Revision history for Perl extension Math::BigInt::GMP.
2015-08-18 v1.40 pjacklam
* Add changes for the newest release.
* Reorder change entries into descending chronological order.
* Update bundled Devel::CheckLib from v1.01 to v1.03.
* Update required version of Math-BigInt to 1.9994.
* Improve formatting of module version information.
* Use the correct backend, in this case Math::BigInt::GMP.
* Skip test specific for the Math::BigInt::Calc backend.
* Rather than an early exit(), use skip() to skip tests.
* Use the correct backend, in this case Math::BigInt::GMP.
* Use the correct backend, in this case Math::BigInt::GMP. This was correct
in v1.21, but has been wrong since then.
* Use the correct backend, in this case Math::BigInt::GMP. This was correct
up until v1.32, but has been wrong since then.
* Increment Math::BigInt::GMP version number to 1.40.
2015-08-17 v1.39 pjacklam
* Updated test files with those from Math-BigInt-1.9997.
2014-04-03 v1.38 pjacklam
* Updated test files from the Math::BigInt distribution (Peter John Acklam).
* Updated POD (Peter John Acklam)
* Updated bundled Devel::CheckLib from v0.93 to v1.01 (Peter John Acklam).
2011-09-04 v1.37 pjacklam
* Updated test files from the Math::BigInt distribution (Peter John Acklam).
* Updated bundled Devel::CheckLib from v0.92 to v0.93 (Peter John Acklam).
* Math::BigInt::GMP now requires Math::BigInt v1.997 (Peter John Acklam).
* Include "^MYMETA\.(yml|json)\z" in MANIFEST.SKIP. Whereas META.* are
generated by the distribution author at packaging time, MYMETA.* are
generated by the end user at configure time after any dynamic dependencies
are known. (Peter John Acklam)
* Changed Makefile.PL so that a "make dist" makes a META.yml and META.json.
(Peter John Acklam)
* Updated common test files from the Math::BigInt distribution. (Peter John
2011-02-26 v1.36 pjacklam (6362 tests)
* Change to reflect recent changes in the Math::BigInt
distribution (Peter John Acklam).
* Use a _nok() function more similar to the one in Math::BigInt::Calc
(Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-08 v1.35 pjacklam (6361 tests)
* Rename files for testing signature, module loading, and POD so the names
are within the 8+3 character limit (Peter John Acklam).
* Rename method _nok_ok() to the correct _nok(). There ought to have been a
test catching an error like that (Peter John Acklam).
* Fix _nok() giving wrong output when second input argument is zero
(Peter John Acklam).
* Fix _nok() so it doesn't modify its second input arg (Peter John Acklam).
* Update the included Devel::CheckLib to most recent version as suggested in
RE #63055 (Peter John Acklam).
* Apply "chmod 0644" to the few test scripts that don't already have that
mode (Peter John Acklam).
2011-02-07 v1.34 pjacklam (6361 tests)
* Rename _num() to _str(). The old _num() did exactly what _str() is supposed
to do, according to the API documentation (Peter John Acklam).
* Add a _num() function which (currently) simply numifies the output from
_str() (Peter John Acklam).
* Clean up whitespace (Peter John Acklam).
* Fix POD errors (Peter John Acklam).
* Add _nok() method. Now the old claim that Math::BigInt::GMP conforms to API
version 2 is actually true (Peter John Acklam).
* Edit the test files that were copied from the Math::BigInt distribution, so
we now test Math::BigInt against Math::BigInt::GMP, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
I had forgotten this when I copied the test files from the Math::BigInt
distribution. This reduces the total test count, since some test are not
executed with Math::BigInt::GMP (Peter John Acklam).
* Replace morse code in 'README' with proper text (Peter John Acklam).
* Include '01-load.t' for explicitly testing module loading (Peter John
* Use more generic code in 'pod.t' and 'pod_cov.t' (Peter John Acklam).
2011-01-30 v1.33 pjacklam (6411 tests)
* Fix _modinv() so that it works the same way as _modinv() in other
Math::BigInt libraries: The output arguments are an object and the
corresponding sign, not undef (Peter John Acklam).
* Include most recent versions of the test files from the Math-BigInt
distribution (, bigfltpm.t,, bigintpm.t,
biglog.t, and bigroot.t) (Peter John Acklam).
* Include generic SIGNATURE test file (Peter John Acklam).
* Required version of Math::BigInt is now 1.99_05 (Peter John Acklam).
2010-09-23 v1.32 rafl 5559 tests
* Re-upload 1.31 as a stable release without further changes.
2010-09-21 v1.31 rafl 5559 tests DEVELOPMENT RELEASE
* Add hooks for Storable (de-)serialisation.
* Avoid failure in the destructor if someone blessed nonsense into our class.
2010-09-20 v1.30 rafl 5558 tests
* Re-upload 1.29 as a stable release without further changes.
2010-09-19 v1.29 rafl 5558 tests DEVELOPMENT RELEASE
* Attempt to fix a bug in the bundled version Devel::CheckLib.
It used to ignore @Config{qw(ccflags ldflags)} and only tried to look for
headers and libraries with the compiler's default include- and lib-paths as
well as those explicitly asked for by the user.
2010-09-17 v1.28 rafl 5558 tests
* Re-upload 1.27 without further changes as a stable release.
2010-09-15 v1.27 rafl 5558 tests DEVELOPMENT RELEASE
* Try to support perls older than 5.8.8 again.
Tested with 5.8.7 and 5.6.2.
2010-09-14 v1.26 rafl 5558 tests DEVELOPMENT RELEASE
* Error out early if libgmp or gmp.h are missing.
* Clone Math::BigInt::GMP instances on thread cloning.
This should make the module threadsafe.
2010-09-10 v1.25 rafl 5536 tests
* Fix tests with Math::BigInt >= 1.90 and depend on it.
2007-07-31 v1.24 Tels 5530 tests
* apply patch for warnings about ptr size mismatch under Cygwin (thanx
Reini Urban!)
* make it work under 5.6.x again by defining SvUOK() (Thanx Marcus
Holland-Moritz and Reini Urban!)
2007-07-25 v1.23 Tels 5527 tests
* require Math::BigInt 1.87
* fix for _new() (appeared under Cygwin, but possible others, thanx
Linda W. (report) and Reini Urban (patch)!)
2007-06-01 v1.22 Tels 5527 tests
* require Math::BigInt 1.86
* support api_version() 2 by adding _nok()
* fix compilation issues on Mac/Darwin
* _log_int() modifies it's argument instead of just returning a
different object as result
* speed up _log_int() greatly by taking a guess of the result
and then improve it, instead of startig with 1 and going up. This means
it takes now a more or less constant time, instead of a time proportional
to the size/value of the result:
Using Math::BigInt::GMP v1.21
baselen 2: 3s (3.22 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.22 CPU) @ 7270/s (n=23411)
baselen 2 big: 3s (3.11 usr + 0.06 sys = 3.17 CPU) @ 962/s (n=3051)
baselen 3: 3s (3.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 1304/s (n=4173)
baselen 7: 3s (3.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 3306/s (n=10582)
baselen 8: 3s (3.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 3769/s (n=11836)
baselen 11: 3s (3.24 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.24 CPU) @ 4750/s (n=15392)
baselen 14: 3s (3.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 5835/s (n=18673)
baselen 20: 3s (3.10 usr + 0.03 sys = 3.13 CPU) @ 7621/s (n=23855)
baselen 3 big: 4s (3.17 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.17 CPU) @ 320/s (n=1016)
Using Math::BigInt::GMP v1.22
baselen 2: 3s (3.15 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.15 CPU) @ 16290/s (n=51316)
baselen 2 big: 4s (3.21 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.22 CPU) @ 15933/s (n=51306)
baselen 3: 4s (3.12 usr + 0.02 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 15555/s (n=48844)
baselen 7: 4s (3.15 usr + 0.07 sys = 3.22 CPU) @ 15658/s (n=50420)
baselen 8: 3s (3.18 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.19 CPU) @ 15610/s (n=49797)
baselen 11: 3s (3.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 15555/s (n=48844)
baselen 14: 3s (3.15 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.15 CPU) @ 15506/s (n=48844)
baselen 20: 3s (3.14 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.15 CPU) @ 15506/s (n=48844)
baselen 3 big: 3s (3.10 usr + 0.04 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 15555/s (n=48844)
2007-04-17 v1.21 Tels 5488 tests
* add _as_oct(), _from_oct(), _alen(), _1ex() and some _root() tests
* require Math::BigInt 1.83
* support api_version() by adding _1ex() and _alen()
* _new(): take a shortcut if the passed an IV (integer value)
2007-04-09 v1.20 Tels 5351 tests
* remove PREREQ_FATAL because the toolchain is broken and cannot handle it
* take over tests from MBI 1.82 and require it
* require Perl 5.6.2 as minimum
* speed up _zeros():
+ use Newx() instead of a full-blown SV for temp storage
+ no need to allocate temp storage for numbers < 10
* put _len() into XS code, making $x->length() faster (about 30% for "123",
less for longer numbers as the binary=>decimal conversion dominates)
* add POD tests
2007-01-27 v1.19 Tels 5339 tests
* add support for octal
* take over tests from MBI 1.78 and require it
2005-04-11 v1.18 Tels 5186 tests
* _log_int() handles now plain scalars as $base parameter
* take over tests from MBI 1.76, require it
2005-01-01 v1.17 Tels 5182 tests
* use XSLoader instead of DynaLoader to save a tiny amount of memory
* take over tests from Math::BigInt v1.74
* require Math::BigInt v1.74
* simplify sub code in XS (left-over artifact from v1.16)
* fix a leak in _zeros()
* _zeros() is now much faster for odd numbers (O(1) vs. O(N*N))
2004-12-09 v1.16 Tels 5112 tests
* fixed a leak in _div() (Thanx Tassilo v. Parsival!)
* put _div() into XS, making division slightly faster for small numbers
* put and leaktest into MANIFEST for later checking
2004-11-22 v1.15 Tels 5112 tests
* some small cleanups in the Perl code
* changed "class" to "Class" to avoid the reserved keyword for MS compiler
* do not pull unused parameter "Class" from stack - avoid compiler warnings
* put _sub() into XS for more speed and smaller memory footprint
* testsuite from MBI v1.73
2004-02-15 v1.14 Tels 4867 tests
* require BigInt v1.70, use tests from it and make API compatible with it
* _rsft() and _lsft() modify their argument instead of making a copy,
meaning brsft() and blsft() got about 20% faster in BigInt
* added a working _zeros() method
* added a working _log_int() method
2004-01-10 v1.13 Tels 4759 tests
* tests from BigInt v1.68
* removed DESTROY from and made GMP.xs destroy => DESTROY
* removed _num from and made GMP.xs __stringify => _num
* removed _modinv() from and fixed up _modinv in GMP.xs
* disabled the borken _log_int() from the XS code
* modify $x in place for _dec, _inc, _add, _mod, _mul, _fac, _and, _or,
_xor, _sqrt, _root and _sub (sub in non-reversed form), this removes some
malloc/free and makes these ops slightly faster
(between 10 and 33% in Math::BigInt (!), depending on input and size)
2003-12-11 v1.12 Tels 4677 tests
* testsuite from v1.67, especialy revamped bigintg.t
* fixed prereq to require BigInt v1.67
* added _log_int() to XS code
* some routines did only return the result, but not modify $x in place
2003-07-04 v1.12b Tels 4491 tests (not released)
* testsuite from v1.65
* fixed prereq to require BigInt v1.65
2003-01-08 v1.12a Tels 4109 tests (not released)
* removed unused function _mmod from XS code
* removed unnecc. if len == 0 check in _as_bin(), _as_hex() etc
* replace some RETVAL = malloc() lines with defined to make changing them
later much easier
2003-01-01 v1.11 Tels 4109 tests
* rewrote stringify_bin() and stringify_hex() to not allocate scratch buffers
Faster, no longer needs malloc()/free() and strlen().
Thanx to Sysiphus for pointing this out.
* removed _as_hex() and _as_bin() from and moved the logic to GMP.xs
* documented in todo to replace all malloc()/free() with New and Safefree()
* removed unused cmp_two() function in GMP.xs
* removed the unused "$zero = ..."/"$one = ..." in
2002-12-24 v1.10 Tels 4109 tests
* Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
* cut out more dead wood from GMP.xs, file shrunk a bit
* added some comments in GMP.xs
* fixed PREREQ to BigInt v1.64 since v1.65 is not yet out *sigh*
* more functions like _is_odd()/_is_even()/_acmp() directly in XS - cut away
perl layer subroutines for more speed (about 10-30% more ops/s for small
argument or constant cases or other cases where the overhead is greater
than the actual math operation itself)
* __stringify() no longer malloc()s a temp. storage => faster
* added _root(), _lsft() and_rsft() functions for great speedups
* Running the benchmark script above (adopted a bit) on the same 1 Ghz AMD
under BigInt v1.64:
Benchmark: running div_l, mod_l, mod_s for at least 3 CPU seconds...
div_l: 3s ( 3.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 4655.00/s (n=14896)
mod_l: 4s ( 3.31 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.31 CPU) @ 6851.96/s (n=22680)
mod_s: 3s ( 3.01 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.01 CPU) @ 7088.37/s (n=21336)
* Full (memory and other) benchmarks at
2002-12-15 v1.10a Tels Never released
* no longer needs Math::GMP (and Carp), but uses own XS layer
* is thus faster (saves one perl subroutine layer) and less memory hungry
(it now uses even less memory than using Calc!)
new XS lets us cut out a subroutine layer
* new XS will enable us to implement *all* missing functions like _root(),
_as_hex(), _as_bin() and _rsft(), _lsft()
* fixed PREREQ to BigInt v1.65
* extended tests in bigintg.t to cover more functions
2002-12-12 v1.08 Tels 4069 tests (never released)
* added implementation of bmodpow() using GMPs mpow_gmp()
* release signed by key id 93B84C15
2002-07-07 v1.07 Tels
* testsuite from BigInt v1.60 - 4054 tests
* fixed PREREQUISITES to BigInt v1.60
2002-03-23 v1.06 Tels
* testsuite from v1.55 - 3874 tests
* fixed PREREQUISITES to Math::GMP v2.03, BigInt v1.55
* fixed typos in CHANGES
* added _from_bin()
2002-02-16 v1.05 Tels
* tests from Math::BigInt v1.51
* replaced _core_lib() by config()->{lib}
* added _and, _or, _xor (using Math::GMP internal methods)
* switched _fac over to use Math::GMP gmp_fac()
* added _sqrt() using gmp_sqrt()
* used div_two and bdiv_two for _div()
* tests for _div() in list context and _mod
* added _from_hex()
The speedups in band(), bxor(), bior() and bfac() are at least factor 10 for
small numbers and quickly raise as the numbers grow ;)
The speedup for bmod() and bdiv() aren't that dramatic, but still worth it.
2002-01-26 v1.04 Tels
* use $zero,$one,$two etc instead of 0,1,2 in some routines
* tests from Math::BigInt v1.50
* bypass Math::GMP's overload interface and use Math::GMP::gmp_foo() directly
* added _gcd() and _fac() for more speed in bgcd() and bfac(), respectively
2001-11-01 v1.04a Tels (never released)
* _is_odd()/_is_even() use $two instead of 2: 5600 op/s instead of 4700
2001-11-01 v1.03 Tels
* taken over tests from BigInt v1.45
* added _mod() for more speed for $x % $y
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use lib 'lib';
#use lib '../Math-BigInt-GMP-1.02/lib';
use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMP';
use Benchmark;
my $digits = 1024;
my $x = Math::BigInt->new('1' . '0' x $digits);
my $y = Math::BigInt->new('3' . '0' x ($digits - 2) . '3');
my $u = Math::BigInt->new('3');
timethese ( 2000,
mod_l => sub { $z = $x % $y, },
mod_s => sub { $z = $x % $u, },
div_l => sub { ($z,$r) = $x->copy()->bdiv($y), },
} );
On a 1 Ghz Athlon with v1.45 of BigInt in ops/s:
v1.02 v1.03
mod_s 1100 2350
mod_l 1111 2325
div_l 1260 1300
2001-09-02 v1.02 Tels
* removed auto-export and added empty import()
* taken over tests from BigInt v1.42
2001-08-06 v1.01 Tels
* first release
* fixed all the bugs in v1.00
* taken over tests from BigInt v1.40
2001-07-22 v1.00 Tels
* First version (basically working with some quirks)
Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!
Tels <>