-*- mode: change-log -*-

Revision history for Perl extension Math::BigInt::Random::OO.

0.03  Sat Feb 20 11:38:41 2010

        - OO.pm: Catch the case when a parameter is undef.

        - Makefile.PL: Changed required version of Perl to 5.008.

        - README: Clean up the file.

        - OO.pm: POD is now ASCII. The podlators aren't ready for UTF-8.

        - OO.pm: Corrected URL for 'CPAN Testers PASS Matrix' and removed
        links to AnnoCPAN (http://annocpan.org).

        - OO.pm: Cleaned up and extended comments in the NOTES section.

        - OO.pm: Added missing POD escapes, E<...>.

        - OO.pm: Explicitly set POD encoding with '=encoding utf8'.

        - OO.pm, README: Incremented version number.

0.02  Fri Feb 19 15:44:42 2010

        - 12-length-base.t: Rewritten so it doesn't use the 'subtest'
        function, which was introduced in Test::More 0.94.

        - *.t: Better comments in the code.

        - *.t: Using UTF-8 in all files.

        - OO.pm: Removed unused package global variable $base.

        - OO.pm: Corrected e-mail address, updated web links, and included
        a few more web links in the BUGS and SUPPORT sections of the POD.

        - OO.pm, README: Incremented version number.

0.01  Thu Jan 21 19:43:17 2010

        - Original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
                -AX --skip-exporter --use-new-tests -n Math::BigInt::Random::OO