Revision history for App-spaceless

0.07      2015-12-29 15:50:09 -0500
  - skip directories that do not exist on cygwin.
    as they cannot be made spaceless.

0.06      2014-12-20 05:39:56 -0500
  - internal cleanup
  - now requires Perl 5.10.1

0.05      2014-05-31 12:42:32 -0400
  - capture warning from running shell during test
    to avoid failure

0.04      2014-05-31 06:37:09 -0400
  - bump version requirement for Shell::Guess to 0.04
    to avoid infrequent test failure

0.03      2014-05-29 07:43:32 -0400
  - first CPAN release
  - added --login option
  - added --list option
  - added --squeeze option
  - added --sep* options

0.02      2014-05-28 08:53:13 -0400
  - added --expand | -x option
  - added --no-cygwin option
  - added t/basic.t
  - avoid warnings

0.01      2014-05-27 20:33:28 -0400
  - initial version