Revision history for FFI-Build

0.12      2019-01-06 10:23:17 -0500
  - Make FFI::Platypus an optional testing dependency
    (previously it was a required dependency for testing

0.11      2018-12-20 21:55:50 -0700
  - Require EUMM 7.24 for fixes in testing

0.10      2018-12-20 17:51:17 -0700
  - Fix bug where build aliens were used
    for test only build

0.09      2018-08-28 10:50:27 -0400
  - Additional test diagnostics

0.08      2018-08-28 09:58:19 -0400
  - Same workaroudn for linkers with space

0.07      2018-08-20 10:52:27 -0400
  - Workaround for compilers with space

0.06      2018-08-20 08:57:30 -0400
  - Fix test

0.05      2018-08-20 05:17:36 -0400
  - Removed FFI::Build::File::Fortran, which is now part of the
    FFI-Platypus-Lang-Fortran dist

0.04      2018-08-19 12:56:54 -0400
  - When `cc -MM` or `c++ -MM` fails for computing dependencies, fall back
    on just the .c file being the dependency.

0.03      2018-08-16 04:03:09 -0400
  - Fix for test failure on cygwin + MSWin32
  - Additional diagnostics for Fortran build test

0.02      2018-08-09 04:54:30 -0400
  - initial version