE}));
#          $fld->{VALUE} = int($fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_DATE ){
	# Date
          $fld->{VALUE} = '00000000' if ! $fld->{VALUE};
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_TIME ){
	# Time
          $fld->{VALUE} = '000000' if ! $fld->{VALUE};
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_FLOAT ){
	# Float
	  $fld->{VALUE} ||= 0;
          $fld->{VALUE} = pack("d",$fld->{VALUE});
#        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_BCD and $fld->{VALUE} ){
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_BCD ){
	#  All types of BCD
	  $fld->{VALUE} =~ s/^\s+([ -+]\d.*)$/$1/;
	  $fld->{VALUE} ||= 0;
	  #print STDERR "SPRINTF: ".sprintf("%0".int(($fld->{LEN}*2) - 1).".".$fld->{DECIMALS}."f", $fld->{VALUE})."\n";
	  $fld->{VALUE} = sprintf("%0".int(($fld->{LEN}*2) + 1).".".$fld->{DECIMALS}."f", $fld->{VALUE});
	  $fld->{VALUE} =~ s/\.//g;
	  #print STDERR "FIELD: ".$self->{NAME}." = ".$fld->{VALUE}."\n";
	  @flds = split(//, $fld->{VALUE});
	  shift @flds eq '-' ? push( @flds, 'd'): push( @flds, 'c');
	  #print STDERR "FIELD: ", $fld->{NAME}, " LEN: ", $fld->{LEN}, " VAL: ", join('', @flds), " DEC: ", $fld->{DECIMALS}, "\n";
	  $fld->{VALUE} = join('', @flds);
	  #print STDERR "VALUE: ".$fld->{VALUE}."\n";
          $fld->{VALUE} = pack("H*",$fld->{VALUE});
	  #print STDERR "VALUE: ".unpack("H*",$fld->{VALUE})."\n";

	$fld->{VALUE} ||= "";
#	print "FIELD: ", $fld->{NAME}, "  VAL: ", $fld->{VALUE}, "\n";
      } (0..$#fields);

  # find the length of a row
  my $lastoff = $self->{FIELDS}->{$fields[$#fields]}->{OFFSET} + 
  my $format = "";
  map {
        my $fld = $self->{FIELDS}->{$fields[$_]};
	$format = join(" ","A".($lastoff - $fld->{OFFSET}), $format);
        $lastoff = int($fld->{OFFSET});
      } reverse (0..$#fields);

  #my $format = &_format( $self );
  $self->{VALUE} = 
    pack( $format, ( map { $self->{FIELDS}->{$_}->{VALUE} } ( @fields ) ) );
  $self->{PACKED} = 1;


# internal routine to unpack field values from the overall structure value
sub _unpack_structure {

  my $self = shift;
  #my $format = &_format( $self );
  #my @fieldvalues = unpack($format, $self->{VALUE});
  #print "AFTER AFTER HEX:", unpack("H*", $self->{VALUE}), "\n";
  my @fields = $self->fields($self);
#  print "SELF IS: $self \n";
#  map { print "val: $_ \n" } @fields;
  my $offset = 0;
  map {
        my $fld = $self->{FIELDS}->{$fields[$_]};
        $offset = int($fld->{OFFSET}) if exists $fld->{OFFSET};
#	print "Field: ", $fld->{NAME}, " OFF: $offset TYPE: $fld->{INTYPE} - ROW: ", $self->{VALUE}, "\n";
        $fld->{VALUE} = substr($self->{VALUE}, $offset, int($fld->{LEN}));
	#  Transform various packed dta types
        if ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT ){
	# Long INT4
#          $fld->{VALUE} = unpack("I4",$fld->{VALUE});
          $fld->{VALUE} = unpack("l",$fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT2 ){
	# Short INT2
          $fld->{VALUE} = unpack("S",$fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_INT1 ){
	# INT1
          $fld->{VALUE} = ord( $fld->{VALUE} );
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_NUM ){
          $fld->{VALUE} = int($fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_FLOAT ){
	# Float
          $fld->{VALUE} = unpack("d",$fld->{VALUE});
        } elsif ( $fld->{INTYPE} eq RFCTYPE_BCD and $fld->{VALUE} ){
	#  All types of BCD
	  my @flds = split(//, unpack("H".$fld->{LEN}*2,$fld->{VALUE}));
	  if ( $flds[$#flds] eq 'd' ){
	    splice( @flds,0,0,'-');
	  #} else {
	  #  splice( @flds,0,0,'+');
	  pop( @flds );
#	  print "FIELD: ", $fld->{NAME}, " VAL: ", join('', @flds), "DEC: ", $fld->{DECIMALS}, "\n";
	  splice(@flds,$#flds - ( $fld->{DECIMALS} - 1 ),0,'.')
	                if $fld->{DECIMALS} > 0;
	  $fld->{VALUE} = join('', @flds);
        $offset += int($fld->{LEN}) if ! exists $fld->{OFFSET};
      } (0..$#fields);


# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

SAP::Struc - Perl extension for parsing and creating a Structure definition.   The resulting structure object is then used for SAP::Parms, and SAP::Tab objects to manipulate complex data elements.


  use SAP::Struc;
  $struct = new SAP::Struc( NAME => XYZ, FIELDS => [......] );


This class is used to construct a valid structure object - a structure object that would be used in an Export(Parms), Import(Parms), and Table(Tab) object ( ).  This is normally done through the SAP::Rfc->structure('STRUCT_NAME') method that does an auto look up of the data dictionary definition of a structure.
The constructor requires the parameter value pairs to be passed as 
hash key values ( see SYNOPSIS ).  The value of each field can either be accessed through $str->fieldValue(field1), or through the autoloaded method of the field name eg. $str->FIELD1().  

  use SAP::Struc;
  $str = new SAP::Struc( NAME => XYZ );

  use SAP::Struc;
  $str = new SAP::Struc( NAME => XYZ );
  $str->addField( NAME => field1,
                  INTYPE => chars );
  add a new field into the structure object.  The field is given a position counter of the number of the previous number of fields + 1.  Name is mandatory, but type will be defaulted to chars if omitted.

  use SAP::Struc;
  $str = new SAP::Struc( NAME => XYZ );
  $str->addField( NAME => field1,
                  INTYPE => chars );
  Allow fields to be deleted from a structure.

  $name = $str->name();
  Get the name of the structure.

  Get the field name by position in the structure - $s->fieldName( 3 ).

  $ftype = $str->fieldType(field1, [ new field type ]);
  Set/Get the SAP BC field type of a component field of the structure.  This will force the overall value of the structure to be recalculated.

  $fvalue = $str->value('new value');
  Set/Get the value of the whole structure.

  $fvalue = $str->fieldValue(field1,
                          [new component value]);
  Set/Get the value of a component field of the structure.  This will force the overall value of the structure to be recalculated.

  @f = &$struct->fields();
  Return an array of the fields of a structure sorted in positional order.

=head1 Exported constants


=head1 AUTHOR

Piers Harding,

But Credit must go to all those that have helped.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), SAP(3), SAP::Rfc(3), SAP::Iface(3)

