Revision history for PlugAuth-Plugin-LDAP

0.07      2015-11-29 16:08:01 -0500
  - Updated tests to use YAML instead of JSON in preeration
    for the latter being deprecated.
  - Use Test::Clustericious::Cluster instead of Test::Mojo
  - Moved repository to clustericious org on github
    (updated meta appropriately)

0.06      2014-01-22 17:45:36 America/New_York
  - Mojo 4.50 compat

0.05      2013-07-06 17:58:32 America/New_York
  - update metadata

0.04      2013-05-30 15:18:19 America/New_York
  - Fixes for MSWin32

0.03      2013-05-10 13:04:22 America/New_York
  - Documentation

0.02      2013-04-23 17:13:04 America/New_York
  - use MakeMaker instead of ModuleBuild
  - use [ACPS::RPM]

0.01      2012-11-29 15:17:49 America/New_York
  - initial version