1.30 2021-07-18
* Clean up and modernize the code.
* Reorganize test files and add more test files.
* New MANIFEST.SKIP file based on the template in the ExtUtils-Manifest
* Format CHANGES according to CPAN::Changes::Spec.
1.29 2017-02-01 pjacklam
* Fix case in Math::String when bzero() is called as a class method.
* Required version of Math::BigInt is now 1.999802 (was 1.87).
* Remove Math::BigFloat from requirements in Makefile.PL, since it is bundled
together with Math::BigInt.
* Trim whitespace.
* POD nits (CPAN RT #51833).
* Fix hash randomization issues (CPAN RT #95621).
* POD formatting and typos.
* The NEW file now refers to the CHANGES file.
* Revert to ExtUtils::MakeMaker since use Module::Install is discouraged.
Change license from "gpl" to "gpl_3", since "gpl" is not a valid option for
the license.
* Switch from Test to Test::More in t/stringpm.t for better testing
functionality and easier debugging.
* Fix flawed tests.
1.28 2008-04-03 Tels 662 tests
* do not use "lib => GMP", instead let the user decide which lib we take
* bundle Module::Install and amend Makefile.PL
* require Math::BigInt v1.87