1.3007 2021-07-02

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

1.3006 2019-10-10

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

1.3005 2018-10-09


 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

 * Better Makefile.PL.

1.3004 2018-04-17

 * The tests now require Test::More version 0.88 or newer.

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt.

 * Add test files t/release-test-version.t, t/release-portability.t, and

 * Use a MANIFEST.SKIP file based on the default file in the ExtUtils-Manifest

 * Format CHANGES according to CPAN::Changes::Spec.

 * Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to

1.3003 2017-01-11 pjacklam

 * Fix syntax for required version of Math::BigInt::Lib.

 * Better checking of POD coverage.

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999808.

 * _from_hex() now accepts input without a "0x" prefix.

 * _from_bin() is more now efficient as it utilises the fact that
   Math::Pari::_hex_cvt() assumes the input is binary if the strings is
   prefixed by "0b".

 * Implement _to_hex(), _to_oct(), and _to_bin() for conversion to hexadecimal,
   octal, and binary without prefix.

 * Fix _nok() to work around a bug in Math::Pari::binomial(). It doesn't
   correctly handle cases where both n and k are very large.

 * Correct a few cases where non-OO syntax was used, e.g., "$x = _one();"
   should be "$x = $class -> _one();".

 * _inc() and _dec() now uses post-increment and post-decrement, respectively,
   rather than adding or subtracting one.

 * In test file t/01load.t, display the PARI library version number.

1.3002 2016-12-03 pjacklam

 * Use ExtUtils::MakeMaker rather than Module::Install in Makefile.PL

 * Remove author information in LICENSE file.

1.3001 2016-11-23 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999801. Add t/mbi_rand.t, t/mbimbf.t,
   and t/mbimbf.inc since these are included in the test suite for the other
   backend libraries (GMP and Pari).

 * Add _nok() by using Pari's binomial() function.

 * Add _lcm() by using Pari's lcm() function.

1.3000 2016-11-15 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999800.

 * Math::BigInt::Pari is now a subclass of Math::BigInt::Lib, so remove pure
   Perl methods from Math::BigInt::Pari that are implemented in the superclass
   Math::BigInt::Lib. The methods removed are _modinv() and _log_int(). The
   version of _log_int() implemented in Math::BigInt::GMP was buggy anyway.

 * Add methods _str() and _set(), and correct _num() method.

1.27 2016-04-25 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999719.

1.26 2016-04-22 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999718.

1.25 2016-01-03 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999714.

1.24 2015-12-31 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999713.

1.23 2015-11-22 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999709.

 * In v1.22 the required version of Math-BigInt was set to 1.999703, but it
   should have been 1.999706. The required version is now 1.999709.

 * Correct error in CHANGES file.

1.22 2015-11-09 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999709.

 * Update the README file.

 * Remove the LICENSE file as this information is already covered in the file

 * Replace 'use vars ...' with 'our ...'. We require a Perl newer than 5.6.0

 * Move 'Test::More' from 'build_requires' to 'test_requires' in Makefile.PL.

 * Enable 'use warnings'. We require a Perl newer than 5.6.0 anyway.

 * Add 'assertlib.*\.exe' to MANIFEST.SKIP, since make generates temporary
   files like 'assertlibzxjE4WfG.exe' on Cygwin.

1.21 2015-09-21 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999703.

 * Required version of Math-BigInt is now 1.999703.

 * Update author information.

1.20 2015-09-17 pjacklam

 * Sync test files with Math-BigInt-1.999702.

 * Required version of Math-BigInt is now 1.999702.

1.19 2015-09-11 pjacklam
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * File removed. It was included in the previous release by accident.
  * Update bundled Module::Install from v1.08 to v1.16.
  * Updated version number.
  * Fixed bug in _modpow().
  * Updated required version of Math::BigInt to 1.999701.
  * Improve formatting of module version information.
  * Slight reformatting and better information message.
  * Sync tests with the Math-BigInt distribution.
  * Adjust number of tests.
  * Sync tests with the Math-BigInt distribution.
  * Make sure we test Math::BigInt::Pari, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
  * Sync tests with the Math-BigInt distribution.
  * Adjust number of tests.
  * Make sure we test Math::BigInt::Pari, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
  * Adjust number of tests.
  * Sync tests with the Math-BigInt distribution.
  * Make sure we test Math::BigInt::Pari, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
  * Adjust number of tests.
  * Make sure we test Math::BigInt::Pari, not Math::BigInt::Calc.
  * Add "use warnings" to test scripts, since Perl 5.6.2 is required anyway,
    and "use warnings" was introduced in Perl 5.6.1.
  * Modified test scripts so the difference between the test files in the
    Math-BigInt distribution and the backend distributions are as few and as
    small as possible. This makes for easier release management.

1.18 2014-04-03 pjacklam
 * Updated test files from the Math::BigInt distribution (Peter John Acklam).
 * Updated POD (Peter John Acklam)

1.17 2011-09-04 pjacklam
 * Upgrade bundled modules in "inc" to latest version. (Peter John Acklam)
 * Math::BigInt::GMP now requires Math::BigInt v1.997 (Peter John Acklam).
 * Include "^MYMETA\.(yml|json)\z" in MANIFEST.SKIP. Whereas META.* are
   generated by the distribution author at packaging time, MYMETA.* are
   generated by the end user at configure time after any dynamic
   dependencies are known. (Peter John Acklam)
 * Updated common test files from the Math::BigInt distribution. (Peter
   John Acklam)

1.16 2011-02-26 pjacklam (6153 tests)
 * Change bigintpm.inc to reflect recent changes in the Math::BigInt
   distribution (Peter John Acklam).

1.15 2011-02-10 pjacklam (6151 tests)
 * Include latest version of test scripts from Math-BigInt (closes RT #65580)
   (Peter John Acklam).
 * Add 00sig.t for testing SIGNATURE, and 01load.t for basic module loading and
   giving diagnostics useful for bug tracking (Peter John Acklam).
 * Rename pod.t to 02pod.t and pod_cov.t to 03podcov.t and use more generic
   code (Peter John Acklam).
 * Clean up whitespace (Peter John Acklam).

1.14 2010-09-10 rafl 5716 tests
 * Fix tests with Math::BigInt >= 1.90 and depend on it.

1.13 2007-07-01 Tels 5704 tests
 * require Math::BigInt v1.87
 * testsuite from MBI v1.87
 * _log_int() calculates a guess, and then use this to find the real result,
   this makes it almost independent from the results size and much faster:

   Using Math::BigInt v1.87 and Math::BigInt::Pari v1.12

  00 len 2:     3s (3.11 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.11 CPU) @  4714/s (n=14661)
  01 len 2 big: 3s (3.00 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.01 CPU) @   532/s (n=1604)
  02 len 3:     3s (3.19 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.20 CPU) @   728/s (n=2332)
  03 len 7:     3s (3.01 usr + 0.16 sys = 3.17 CPU) @  1960/s (n=6216)
  04 len 8:     3s (3.21 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.21 CPU) @  2247/s (n=7215)
  05 len 11:    3s (3.18 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.18 CPU) @  2862/s (n=9104)
  06 len 14:    3s (3.23 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.23 CPU) @  3620/s (n=11695)
  06 len 20:    3s (3.25 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.25 CPU) @  4882/s (n=15868)
  0a len 3 big: 3s (3.16 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.16 CPU) @   168/s (n=534)

   Using Math::BigInt v1.87 and Math::BigInt::Pari v1.13

  00 len 2:     2s (3.24 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.24 CPU) @ 13064/s (n=42328)
  01 len 2 big: 3s (3.17 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.17 CPU) @  4853/s (n=15387)
  02 len 3:     3s (3.23 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.23 CPU) @  4831/s (n=15607)
  03 len 7:     3s (3.24 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.24 CPU) @  4813/s (n=15597)
  04 len 8:     3s (3.22 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.22 CPU) @  4778/s (n=15387)
  05 len 11:    3s (3.02 usr + 0.16 sys = 3.18 CPU) @  4754/s (n=15119)
  06 len 14:    3s (3.15 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.15 CPU) @  4740/s (n=14934)
  06 len 20:    3s (3.24 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.24 CPU) @  4749/s (n=15387)
  0a len 3 big: 3s (3.22 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.22 CPU) @   877/s (n=2825)

  For reference:

   Using Math::BigInt v1.87 and Math::BigInt::GMP 1.22

  00 len 2:     3s (3.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 16853/s (n=52920)
  01 len 2 big: 3s (3.13 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.13 CPU) @ 16391/s (n=51306)
  02 len 3:     3s (3.17 usr + 0.03 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 16036/s (n=51316)
  03 len 7:     3s (2.97 usr + 0.13 sys = 3.10 CPU) @ 16063/s (n=49797)
  04 len 8:     3s (3.10 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.11 CPU) @ 16011/s (n=49797)
  05 len 11:    3s (3.14 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 15858/s (n=49797)
  06 len 14:    3s (3.14 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.15 CPU) @ 15808/s (n=49797)
  06 len 20:    3s (3.15 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.16 CPU) @ 15761/s (n=49807)
  0a len 3 big: 4s (3.20 usr + 0.04 sys = 3.24 CPU) @ 15838/s (n=51316)

1.12 2007-04-17 Tels 5258 tests
 * require Math::BigInt v1.83, Math::Pari v2.010709
 * use native sqrtint() for _sqrt(), making it faster
 * use native sqrtn() for _root(), making it faster
 * support api_version() 2: add:
   + _from_oct(), _as_oct()
   + _10ex(), _alen()

1.11 2005-01-02 Tels 5055 tests
 * require Math::BigInt v1.74 and Math::Pari v2.010602
 * testsuite from MBI v1.74
 * support API from BigInt v1.70 and better
 * add _is_two, _is_ten, _two, _ten, _log_int, _zeros, _sqrt, _root() etc

1.10 2004-01-07 Tels
 * testsuite from MBI v1.68 - 4583 tests
 * _as_hex() and _as_bin() handle zero, tests for that
 * bacmp() is about 11% faster due to _acmp() using gcmp() vs. "<=>"
 * added _modinv() and tests

1.09 2002-07-07 Tels
 - testsuite from MBI v1.60 - 4061 tests
 - prerequisite fixed
 - _copy() uses $zero instead of PARI(0) - benchmark for full BigInt copy():
   copy:  6 secs ( 5.16 usr + 0.04 sys = 5.20 CPU) @ 23649.23/s (n=122976)
   copy:  5 secs ( 5.19 usr + 0.06 sys = 5.25 CPU) @ 27047.05/s (n=141997)
 - digit() now uses a method that scales much better when extracting digits
   counting from the right side ($n > 0)
 - likeweise, _inc and _dec use $one instead of PARI(0). Benchmark over
   Math::BigInt->bdec() and binc() (not just _inc() and _dec()!):

   1.08, 100 and 1000 digit numbers (speed is largely irrel. of number size):
   dec 100:  4 secs ( 5.11 usr +  0.06 sys =  5.17 CPU) @ 17412.57/s (n=90023)
  dec 1000:  6 secs ( 5.17 usr +  0.08 sys =  5.25 CPU) @ 17147.24/s (n=90023)
   inc 100:  5 secs ( 5.05 usr +  0.13 sys =  5.18 CPU) @ 17463.51/s (n=90461)
  inc 1000:  6 secs ( 5.15 usr +  0.05 sys =  5.20 CPU) @ 17312.12/s (n=90023)

   v1.09, 100 and 1000 digit long numbers:
   dec 100:  6 secs ( 5.28 usr +  0.02 sys =  5.30 CPU) @ 24095.47/s (n=127706)
  dec 1000:  4 secs ( 5.00 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.00 CPU) @ 23957.20/s (n=119786)
   inc 100:  6 secs ( 5.39 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.39 CPU) @ 24157.70/s (n=130210)
  inc 1000:  5 secs ( 4.93 usr +  0.07 sys =  5.00 CPU) @ 24108.80/s (n=120544)

1.08 2002-03-23 Tels
 - testsuite from MBI v1.55 - 3881 tests
 - prerequisite fixed

1.07 2002-02-21 Tels
 - Math::Pari has _hex_cvt(), which makes from_hex() fast, but doesn't have
   something for from_bin(). Now _from_bin() repacks the input as hex number
   and then passes it to _hex_cvt().
 - tests from Math::BigInt v1.51
 - replaced _core_lib() by config()->{lib}

1.06 2002-02-10 Tels
 - _lsft() and _rsft() do now bases != 2, too
 - tests are now from v1.50
 - added _fac() for faster factorial() (used from MBI v1.50 onwards)

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use lib 'lib';
        use Math::BigInt lib => 'Pari';
        use Benchmark;
        my $c = 20000;
        my $x = Math::BigInt->new(1); my $z = $x->copy()->blsft($c);
        my $x1 = Math::BigInt->new(1); my $z1 = $x->copy()->blsft($c*10);
        timethese ( -3, {
          right_1_10 => sub { $x->brsft(1,10); },
          left_1_10 => sub { $z->blsft(1,10); },
          right_10_10 => sub { $x1->blsft(10,10); },
          left_10_10 => sub { $z1->brsft(10,10); }, } );

        Results (operations per second) on a 1Ghz Athlon:

                        v1.05   v1.06   Factor
         left_10_10:     1990    6000   3.0
          left_1_10:     2280    5150   2.2
        right_10_10:     1130    1560   1.4
         right_1_10:     2570    6433   2.5

1.05 2001-11-11 Tels
 - fixed _inc() and _dec() so that they can be used by MBI v1.46

1.04 2001-11-01 Tels
 - tests from BigInt v1.45
 - added _mod() for faster % operator (about two times faster now)
 - added _lsft() and _rsft() for faster shifting

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use lib 'lib';
        use Math::BigInt lib => 'Pari';
        use Benchmark;
        my $c = 20000;
        my $x = Math::BigInt->new(1); my $z = $x->copy()->blsft($c);
        my $x1 = Math::BigInt->new(1); my $z1 = $x->copy()->blsft($c*10);
        timethese ( $c, {
          right_1 => sub { $x->brsft(1,2); },
          left_1 => sub { $z->blsft(1,2); },
          right_10 => sub { $x1->blsft(10,2); },
          left_10 => sub { $z1->brsft(10,2); }, } );

        Results (operations per second) on a 1Ghz Athlon:

                        v1.03   v1.04   Factor
            left_1:      2577    6450   2.5
           left_10:       881    3086   3.5
           right_1:      2928    6990   2.4
          right_10:      2020    5465   2.7

1.03  2001.09.02 btrott
 - Incorporated Tels's changes: no longer need to EXPORT_OK functions;
   added empty import method.
 - Added _as_hex and _as_bin implementations for Math::Pari integers,
   to support as_hex and as_bin Math::BigInt methods.

1.02  2001.08.05 btrott
 - Added _gcd method; uses PARI library function to return gcd.
 - Incorporated Tels's changes: _copy() is now linear; _is_zero,
   _is_one, is_even, and is_odd now use PARI library functions
   rather than overloaded ops and should thus be faster. Also
   added new tests from Math::BigInt 1.40.

1.01  2001.07.14 btrott
 - Incorporated Tels's changes per calling args to plugin methods
   (now class is *always* the first arg, so no more checking).
   Fixed some tests per Math::BigInt changes.

1.00  2001.07.11 btrott
 - Initial release.