Revision history for Perl extension Text::Unaccent::PurePerl.

0.03  Wed Apr 23 16:01:27     2008
      - Modified nice_string() function in test scripts to become compatible
      with Perl < 5.8 (although Perl >= 5.6 is required).
      - Included code testing the utf8 flag of strings. This code is only run
      under Perl >= 5.8.
      - Included signature testing. This requires that the TEST_SIGNATURE
      environment variable is set.

0.02  Mon Apr 21 08:27:40 WEDT 2008
      - Removed stuff accidentally left over from development. This stuff
      required the Text::Unaccent module, which

0.01  Fri Apr  4 09:40:49 2008
      - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.