Revision history for Data::Validation
0.7.152 2012-05-02
- Fixed expression detecting Konig's smoker
0.7.151 2012-04-29
- Stopped Konig CPAN testing. Compare
2874f920-91ca-11e1-a09c-f66955de7b98 with
542b6056-8ca0-11e1-951f-159b42b6749c same OS, OS version,
architecture and Perl version, different results. Random
0.7.150 2012-04-19
- Turned CPAN testing on
- Changed D_V_Exception constriant name to current standard
- Updated inc::Bob to 1.3
- Updated inc::Bob. Added inc::CPANTesting
- Updated Moose / Class::MOP / MRO::Compat dependencies
- Updated inc::Bob
0.6.141 2011-04-12
- Suppressed dcollins CPAN testing
- Checks all fields in a form. Returns multiple errors
- Now uses Try::Tiny
- Moved boilerplate M::B subclass code to inc/
- Suppressed Konig CPAN testing again
0.6.133 2010-12-16
- Repatched Module::Build
0.6.132 2010-12-16
- Tried to stop Koenigs broken testing platform
0.6.123 2010-09-22
- Switched to M::B for installs
0.5.120 2010-09-22
- Changed str2time call in Constraints::Date
0.4.116 27/10/2009
- Made D_V_Exception constraint name more unique as constraint
names in Moose are fucking GLOBAL
0.4.114 29/06/2009
- Added POD for field comparison
- Fixed signature key
0.3.104 24/06/2009
- Use Class::MOP in ensure_class_loaded
- Added field comparison
- Added more tests
0.2.85 06/06/2009
- Fixed tests
- Enhanced exception messages
0.2.81 05/06/2009
- Exception class API changed
0.2.78 20/05/2009
- Removed stupid _will method
- Added namespace::autoclean
- Improved testing idioms
0.2.72 24/03/2009
- Fixed class name in date validation
0.2.70 06/03/2009
- Added make immutable and no moose
0.2.66 14/11/2008
- New approach to CPAN testing
0.2.64 25/10/2008
- Switched off CPAN testing some more
0.2.60 18/10/2008
- Switched off CPAN testing
0.2.58 03/10/2008
- Bumped revision in POD
- Added use strict because CPANTS doesn't recognise that use Moose is
the same thing
- Excluded nekoware because it's gethostbyname function is broken
- Improved the testing methodology
- Here Moosey, Moosey, Moosey
- Introduced constructor which means an API change
- Added filters
- Made version a build requirement
- Added POD tests