Revision history for Alt::Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls::usingfurl

0.5.1     2014-12-01 17:50:49
          - Hard code Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE constant since we can't rely
            on it being installed and loaded

0.4.1     2014-11-11 18:55:59
          - Force SSL_verify_mode to none

0.3.1     2014-10-31 22:47:48
          - Added version as a prereq and lowered min perl ver

0.2.1     2014-10-31 11:05:56
          - Improve CPANTS Kwalitee score before removing from CPAN
          - Just goes to show that any module can fail it's tests

0.1.1     2014-10-03 13:13:50
          - Added project files to master branch