0.0006 2021-07-03

 * Require Math::GMPz version 0.36.

0.0005 2021-07-02

 * Fix _lsft() and _rsft() so they don't hang.

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

0.0004 2019-10-10

 * Add methods _fib() and _lucas().

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

0.0003 2018-10-09

 * List implemented methods in POD.


 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

 * Better Makefile.PL

0.0002 2018-04-17

 * The tests now require Test::More version 0.88 or newer.

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

 * Add test files t/release-test-version.t, t/release-portability.t, and

 * Use a MANIFEST.SKIP file based on the default file in the ExtUtils-Manifest

 * Format CHANGES according to CPAN::Changes::Spec.

 * Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to

0.0001 2017-01-11

 * Initial release.