package Module::Provision::TraitFor::CreatingDistributions; use namespace::autoclean; use Class::Usul::Constants qw( FAILED FALSE OK SPC TRUE ); use Class::Usul::Functions qw( emit emit_to io trim ); use Class::Usul::Types qw( ArrayRef NonEmptySimpleStr ); use English qw( -no_match_vars ); use IO::Handle; use Moo::Role; use Class::Usul::Options; requires qw( appbase appldir branch builder chdir config exec_perms homedir incdir method output next_argv project_file quiet render_templates run_cmd stash testdir vcs ); # Object attributes (public) option 'editor' => is => 'lazy', isa => NonEmptySimpleStr, documentation => 'Which text editor to use', default => sub { $_[ 0 ]->config->editor }, format => 's'; # Private functions my $_set_env_false = sub { $ENV{ $_ } = FALSE for (@_); return; }; my $_set_env_true = sub { $ENV{ $_ } = TRUE for (@_); return; }; # Private methods my $_create_mask = sub { return oct '0777' ^ $_[ 0 ]->exec_perms; }; my $_get_test_command = sub { return $_[ 1 ] ? 'prove -lv '.$_[ 1 ] : $_[ 0 ]->builder eq 'DZ' ? 'dzil test' : 'prove t'; }; my $_project_file_path = sub { return $_[ 0 ]->appldir->catfile( $_[ 0 ]->project_file ); }; # Construction around '_build_appbase' => sub { my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_; my $appbase = $orig->( $self, @args ); return $self->method eq 'dist' ? $self->base->absolute( $self->initial_wd )->catdir( $self->distname ) : $appbase; }; around '_build_appldir' => sub { my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; my $appldir = $self->$next( @args ); return !$appldir && $self->method eq 'dist' ? $self->appbase->catdir( $self->branch ) : $appldir ; }; around '_build_builder' => sub { my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; my $builder = $self->$next( @args ); return !$builder && $self->method eq 'dist' ? $self->config->builder : $builder; }; around '_build_project' => sub { my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; my $project; $self->method eq 'dist' and $project = $self->next_argv and return $project; return $self->$next( @args ); }; around '_build_vcs' => sub { my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; my $vcs = $self->$next( @args ); return $vcs eq 'none' && $self->method eq 'dist' ? $self->config->vcs : $vcs; }; # Public Methods sub create_directories { my $self = shift; my $perms = $self->exec_perms; $self->output( 'Creating directories' ); $self->appldir->exists or $self->appldir->mkpath( $perms ); $self->builder eq 'MB' and ($self->incdir->exists or $self->incdir->mkpath( $perms )); $self->testdir->exists or $self->testdir->mkpath( $perms ); $self->homedir->parent->exists or $self->homedir->parent->mkpath( $perms ); return; } sub dist : method { my $self = shift; $self->dist_pre_hook; $self->create_directories; $self->render_templates; $self->dist_post_hook; return OK; } sub dist_post_hook { my $self = shift; $self->generate_metadata( TRUE ); $self->prove; return; } sub dist_pre_hook { my $self = shift; umask $self->$_create_mask; $self->appbase->exists or $self->appbase->mkpath( $self->exec_perms ); $self->stash->{abstract} = $self->next_argv || $self->stash->{abstract}; $self->chdir( $self->appbase ); return; } sub edit_project : method { my $self = shift; my $path = $self->$_project_file_path; $self->run_cmd( $self->editor.SPC.$path, { async => TRUE } ); return OK; } sub generate_metadata { my ($self, $create) = @_; $self->chdir( $self->appldir ); my $mdf; my $verbose = $create ? FALSE : TRUE; if ($self->builder eq 'DZ') { $self->run_cmd( 'dzil build', $verbose ? { out => 'stdout' } : {} ); $self->run_cmd( 'dzil clean' ); $mdf = ''; } elsif ($self->builder eq 'MB') { $self->run_cmd( 'perl '.$self->project_file ); $self->run_cmd( './Build manifest', $verbose ? { out => 'stdout' } : {} ); $self->run_cmd( './Build distmeta', $verbose ? { out => 'stdout' } : {} ); $self->run_cmd( './Build distclean' ); $mdf = ''; } elsif ($self->builder eq 'MI') { $self->run_cmd( 'perl '.$self->project_file ); $self->run_cmd( 'make manifest', $verbose ? { out => 'stdout' } : {} ); $self->run_cmd( 'make clean' ); $mdf = 'README.mkdn'; } return $create ? $mdf : undef; } sub metadata : method { my $self = shift; $self->generate_metadata( FALSE ); return OK; } sub prove : method { my $self = shift; $self->chdir( $self->appldir ); my $cmd = $self->$_get_test_command( $self->next_argv ); $_set_env_true->( @{ $self->config->test_env_vars } ); $self->output ( 'Testing [_1]', { args => [ $self->appldir ] } ); $self->run_cmd( $cmd, $self->quiet ? {} : { out => 'stdout' } ); $_set_env_false->( @{ $self->config->test_env_vars } ); return OK; } sub select_project : method { my $self = shift; my @projects = $self->base->all_dirs; my @options = map { $_->basename } @projects; my $prompt = 'Select a project from the following list'; my $index = $self->get_option( $prompt, undef, TRUE, undef, \@options ); $index < 0 and return FAILED; my $name = $projects[ $index ]->basename; my $project = Module::Provision->new ( noask => TRUE, project => $name, quiet => TRUE ); $self->chdir( my $dir = $project->appldir ); my $io = IO::Handle->new; $io->fdopen( 3, 'w' ); emit_to $io, $dir; $io->close; return Module::Provision->new ( method => 'edit_project', noask => TRUE, quiet => TRUE )->run; } sub show_tab_title : method { my $self = shift; my $file = $self->next_argv || $self->$_project_file_path; my $text = (grep { m{ tab-title: }msx } io( $file )->getlines)[ -1 ] || ':'.$self->distname; emit trim( (split m{ : }msx, $text, 2)[ 1 ] ).SPC.$self->appbase; return OK; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf8 =head1 Name Module::Provision::TraitFor::CreatingDistributions - Create distributions =head1 Synopsis use Moose; extends 'Module::Provision::Base'; with 'Module::Provision::TraitFor::CreatingDistributions'; =head1 Description Create distributions using either Git or SVN for the VCS =head1 Configuration and Environment Requires these attributes to be defined in the consuming class; C<appbase>, C<appldir>, C<builder>, C<exec_perms>, C<homedir>, C<incdir>, C<project_file>, C<render_templates>, C<stash>, C<testdir>, and C<vcs> Defines the following attributes; =over 3 =item <editor> Which text editor to use. It is a read only, lazily evaluated, simple string that cannot be null. It defaults to the C<editor> configuration variable =back =head1 Subroutines/Methods =head2 create_directories $self->create_directories; Creates the required directories for the new distribution. If subclassed this method can be modified to include additional directories =head2 dist - Create a new distribution $exit_code = $self->dist; The distributions main module name is specified on the command line =head2 dist_post_hook $self->dist_post_hook; Runs after the new distribution has been created. If subclassed this method can be modified to perform additional actions after the templates have been rendered =head2 dist_pre_hook $self->dist_pre_hook; Runs before the new distribution is created. If subclassed this method can be modified to perform additional actions before the project directories are created =head2 edit_project - Edit the project file $exit_code = $self->edit_project; The project file is one of; F<dist.ini>, F<Build.PL>, or F<Makefile.PL> in the current directory =head2 generate_metadata $markdown_file = $self->generate_metadata( $create_flag ); Generates the distribution metadata files. If the create_flag is C<TRUE> returns the name of the F<> file =head2 metadata - Generate the distribution metadata files $exit_code = $self->metadata; Calls L</generate_metadata> with the create flag set to C<FALSE> =head2 prove - Runs the tests for the distribution $exit_code = $self->prove; Returns the exit code =head2 select_project - List available projects and select one to edit $exit_code = $self->select_project Use from the shell like this: cd $(module_provision -q select_project 2>&1 1>/dev/tty) =head2 show_tab_title - Display the tab title for the current distribution $exit_code = $self->show_tab_title; Print the tab title for the current project to C<STDOUT> =head1 Diagnostics None =head1 Dependencies =over 3 =item L<Class::Usul> =item L<Moose::Role> =back =head1 Incompatibilities There are no known incompatibilities in this module =head1 Bugs and Limitations There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome =head1 Acknowledgements Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language =head1 Author Peter Flanigan, C<< <> >> =head1 License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE =cut # Local Variables: # mode: perl # tab-width: 3 # End: