Revision history for File::DataClass

          - Make ::IO::atomic a no op on mswin32
          - Added t/
          - New win32 fail added debug to tests

0.50.1    2014-11-07 18:49:49
          - Added async locking and constants
          - Added IO::has_lock to track the state of the flock
          - Changed IO::_lock from a bool to an enumerated type

0.49.1    2014-10-02 20:57:55
          - Updated prereqs
          - Spelling fixes
          - Removed Hash::MoreUtils require from tests

0.48.1    2014-09-03 23:22:44
          - Removed CHI. Reduces dependencies

0.47.1    2014-08-27 17:15:48
          - Have new one liner to feature test this particular insanity

0.46.1    2014-08-26 17:40:30
          - Hate win32 smokers
          - Added MANIFEST to repository
          - Fixed dependency version
          - Added Travis integration and badges
          - Adjusted toolchain for Github

0.45.1    2014-08-18 23:58:19
          - Bumped Type:Tiny version RT#98113

0.44.1    2014-07-16 13:37:02
          - Deleted dependency on strictures
          - Deleted some exception tests

0.43.1    2014-07-04 13:17:32
          - Releasing
          - Fixed resultset update and added tests
          - Added backwards bool to ::IO
          - Skipping heads / tails test on win32 since it's too flakey

0.42.1    2014-07-04 00:27:00
          - Releasing
          - Fixed type error in ::ResultSet::delete
          - Replaced namespace::sweep with ::autoclean
          - Fixed obscure syntax in ::Storage::txn_do
          - Deprecated name attribute in favour of id
          - Restored binmode default for NTFS

0.41.1    2014-05-28 11:27:00
          - Can now pass just a record name to find
          - Stopped txn_do from adding extra exception leader
          - Storage exceptions should be a full package name
          - Prevent duplicate IO layers
          - Attempting to fix tail test in win31

0.40.1    2014-05-22 10:35:56
          - Added head and tail methods to ::IO
          - Fixed PerlIO layers in ::IO
          - Using strict UTF-8 in ::IO

0.39.1    2014-05-16 09:17:58
          - 6fbe5176-dcb6-11e3-84c4-fc77f9652e90 Added Test::Requires

0.38.1    2014-05-15 01:09:50
          - cad362f6-dba6-11e3-84c4-fc77f9652e90 Random WTF

0.37.1    2014-05-13 22:04:43
          - Fixed crappy test. So system error messages can be garbage

0.36.1    2014-05-13 11:02:40
          - Improved test coverage
          - Added reverse attr to ::IO. Reverse sort directory listings

0.35.1    2014-05-01 15:28:33
          - Moo / Role::Tiny upgrade must expicitely use feature 'state'. Thanks
          - Call to n::s now excepts import
          - Moved location of namespace::clean calls. Yuck
          - Replaced JSON with JSON::MaybeXS
          - Deprecated ::IO::empty in favour of is_empty
          - Fixed ::IO::iterator sort order

0.34.1    2014-04-04 11:50:35
          - Improved test coverage
          - Fixed directory pattern match
          - Fixed definedness bug in ::HashMerge
          - JSON storage gives better error messages
          - Removed Ident: labels and VERSION

0.33.1    2014-01-24 20:54:00
          - Updated gitpre commit hook
          - Updated Unexpected dependency
          - Took ::Resulset find_and_update private

0.32.1    2014-01-15 17:17:35
          - Use Unexpected::Functions::has_exception not add_exception
          - Except old WithLanguage storage subclass from extension_map

0.31.1    2014-01-13 18:34:25
          - Create extension_map stateful function
          - Improved test coverage
          - Created STORAGE_BASE constant
          - Refactored extension to storage class mapping
          - Fixed requiring Cwd in ::IO

0.30.1    2014-01-02 02:31:15
          - Skipped stale cache test on NTFS

0.29.1    2014-01-01 17:01:42
          - Fixed regex where clause matching
          - Fixed hash order bug in tests

0.28.1    2014-01-01 14:52:36
          - Define and use exception classes
          - Split out Storage::XML to own distribution
          - Made spell checking work with utf8
          - Simplified Build.PL. Updated test boilerplate
          - Uses DZ::P::AbstractFromPOD and LicenseFromModule
          - Dropped dependency on Class::Load

0.27.1    2013-11-22 09:40:23
          - Bumped Unexpected dependency to v0.15
          - ::IO::rel2abs stringifies the base arg
          - Updated git hooks

0.26.1    2013-09-26 17:02:33
          - Increased test coverage

0.25.1    2013-09-03 12:57:12
          - Bumped Unexpected version

0.24.3    2013-08-16 23:45:37
          - Updated toolchain
          - Converted to dist.ini. Dropped XML::DTD