Revision history for Perl extension IPC::System::Simple.

0.01  Fri Jul 21 19:27:45 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-b 5.6.0 -X IPC::System::Simple

0.02  Tue Jul 25 12:05:50 AUSEST 2006
	- Updated to emulate WIFEXITED on systems that don't provide them
	- Signal tests skipped under Win32
	- Better testing

0.03  Tue Jul 25 12:07:09 AUSEST 2006
	- Documentation improvements

0.04  Mon Oct 30 15:14:53 AUSEST 2006
	- Fixed path issue with tests that would cause them
	  to fail on some systems where "." was not in the

	- Tests now always use the system-configured perl for
	  invoking commands.