Revision history for Perl extension IPC::System::Simple.
1.21 Tue Mar 23 12:08:47 AUSEST 2010
* TEST: t/win32.t has more sane handling of skipped and
unimplimented tests.
* TEST: Author tests no longer leave the permissions of
not_an_exe.txt permanently changed.
* BUGFIX: capture/capturex no longer break STDOUT when
running an unknown command under Windows. Many thanks
to Jan Krynicky for a fix. (RT #48319)
* BUILD: Upgraded to Module::Install 0.93.
1.20 Sat Jan 9 15:08:41 AUSEST 2010
* TEST: t/win32.t no longer claims to have more tests than
it really has. This fixes an install issue under Windows.
RT #53124. Thanks to Erez Schatz and Curtis Jewell for
spotting this.
1.19 Fri Dec 4 14:14:25 AUSEST 2009
* TEST: Added tests to ensure correct behaviour when
calling commands in Windows which are contained in directories
that contain spaces. (These tests are currently skiped,
as they're testing for a known bug.)
* BUGFIX: Spurious warnings about redefining POSIX macros
no longer plague Windows systems.
1.18 Sun Feb 8 19:09:15 AUSEDT 2009
* BUGFIX: IPC::System::Simple should now compile cleanly
under 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 (as well as 5.6.2+). Many thanks
to David Golden for spotting this bug. (RT #43098)
* DOCUMENTATION: "Advanced" is now spelt correctly under
in the section "Advanced Usage". Many thanks to
Raymond Wan for spotting this typo. (RT #42705)
1.17 Fri Dec 19 00:45:16 AUSEDT 2008
* TEST: Tests to ensure that passing undefined values to
systemx() do not produce malformed errors, but instead
well-formed errors. Many thanks to Nadim Khemir for
spotting this. RT #41149.
* BUGFIX: Workaround for a bug under Perl 5.10 where on
some platforms coredumps were not being reported in $?.
Many thanks to the Debian Perl folks for finding this,
particularly Gregor Herrmann.
* TEST: Better diagnostics from t/08_core.t.
* TEST: t/08_core.t now cleans up its core files after running.
Thanks to Gregor Herrmann for spotting this.
* TEST: t/08_core.t is now a main test, rather than an
author-only test.
* BUGFIX: Attempting to call an undefined command is now
a fatal error.
* VERSION: Since ISS is now very stable, and provides a
significantly improved interface to the default system()
command, the major version number has been incremented.
There are no incompatible changes with previous version.
The increment of the major version number is to indicate
stability only.
0.16 Sun Sep 14 11:29:17 AUSEST 2008
* DOCUMENTATION: Updated documentation on $EXITVAL to provide
extra clarification. Many thanks again to Elliot Shank
for the feedback!
* DOCUMENTATION: Noted that run() and system() are aliases for each
other. Thanks again for Elliot Shank for the feedback.
* DOCUMENTATION: Fixed a few missing double-quotes in the
systemx() documentation. Thanks to Andrew Dent for spotting these!
* DOCUMENTATION: Added a feedback section. If you find this module
useful, consider rating it at
* BUILD: Upgraded to Module::Install 0.77
0.15 Sat Jul 19 23:26:18 PDT 2008
- runx() is now correctly in @EXPORT_OK. Many thanks
to Elliot "clonezone" Shank for spotting this in
RT #37793.
- Added exports test case.
0.14 Sat Jul 19 00:26:01 AEST 2008
- We should now recognise "not implemented on this architecture"
POSIX errors from Perl 5.11.0
- Fixed an invalid specification of resources in META.yml.
0.13 Thu Jul 17 20:36:42 AEST 2008
- Added examples directory with examples.
- Updated manifest to include error message regession tests.
- Test::Kwalitee is now marked as an author-only test.
- Added tests for correct handling of 32-bit values in
win32.t. Corrected documentation regarding Win32 exitval
size. Thanks to Jan Dubois for alerting me to the 32-bitness
of Windows exit values.
- Added tests to ensure that newlines are properly stripped
with single-arg system and capture.
- Pod and Pod Coverage tests are now marked as author-only.
- Added perl core identical rules for determining the Windows
- Added META.yml resources, including blog, bugtracker,
forum, and repository.
- Additional tests to ensure returns from capture() are
properly tainted (when running in taint mode).
- Added systemx() and capturex() that _never_ invoke the
shell. Thanks to ikegami for prodding me on these.
(RT #37683)
0.12 Fri Jun 6 17:15:52 AEST 2008
- Corrected doubled package names in some diagnostics
when used in taint mode, or when run() is called without
0.11 Fri Jun 6 12:15:39 AEST 2008
- Drop-in system() replacement available.
- Simplified synopsis statement.
- Provided advanced usage documentation.
- Added comparison to other system APIs.
- Updated Changes to put most recent changes at top.
- Makefile.PL tweaks to build cleanly under Debian's dh-make-perl.
- Upgraded to Module::Install 0.75 with custom bugfixes.
0.10 Thu May 15 00:39:59 AEST 2008
- Multi-arg captures now work on Perl 5.6.x. (RT #35866)
- Minor corrections to diagnostics documentation.
- Adjusted module summary.
0.09 Mon May 12 23:38:29 AEST 2008
- Test suite now provides better diagnostics if taint
tests fail unexpectedly early.
- Multi-argument run() will now search $ENV{PATH}
under Win32.
- Documented $ENV{PATH} foibles on Win32 systems under
the Windows-specific notes section of the documentation.
- Implemented capture(), which is the equivalent
of run() for backticks.
- General documentation improvements and clarifications,
thanks to Jacinta Richardson.
- The special value EXIT_ANY (aka [-1]) can be used to
indicate that any exit value is acceptable from a process.
- Added author-only Perl::Critic tests.
- Updated diagnostics section in POD.
- License changed to that of Perl 5.6.0, or any later version.
- LICENSE file added to distribution.
- Moved to Module::Install for build system.
- Better failures when seeing unexpected things from
- Support for detecting core-dumps added.
- All failure messages now use double-quotes when quoting
variable sections.
- Diagnostics documentation rearraged to have most common
errors listed first.
0.08 Sun Apr 13 13:38:49 AEST 2008
- Numerous documentation fixes thanks to Matt Kraai
(RT #34896)
- Updated t/07_taint.t to not fail on systems that have
zero-length environment strings.
- Updated taint checks to always run on 5.6.x, under
0.07 they would never run on older perls.
0.07 Sat Apr 12 11:57:28 AEST 2008
- Changed tests to use SIGKILL rather than SIGINT to avoid
complications on systems where SIGINT is masked.
- All dependencies now explicitly stated in Makefile.PL.
- run() now explicitly checked for tainted arguments and
environment, and provides helpful diagnostics if found.
- Removed mention of unimplemented capture() command in
0.06 Thu Sep 6 18:09:50 AEST 2007
- Warnings are no longer emitted on failed calls to system().
- Multiple argument run() no longer uses the shell under Win32.
- 16-bit native exit values are now returned on Win32 systems.
- WIF* POSIX commands that are not defined are more correctly
handled, particularly under Perl 5.6. Thanks to Laurent
Laporte for the bug report (RT #29080).
- README and POD improved.
0.05 Mon Apr 9 16:22:22 AEST 2007
- Removed spurious double-quotes in error messages reporting
unexpected exit values and an internal error message. Thanks
to Jon Swartz for spotting these.
0.04 Mon Oct 30 15:14:53 AEST 2006
- Fixed path issue with tests that would cause them
to fail on some systems where "." was not in the
- Tests now always use the system-configured perl for
invoking commands.
0.03 Tue Jul 25 12:07:09 AEST 2006
- Documentation improvements
0.02 Tue Jul 25 12:05:50 AEST 2006
- Updated to emulate WIFEXITED on systems that don't provide them
- Signal tests skipped under Win32
- Better testing
0.01 Fri Jul 21 19:27:45 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-b 5.6.0 -X IPC::System::Simple