Revision history for Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigComponents

         - Checks "setup_method" attribute default _setup_config_components
         - Using C::U::ensure_class_loaded again
         - Set "component_active" to false to stop component loading
         - Major refactor. No longer uses Module::Plugable::Object
         - Replaced "base_class" in favour of "parent_classes"
         - No longer use the "setup_components" config entry
         - Use namespace::autoclean
         - Does an "after" setup_components
         - Drop support for ::M ::V ::C namespaces

0.2.76   11/06/2009
         - Adapted for Catalyst 5.8. C::U::ensure_class_loaded no
           longer usable
         - Improved testing idioms
         - Updated POD coverage test

0.1.62   05/04/2009
         - More CPAN testing stuff
         - Sorted use of C3

0.1.57   17/12/2008
         - Use "Plugin::ConfigComponents" as a config key in
           preference to "setup_compenents"
         - Commented out calls to C3 because they slow compilation
           down and don't seem to do anything
         - Added call to Class::C3::reinitialize if C3 is loaded

0.1.50   14/11/2008
         - Added BEGIN block in tests. This should work around vpit's
           broken smoke tester

0.1.49   11/11/2008
         - New approach to CPAN Testers

0.1.45   28/10/2008
         - Turned CPAN testing off again

0.1.44   21/10/2008
         - Turned CPAN testing off

0.1.40   07/10/2008
         - Added exclude_pattern as a config option

         - Made version a build requirement

         - Added POD and POD coverage tests

         - Ignore components matching the emacs temporary file pattern ::.#