Revision history for Perl module FFI::Platypus::Lang::Pascal

0.10 2022-10-26 05:58:37 -0600
  - Fix bug where FFI::Build::File::Pascal would sometimes
    exit on failure instead of die, which would throw away
    any diagnostics when running in dev / prove mode (gh#21)

0.09 2020-07-12 09:29:33 -0600
  - Added File::chdir as a configure prereq
    (this was used, but undeclared in the previous two releases)

0.08 2020-07-10 18:22:20 -0600
  - Added Path::Tiny as a configure / runtime prereq
    (this was used, but undeclared in the previous release)

0.07 2020-07-10 11:56:34 -0600
  - Migrate from Module::Build::FFI to FFI::Build
  - Migrate from Module::Build to EUMM
  - Added FFI::Build::File::Pascal

0.06 2019-01-14 20:19:35 -0500
  - Move Module::Build::FFI::Pascal to Module-Build-FFI

0.05  Apr 21, 2015
  - Allow ; to separate types on the parameter list for unmangeled names
    which is the norm for Pascal. (gh#6)
  - Continue to allow , to separate types as well for backward compatability

0.04  Feb 17, 2015
  - Fixed inconsistent versions from previous release

0.03  Feb 15, 2015
  - Meta and documentation tweaks

0.02  Feb 3, 2015
  - Fix for OS X and its addition to multiple extensions for dynamic libraries

0.01  Feb 2, 2015
  - Initial release