Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FFI

1.08      2024-12-18 20:30:19 -0700
  - Add support for FFI::Platypus::Lang::V (gh#15)

1.07      2022-10-16 04:37:01 -0600
  - Removed mostly harmless warning (gh#10)
  - Fix bug where some files aren't being pruned that should (gh#10)

1.06      2022-10-15 19:53:30 -0600
  - Drop required Perl to 5.20
  - Added lang and build properties to [FFI::Build] plugin (gh#9)

1.05      2022-02-22 09:32:27 -0700
  - Bump required Perl to 5.24
    (required by indirect dependency App::Cmd anyway)
  - Move to PerlFFI GitHub org.
  - Added alien and try_linker_script options to [FFI::CheckLib]
    plugin (gh#6, ZMUGHAL++)
  - [FFI::CheckLib] plugin now makes FFI::CheckLib 0.28
    a configure time prereq (gh#6)

1.04      2019-08-13 13:58:33 -0400
  - [FFI::Build] will prune ffi/_build files which you
    probably do not want bundled with your FFI dist.

1.03      2019-02-12 16:06:51 -0500
  - [FFI::Build] sets configure_requires properly for 

1.02      2018-11-18 11:37:05 -0500
  - Merged Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FFI-CheckLib into this dist.
    (see Changes.Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FFI-CheckLib for changes
    for that module)

0.01      2018-08-09 05:34:49 -0400
  - initial version