Revision history for Class::Usul

0.8.209  2012-09-08
         - Placed non-core use statements after the plan skip_all in tests
           ed342005-6cb8-1014-a31e-9f2d1ede6b02. Classic

0.8.208  2012-09-07
         - Recommend / require Proc::ProcessTable due to installation problems
         - Added Bingos falco smoker to skip tests
         - Added dependency MooseX::Getopt::Dashes
         - Fixed undefined warning in Functions::app_prefix

0.8.206  2012-09-06
         - Bumped minor version # to 8 because of PAUSE indexer failure

0.1.205  2012-09-06
         - Added missing dependency MooseX::Types::LoadableClass
         - Fixed base arrayref bug in C:U:File absolute
         - Fixed version number in C:U:Response::Table

0.1.202  2012-09-02
         - Started