Revision history for FFI-CheckLib

0.09      2015-01-28 17:10:53 -0500
  - Skip undef found in system library path. (thanks bakkiaraj gh#3)
    On Windows this was causing a undef'd variable warning if %PATH% has a 
    trailing ;

0.08      2015-01-25 04:54:37 -0500
  - Prefer FFI::Platypus in documentation over FFI::Raw

0.07      2015-01-16 10:22:22 -0500
  - bugfix: forgot to export find_lib_or_die

0.06      2015-01-13 12:07:19 -0500
  - add function find_lib_or_die

0.05      2015-01-10 17:31:34 -0500
  - add function find_lib_or_exit (GH#2)
  - [API CHANGE] find_lib returns first library
    found if called in scalar context, instead 
    of the number of libraries found.
  - better diagnostics for failure (GH#1)

0.04      2015-01-02 11:21:59 -0500
  - works with .bundle files on OS X
    (previously only with .dylib files)

0.03      2014-10-26 16:35:22 -0400
  - use DynaLoader for symbol resolution instead of FFI::Raw
    thus remove dep on FFI::Raw
  - add verify option

0.02      2014-10-26 13:18:14 -0400
  - first release to CPAN

0.01      2014-10-26 11:34:58 -0400
  - initial version