Revision history for Exobrain
1.03 2014-02-28 12:47:07EST-0500 America/Montreal
* DISTRIBUTION: De-crufted distributed tarball.
See GH #37, thanks to @tsibley for spotting this.
1.02 2014-02-28 03:02:36EST-0500 America/Montreal
* SERVICE: Removed not-yet-completed Facebook endpoint.
1.01 2014-02-28 02:30:43EST-0500 America/Montreal
* META: Updated meta-info for distribution.
* HRPG: Fixed handling of XP for Sending mail, and XP in general.
* FEATURE: Exobrain::Config supports writing of config files.
* FEATURE: Exobrain::Config supports ~/.config/exobrain directories.
1.00 2014-02-26 02:44:28EST-0500 America/Montreal
* BUILD: Re-ordered dist.ini for better release process.
* API: Implemented class-based agents.
* API: Split Twitter into its own Exobrain plug-in distro
* RUN: Updated 'exobrain' CLI to be more awesome.
* INTERNAL: Converted many type-specific agents to generalised types.
* GENERAL: Made everything seriously more awesome.
0.06 2014-02-11 04:46:19EST+1100 Australia/Melbourne
* BUILD: Reduced dependencies
* BUILD: We now use, supporting both ZMQ2 and ZMQ3
* TEST: Tests now run without an ~/.exobrainrc file
* TEST: Added travis-ci support (thanks to @mmcclimon)
* BUGFIX: Compatibility with Perl 5.12
* BUGFIX: Removed given/when in Exobrain::Bus.
This was making older and newer perls unhappy. :P
0.05 Early Feb 2014
* Initial release to the CPAN.