Revision history for Perl extension Term::EditLine.

0.10 2017-03-21 15:08:21 -0400
  - Only require Alien::Editline as a build requires, and only
    if libedit cannot be discovered via pkg-config.

0.09  Mon Dec 14, 2015
  - Updated MANIFEST to remove files that had been removed in
    the previous release.

0.08  Sun Sep 13, 2015
  - Remove Term::EditLine2
    The original language was the module would be deprecated but
    not before September 12, 2015, but it should have been
    "Term::EditLine2 IS deprecated, but will not be REMOVED before
    September 12, 2015".  I apologize for the wording, though I
    still feel that the migration to be dead simple, and the number
    of users using Term::EditLine is probably zero.

0.07  Thu Mar 12, 2015
  - integrated back in to Term::EditLine
  - Term::EditLine2 will be deprecated, but not before September
    12, 2015

0.06  Thu Sep 11, 2015
  - forked from Term::EditLine to Term::EditLine2
  - use Alien::Editline to locate editline library

0.05  Sun Jan 25 21:01:33 2004
  - added $el->set_line, not really tested, maybe buggy

0.04  Fri Dec 12 19:22:16 2003
  - added more information to the README file
  - changed the POD documentation

0.03  Sun Jun 15 17:40:01 2003
  - added set_getc_fun; Term::EditLine now supports non blocking I/O
  - Replaced the standard README file

0.01  Tue Jan  7 23:07:26 2003
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-Ox -n Term::EditLine histedit.h