Revision history for App::Munchies

{{ $NEXT }}

v0.6.1305 2012-04-04 19:32:27 BST
          - Bingos smoker is still failing to install Sort::Naturally. Added
            to broken toolchain function

v0.6.1302 2012-04-04 13:07:47 BST
          - Turning CPAN testing off because
            08289c92-7e3f-11e1-9d6f-f6dbfa7543f5. Thats 24hrs after peregrins
            fuck up and smokers are still reporting bollocks
          - Bumped version numbers of files in the bin directory

v0.6.1301 2012-04-04 09:11:26 BST
          - inc::Bob now requires CX::U::Build after Perl version test
          - Updated inc::Bob to 1.2

v0.5.1285 2012-03-28 12:58:42 BST
          - Updated inc::Bob. Added inc::CPANTesting
          - Updated for Catalyst 5.9
          - Updated Moose / Class::MOP / MRO::Compat dependencies
          - Added message translation method to CLI
          - Moved boilerplate M::B subclass code to inc/
          - Suppressed Konig CPAN testing again
          - Added extended toolchain
          - Switched to Catalyst 5.8. Uses Moose

v0.4.808  2009-07-14
          - Uses CX::Usul::Constants
          - Build.PL no longer uses the M::B::notes attribute
          - Now uses C::P::ContextualUriFor
          - Fixed library/admin uri warning
          - Fixed users/admin uri warning
          - Only uses CX::Usul::uri_for
          - Fixed bad DDL file names again

v0.4.794  30/06/2009
          - Build.PL no longer needs APPLDIR

v0.3.786  29/06/2009
          - Renamed suid to admin and misc to cli
          - Adapted to Catalyst 5.8
          - Fixed no index directory value type in META.yaml

v0.2.750  09/06/2009
          - Worked around bug in DBIx::Class::Schema::deploy
          - Improved testing idioms
          - Now sets resources attribute in META.yml
          - Paragraph columns now have a max width