Revision history for Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitHub

0.05      2019-09-27 05:48:35 -0600
  - Add include_assets property (gh#7 kiwiroy++)

0.04      2019-08-30 02:33:59 -0400
  - Fix "wide character in subroutine entry" diagnostic.

0.03      2019-04-09 04:33:06 -0400
  - Fixed bug where json was improperly decoded for fetch plugins that use temp files (gh#4,gh#5)
  - Added a number of unit tests (gh#2, gh#5)
  - Fixed bug where version wasn't being correctly parsed from the index (gh#1, gh#5)

0.02      2019-04-08 21:14:57 -0400
  - Update documentation.
  - Changed the default of the prefer property from 1 to 0.
  - When prefer property is set to 0, a default prefer hook is added, which
    leaves the list of releases unsorted.  This is different from the
    Download Negotiator plugin.  Since GitHub usually returns a
    sorted list of releases this will frequently be what you want.

0.01      2019-04-08 20:51:34 -0400
  - initial version