revision 1.26
date: 2000/07/28 18:19:28; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +285 -152
o new now clones a PML object if used as a method
o register can now be used as a method and it will only register
a callback for that object instead of the whold module.
o New use_stderr method to control the USE_STDERR flag
revision 1.25
date: 2000/07/18 14:39:02; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +513 -373
o Changed MEMBER_ constants to PML_
revision 1.24
date: 2000/06/30 14:36:53; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5
o You can use the LABEL to a foreach instead of '.' as the loop variable
o function_block_no_parse now does not look for quotes in the block
revision 1.23
date: 2000/06/09 00:39:47; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3
o Fixed bug. Loops were not using the new Loop counter.
revision 1.22
date: 2000/06/09 00:35:51; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +309 -72
o New POD for the README file
o New Loop Counters to tell if we are in a loop
o New die message holder to check for next, redo and last
o Added @next, @redo, @last
o Added Loop labels
o Fixed bug, gut now ignores quotes when parsing blocks
revision 1.21
date: 2000/06/07 00:18:55; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +471 -120
o New PML::Token package and objects
o MEMBER_* constants now start at 0
o New PML::Token Constants
o New CONTEXT_* constants
o New FILE_LOC_* contstants
o Using qr// again
o Updated all subs to use new PML::Token
o Fixed bug that would prevent the use of a hash in pml space
o Added append method to appened one PML object to another
o Added public object_directory to get/set a dir for creating objects,
this is used by PML::Storable but could be used by some other storing
o New PML::Storable Module for Perl space to store a parsed object
o token_foreach now stores away his ${.} before parsing the block
which lets a foreach in a foreach work now!
o tokens_execute works a little better
o token_perl now evals in list context, then checks the context of the
token to know what to return
o Added blank DESTORY sub becuase of the new AUTOLOAD sub
revision 1.20
date: 2000/06/01 22:12:52; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +406 -233
o Added recursive preventive measures
o Removed pure support for _ALL_ but still have backwards support
via a ref to the new ARGV array
o New ARGV pml array to hold arguments
o Tweaked the regexes
o Made the warning method return the warning flag
o Removed the token_execute method and rewrote the tokens_execute
method so that it can do both jobs.
o Updated parse_arguments so it works right with embeded
variables and functions. Started to add support for =>
o Made the error from gut more verbose
o Total rewrote replace_variable to now except varables with variables
and inserted recursive count to prevent deep recursion
o Set function does not need a value to set anymore
o Token_eval and Token_Variable use a new method to find variables
o Fixed bug in token_skip, but it is still broken
because we are looking for ' and " in blocks which should end
revision 1.19
date: 2000/05/23 01:49:26; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +658 -830
o Added POD
o Removed 'use Storable' and added 'use Text:Wrap' for the wrap function
o Added skip, wrap, rib, while and unless functions
o Removed support for changing the marker
o Started using new brace style
o Added support to start parsing after a regex matches the text
This is used by the pml script to parse after __END__ for parsing
the test files.
o The v method now returns all variable names if you do not give one
o Complete rewrite of parse_one_line, parse_arguments and parse_block.
o slow_gut renamed gut and old gut removed
o Bug fixes in next_line
o Removed support for using a backslash at the end of a line to suck the
next line in and concat them
o Complete rewrite of peek, peek API is totaly different
o New method, error_syntax for reporting syntax errors and dying
o Complete rewrite of parse_if, now uses gut and supports unless
o Removed parse_setif and friends and made parse_set more robost to
handle all the set* functions
o Cleaned up token_eval
o Added TOKEN_NOT to negate a token, used by unless and until
revision 1.18
date: 2000/04/18 20:18:31; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +97 -54
*) Renamed the hashes that hold the pointers to the parsers.
*) Changed the default variable VERSION to PMLVERSION
*) Fixed a bug that would replace all variables with the ones that you
pass into the parse method. Now they are just added.
*) Added a new v method to set and return variables.
*) Fixed bug where the text before a marker (@) would not be removed
from the current line if it contained charters that are special to
Perl's regular expression engine. (Basicly we now call quotemeta)
*) Moved the perl method to a new class of functions called
function_block_no_parse, so if in the future we need to do something
like what the perl sub does.
*) Perl function no longer calls gut, because of the previous line.
*) parse_arguments will no longer except any charter except a '('
as the first charater. It also does not have to use the peak function
*) When a PML module is loaded it calls a function 'init' to allow
the module to get ready. We are no longer keeping track if a module
was already loaded. This will change though.
*) Fixed a bug in @prepend and @append. They now work with an array
if you are prepending/appending only one element. You still need to
use @set to make sure that these are arrays first, or they will be
used as strings. Maybe we will create a convert/brand function to
tell PML if a variable is an array or string or hash. prepend/append
should also check to see if the variable is a hash.
*) Used a local $^W in some places to quite -w messages.
revision 1.17
date: 2000/04/05 00:16:42; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +277 -210
Added new function concat to append without the space.
Started to rename the constats so they make sence.
Macros and includes are now stored in the pml object instead of in
global variables.
revision 1.16
date: 2000/03/28 17:44:23; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3
trying to remove some warnings
revision 1.15
date: 2000/03/22 05:05:37; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4
fixed more bugs with the _ALL_ tag
revision 1.14
date: 2000/03/20 17:55:40; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +21 -8
Fixed some more bugs with parse_block. added a new tag called _ALL_. When used
in a arguments list, _ALL_ will suck all arguments into the ${_ALL_} variable.
revision 1.13
date: 2000/03/17 00:37:30; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +45 -21
Variables and macros (and subs) can now have a first char of an underscore.
Fixed a bug in parse_block where only the first line in a block was getting
magic_newline now keeps track of what line it started on so that it can
tell the user after it has exusted the array of lines
added warn_error sub for printing an error
revision 1.12
date: 2000/03/09 16:23:55; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3
fixed bug where the output would be repeated many times (collector not cleared) and fixed bug where only the first line in a block was read
revision 1.11
date: 2000/03/07 14:09:52; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +32 -7
Working on fixing some more "magic space" bugs
revision 1.10
date: 2000/03/02 18:07:49; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +295 -63
Major changes, and bug fixes. Rewrote gut routine. The replacement
is still called slow_gut because I am going to wait a little before I
rename it gut. Also fixed part of the bug where functions would leave
spaces in their place. Also added the new \T backslash commad to remove
all tabs before the \T. This makes it eaiser to line things up.
There are a few new subs called magic_*. These are the subs that will
try to remove the spaces where functions are. The sub magic_tab
was an attempt to remove the first tab on each line inside a block.
It just does not seem to intutive to use so I have it turned off.
Also started to generalise the error code. Created a fatal parse error
routine called error. This will probably change to parse_error.
revision 1.9
date: 1999/11/15 22:26:50; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +15 -13
Added some cvs variables
Added some tabs
revision 1.8
date: 1999/11/15 22:22:08; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +120 -120
Changed internal PML object from a hash reference to an array reference.
revision 1.7
date: 1999/11/04 17:32:18; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +60 -11
Applied patch from home that removes the use of File::PathConvert.
Now PML does not need any non-standard Perl Modules.
revision 1.6
date: 1999/10/15 22:28:55; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8
Changed the prefix function to the prepend function.
I think that this makes a lot more sence (cents)?
revision 1.5
date: 1999/10/15 22:04:11; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
Fixed bug in parse_argumets where a double quote was being sent to
gut even when it should have been a single quote.
revision 1.4
date: 1999/10/15 21:57:10; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +32 -4
parse_arguments will now except numbers without requiring them to have
quotes wrapped around them.
When gut can't find the closing delimiter and dies with an error, the error
message will now wrap the delimiter in either single or double
quotes depending on the delimiter.
Using a variable as if it were an array when it is not now only
produces an error if warnings are turned on.
Better checking for a valid variable name in token_set.
revision 1.3
date: 1999/10/15 19:30:13; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
Fixed bug in gut, when removing a quoted string from within another string
gut will now call itself with the correct delimiter.
revision 1.2
date: 1999/10/15 19:01:58; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
Fixed bug in parse_arguments that would cause an infinite loop when
it saw a PML marker inside the arguments to another PML function.
revision 1.1
date: 1999/10/15 18:26:17; author: pjones; state: Exp;
branches: 1.1.1;
Initial revision
date: 1999/10/15 18:26:17; author: pjones; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0
Initial Import