If you HATE Dist::Zilla, fear not, you can pretty easily hack at make
pull requests for FFI::TinyCC without installing dzil and pulling down
half of CPAN!
If you Love Dist::Zilla, or if you work with it anyway, then you know
what to do and can skip reading this.
You will need to install these CPAN dists to work on this dist:
. perl 5.8.1 or better (required for FFI::Platypus)
. autodie
. Alien::TinyCC
. Archive::Ar 2.02 or better
. File::chdir
. Path::Class
. IPC::System::Simple
. FFI::Platypus
. FFI::Platypus::Type::StringArray
(sorry there is no cpanfile)
You will also need a shared or dll version of libtcc for your platform.
Unfortunately, Alien::TinyCC comes with a static library only on most
(all?) Unix platforms. This normally gets built and put in the share
directory by Module::Build when you install, but of course since you
don't want to run dzil that isn't an option. It is okay, you can build
it from the checked out git repository like this:
% perl -Iinc -MMy::DLL -E tcc_build
Take a look at the share directory you should have a libtcc.so or
libtcc.dll now. If you have to switch architectures with the same
repository, you can clean up with this incantation:
% perl -Iinc -MMy:DLL -E tcc_clean
Now that you have the dynamic library that FFI::TinyCC needs, you can
run the test suite by using prove and its -l option:
% prove -l
If you need to run a one-liner or whole program with your checked out
git version of FFI::TinyCC, you can set PERL5LIB to the lib directory in
this repository and it should just work. If it doesn't, then please let
me know. I like to use Dist::Zilla because it saves me time, but I am
happy to make an effort to make it easier for you to contribute.
Graham <plicease@cpan.org>