Revision history for Clustericious

1.09      2015-12-06 20:19:20 -0500
  - Removed old test t/command_configurepath.t which stopped
    working and was replaced anyhow by t/command_configpath.t
  - Clustericious::Log now uses the same config path as
    Clustericious::Config, as you might expect it should

1.08      2015-12-06 14:05:39 -0500
  - Test::Clustericious is deprecated.  Use Test::Clustericious::Cluster instead.
    Test::Clustericious will be removed on or after January 31, 2016
  - Configs with .yml extension are deprecated and will be removed on or after January 31, 2016
  - Fixed bug where stop command didn't work with default hypnotoad config
  - Fixed bug where plackup command didn't work.
  - The /status route now returns the actual URL, not the configured one.
    Among other things, this means that if you start a service withe the mojo
    daemon command using the -l option, you will get the correct URL in the status
  - Reworked start / stop commands and added examples and documentation.
  - Added Test::Clustericious::Command for testing clustericious commands.
    Interface to be documented better later.
  - The status command now exits with 2 if the service is not
    up, and 0 if it is.
  - Clustericious daemon command now defaults to configured url
  - Added morbo command to run morbo with the configured url by default

1.07      2015-12-02 11:27:28 -0500
  - Fixed bug in Clustericious::Config on MSWin32 (thanks to chorny for the report gh#23)

1.06      2015-11-29 12:40:03 -0500
  - Clustericious::Log correctly sets the category
  - Moved repository to clustericious org on github
    (updated meta appropriately)

1.05      2015-11-20 08:58:24 -0500
  - Mojolicious 6.32 compatability (change to test only)
  - Loading configuration from a relative or absolute pathname
    is now supported, so long as the filename ends in .conf
    or .yml.
  - Loading a configuration from a scalar and JSON configuration
    files are deprecated and will be removed on or after January 31, 2016
    (ie Clustericious::Config->new(\"{'a':1}")
  - Clustericious::Config methods set_singleton and dump_as_yaml are
    now deprecated and will issue a warning when used.  They will be
    removed but not before January 31, 2016.
  - Migrate from JSON::XS to JSON::MaybeXS
  - Much less pollution of Clustericious::Config.
  - Added some testing functions to Test::Clustericious::Log
    previously it simply redirected logging to TAP via
    Log::Log4perl::Appender::TAP (which it still does).
  - Generally improved documentation coverage for Test::Clustericious::Log

1.04      2015-11-17 10:36:15 -0500
  - Fixed bug where using a single string as start_mode
    (instead of a list) would crash the configuration.
  - Remove /util/etc from configuration search paths.
    This was specific to our usage, and as it turned
    out we wern't even using it.
  - Added config helpers 'address', 'public_address'
    and 'interface'.  See Clustericious::Config::Helpers.

1.03      2015-11-11 07:07:52 -0500
  - By default use a sane "hypnotoad" configuration
    for start_mode, if it isn't specified.
  - Clustericious::Config default values can be a
    code reference.  The code reference will be
    evaluated to determine the default value if it
    isn't provided by the configuration file.

1.02      2015-11-03 13:01:00 -0500
  - Re-release of Clustericious 1.01 due to errors in
    the release process
  - Better integration with Test::Clustericious::Cluster
    allows you to test with Clustericious::Client objects
    without replacing their Mojo::UserAgent objects.
  - Clustericious::Client user agent string will now include the
    Clustericious and App versions so that they can be easier
    to identify in logs.  Example for Yars:
    "Clustericious::Client/1.01 Yars/1.11"
  - A number of small Mojolicious compatability fixes
  - You can now customize client objects as they are created
    for local needs by creating class method
    this change is experimental (and otherwise undocumented)
    and may be removed refactored in the future.

1.00      2015-05-07 07:29:55 America/New_York
  - Documentation updates.

0.9946    2015-04-29 03:59:58 America/New_York
  - Test::Clustericious now recognizes JSON with a charset
    (needed for Mojo 6.08+ compat)

0.9945    2015-03-18 01:38:01 America/New_York
  - Remove dep on File::Slurp which is considered broken

0.9944    2015-03-13 03:51:13 America/New_York
  - Require Mojolicious 6.x or better

0.9943    2015-03-13 03:45:58 America/New_York
  - Mojolicious 6.x comptability

0.9942    2015-01-29 12:31:45 America/New_York
  - Remove render_not_found and render_exception compat methods
    in Clustericious::Controller.  It was causing infinite loop
    when using recent versions of Mojolicious
  - Fixed a number of warnings that are revealed in newer versions
    of Perl and Mojolicious

0.9941    2014-12-30 12:26:40 America/New_York
  - Production release identical to 0.9940_04

0.9940_04 2014-12-29 11:35:15 America/New_York
  - require Mojolicious 5.40 (fixes GH#11)
    typo'd this version in the last version
  - test suite now uses Test::Clustericious::Log in some places
    to avoid paluting production logs/your screeen
  - remove the use of #!/usr/bin/env perl
    as it can confuse some environments with multiple
    perls.  If you need to run clustericious from its source
    base use "perl -Ilib bin/clustericious" instead

0.9940_03 2014-12-28 21:48:53 America/New_York
  - require Mojolicious 5.40 (fixes GH#11)

0.9940_02 2014-12-19 16:30:07 America/New_York
  - make Log::Log4perl::Appender::TAP a dep
    (needed for Test::Clustericious::Log)

0.9940_01 2014-12-19 15:11:37 America/New_York
  - merge Clustericious::Client into this distro
  - merge Clustericious::Log into this distro
  - merge Clustericious::Config into this distro

0.9940    2014-12-11 10:18:51 America/New_York
  - fixed hypnotoad incompatability introduced in recent version of mojo

0.9939    2014-12-09 13:04:49 America/New_York
  - make render_not_found and render_exception (hopefully) future proof for
    Mojolicious 6.x

0.9938    2014-12-09 10:36:39 America/New_York
  - do not implicitly use Mojo::JSON
    if you need it in your app make sure you use it yourself

0.9937    2014-07-09 11:19:14 America/New_York
  - fix installer bug where application templates were not being installed

0.9936    2014-04-09 12:12:52 America/New_York
  - remove test harness detection

0.9935    2014-01-09 15:31:55 America/New_York
  - explicitly require Mojolicious 4.31 (required for non-blocking authentication)
  - remove support for Mojo 3.x

0.9934    2014-01-07 17:16:24 America/New_York
  - updates for this week's round of Mojolicious deprecations
  - non-blocking authentication

0.9932    2013-12-16 12:15:29 America/New_York
  - don't call log as a class method for compatibility with recent Mojos

0.9931    2013-10-26 08:53:17 America/New_York
  - Mojo 4.50 deprecation compatability (compat with both >= 4.50 and < 4.50 without warnings)

0.9930    2013-08-31 20:36:02 America/New_York
  - added 'clustericious configure' command
  - migrate to Dist::Zilla

0.9929  Sat Jul 20 09:22:26 EDT 2013
	- require Clustericious::Log 0.14
0.9928_01 Thu Jul 18 16:47:43 EDT 2013
        - rm debug

0.9928  Wed Jul 10 22:07:29 EDT 2013
        - added configtest command a la apache
        - allow for a null app

0.9927  Sun Jun 30 18:20:31 EDT 2013
        - rm dep on YAML::Syck

0.9926  Tue Jun 25 12:13:35 EDT 2013
        - Update project metadata

0.9925  Fri Jun 14 15:59:13 EDT 2013
        - Use PlugAuth::Lite for plugauth testing
        - requires Clustericious::Config 0.17 for Test::Clustericious::Config;
        - rm Clustericious::Plugin::PlugAuth->skip_auth
          see t/subreq.t for a different way to do this

0.9924  Thu Jun  6 07:58:50 EDT 2013
        - documentation

0.9923  Wed Jun  5 13:36:56 EDT 2013
        - fixed some documentation typos

0.9922  Wed Jun  5 13:08:14 EDT 2013
        - documentation enhacements
        - don't include utility in distribution

0.9921  Unknown
         - support for MSWin32
         - rm Makefile.PL

0.9920  Unknown
         - Mojolicious 4.0 compatability

0.9919   Fri May 10 19:27:40 EDT 2013
         - fix meta data

0.9915   Tue Mar 26 08:17:59 EDT 2013
         - plugin hook for autodata to add encodings

0.9914   Tue Mar 26 08:03:44 EDT 2013
          Avoid timeouts in test and use $c->ua in simpleauth plugin.

0.9913   Wed Mar 13 11:50:51 EDT 2013
          Allow cross origin resource sharing by default.

0.9912   Fri Feb 22 10:39:52 EST 2013
          Fixed autodatahandler when charset is in content-type..

0.9911   Fri Feb 15 09:58:40 EST 2013
          Fixed tests for mojo 3.85 compatibility

0.9910   Thu Feb  7 15:04:10 EST 2013
          Mojolicious 3.84 compatibility

0.9909   Thu Dec 20 11:13:29 PST 2012
          Plugauth compatibility

0.9908   Thu Nov 29 12:51:20 EST 2012
          Added 'generate app', fixed 'generate client'.

0.9907   Wed Nov 28 13:57:01 EST 2012
          Improved proxy support

0.9906   Fri Oct 26 13:29:52 EDT 2012
          Support "PlugAuth" in SimpleAuth plugin (gollis)

0.9905    Mon Oct 22 11:29:31 EDT 2012
          - fixed tests interacting with Rose-Planter

0.9904    Thu Oct 18 13:15:52 EDT 2012
          - fixed /api when there is no Rose

0.9903    Mon Oct 15 15:26:40 EDT 2012
          - simpleauth plugin enhancements (gollis)
          - /api/:table (gollis)

0.9902    Fri Aug 17 13:58:46 EDT 2012
          'generate client' command

0.9901    Thu Aug 16 11:57:02 EDT 2012
          first release