Revision history for CatalystX::Usul
0.2.571 09/06/2009
- Squeezed a domain model out of the identity model
- Much improved OO-fu in
- Improved testing idioms
- Made Project::Docs and Plugin::Captcha optional modules
- Added repository method to Returns the SVN
repository for the resources attribute in META.yml
- Simple page puts better class names on elements. Paragraph
columns now have a max width
0.1.450 12/04/2009
- More CPAN testing crap
0.1.443 09/04/2009
- Navigation model now uses the menu subclass from
0.1.437 07/04/2009
- Added more tests
0.1.428 05/04/2009
- More CPAN testing crap
- Fixed context sensitive help
0.1.426 01/04/2009
- Fixed documentation typos
0.1.232 26/09/2008
- Started this log